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How do they keep their jobs?

Big Cliff

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Driving through Scarborough the other day I saw all these beautiful trees just waiting to be planted along the side of the road, there were a couple of hundred of them, beautiful, straight, tall.


All were right under the hydro lines and in fact, most of them were already within a foot or two of the line. How much money has hydro just spent cutting treas away from hydro lines in Ontairo? Who is paying Hydro to do it? What idiot just approved the planting of all of these trees and how come they get to keep their job?


Driving up Hwy. 12; little village, speed sign 50 km/ph.... fifty yards further and clearly in sight 70 km/ph begins! Fifty yards past that another sign and clearly within sight, 80 km/ph begins. I can only wonder how much each of these signs cost, what it costs to install and how much do we spend maintaining them. Our tax dollars hard at work????????


Out in a rural area, no sidewalks, nothing much to walk to anyway there is a set of traffic lights with one of those nice walk/dont walk count down traffic lights. What idiot in there right mind got away with approving that? These people shouldn't have a job where they have the power to make decisions to spend our money! Who is their boss and why do they even have a job if they can't supervise their employees and make them accountable?


It is time for some accountability. Our seniors can go hungry, without heat, be told we have to start paying for our own medications because our government is running out of money but we can donate billions to other countries?


Billions get pissed up against the wall, senitors get charged, but no one is really ever held acountabile and now our members of parliment don't want to have to account for their expense claims? It's our money that they are spending for their lavish trips and if they do get caught they don't even get a slap on the wrist. Lets you and I try defrauding people and see what happens.


Lastly our wonderful Premier gets up on stage at the Gay Pride Paride and states " I am Lesbien and the Permier of Ontario, how wonderful is that?" I can only imagine what the out cry would be if I got up in front of thousands of people and said "I am hetrosexual and I am a truck driver". OMG I would be labeled sexist so fast!!!!!


I really don't care if she is lesbien but I do care that it seems to be her priority and now she is dictating that our children and grand children should be taught that this is a normal and acceptable thing? By who's standards?


Teaching little kids about masterbation, same sex relationships????? If I as an adult was to talk to a 12 or 14 year old girl about anything to do with sex I would be in jail so fast and I would be labeled a sexual devient! Strangly our wonderful Premier thinks it's ok for our teachers to do it? Not in my books, but how does she get away with it?


Sorry for the rant folks but I do find it frustrating!

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Driving up Hwy. 12; little village, speed sign 50 km/ph.... fifty yards further and clearly in sight 70 km/ph begins! Fifty yards past that another sign and clearly within sight, 80 km/ph begins. I can only wonder how much each of these signs cost, what it costs to install and how much do we spend maintaining them. Our tax dollars hard at work????????


Sorry for the rant folks but I do find it frustrating!


Must be the small town mentality, we have the exact same situation on top of the escarpment here in Grimsby. As often as not they have radar set up there as well :wallbash:

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Must be the small town mentality, we have the exact same situation on top of the escarpment here in Grimsby. As often as not they have radar set up there as well :wallbash:

You must live close to my Brother, he watches them get pulled over all the time from his shop.

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Big Cliff , extremely well said and so truthful in everyway


Any premier is to represent the govt period, not to talk about sex, and yes some things that are being taught in schools now is mind bogeling.


If my teachers had talked about some of this stuff I would have gone to the school board , u are there for an education not someone elses views about what is sexualy right or wrong. Those are individual personal choices , not the educational system.


Many morals and values have been watered down so much over the years I can only wonder what some of the people who gave their lives fighting for this country would be thinking

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Don't they say 1 in 10 people are gay? If that's true, and based on tv culture I'd say it is, then why not teach it in school? I see many people in the public that shouldn't have kids; I'd rather rely on the schools to teach kids these things, than their lunatic, lazy, worthless parents. When I was in school, being gay was a bad thing and we were brutally mean to anyway who wasn't straight as an arrow... man were we mean and I regret it. My dad was a teacher and he had strong anti-gay attitudes as well!..not anymore.


The culture based on 'traditions' and religions is absolutely counter-intuitive, both to science and to society. I'd rather over-liberal weirdos over right-wing brainwashed idiots. I fall in the middle somewhere I think.


There is definitely waste in Government, and Hydro one drives me friggen nuts, but government also has a role in society as much as the economy.


I agree that financially this provincial government has screwed up big time and I'm personally feeling the pinch in taxes, higher rates etc. and will not vote for them next time (nor did I last time!). I can however, separate the financial failures from the positive gains in some circles of society and the environment.


The current federal government has been good to me financially, but they are creating a culture that I feel is anti-canadian and it's pisses me off so I won't vote for them either.


Life is hard to balance,there are a lot of things to get over and move-on from. I'm very happy with my life at home, so the things I can't control don't bother me so much.

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Don't they say 1 in 10 people are gay? If that's true, and based on tv culture I'd say it is, then why not teach it in school? I see many people in the public that shouldn't have kids; I'd rather rely on the schools to teach kids these things, than their lunatic, lazy, worthless parents. When I was in school, being gay was a bad thing and we were brutally mean to anyway who wasn't straight as an arrow... man were we mean and I regret it. My dad was a teacher and he had strong anti-gay attitudes as well!..not anymore.


The culture based on 'traditions' and religions is absolutely counter-intuitive, both to science and to society. I'd rather over-liberal weirdos over right-wing brainwashed idiots. I fall in the middle somewhere I think.


There is definitely waste in Government, and Hydro one drives me friggen nuts, but government also has a role in society as much as the economy.


I agree that financially this provincial government has screwed up big time and I'm personally feeling the pinch in taxes, higher rates etc. and will not vote for them next time (nor did I last time!). I can however, separate the financial failures from the positive gains in some circles of society and the environment.


The current federal government has been good to me financially, but they are creating a culture that I feel is anti-canadian and it's pisses me off so I won't vote for them either.


Life is hard to balance,there are a lot of things to get over and move-on from. I'm very happy with my life at home, so the things I can't control don't bother me so much.

I have many friends that are "gay", I have a 14 year old great grandaughter that has decided that she is lisbian and I love her to pieces. I don't go around saying "I am hetrosexual", they don't go around saying "I am Gay".


Each to their own but no one has the right to push their orientation on anyone else! Let me catch you trying to tell some 12 or 14 year old girl all about masterbation and sex and I will personally show you what I think about your attitude!!!!! You can do and be whatever you want to do and be but not when it comes to children!

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Maybe its time for a Heterosexual parade . Would they let that happen. That would be discriminating wouldnt it. I also have gay friends and I respect them. Politicians would do anything for a vote. Slimebuckets.

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Maybe its time for a Heterosexual parade . Would they let that happen. That would be discriminating wouldnt it. I also have gay friends and I respect them. Politicians would do anything for a vote. Slimebuckets.

I would march in that parade.... Heck I'd even lead it and be PROUD to do it. We could call it the PROUD parade. I wonder if Wynne would support it, I wonder if Tory and his family would march with us?

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How exactly are kids getting homosexuality forced on them??? By being taught that it exists, and that it's okay? I guess you'd rather have educators, guidance counsellors etc remain silent about the topic and let those poor kids spend their entire adolescence confused and likely bullied and depressed? Any idea how high the suicide rate is amongst homosexual teens, even in Canada? Its scary high, and this hear nothing see nothing say nothing model of sex education in this country has a lot to do with it. It's amazing the level of homophobia that is tolerated on this board. And no I didn't vote liberal in the last election but I like to think I'm level headed enough to see this is a progressive move towards a more inclusive society. One day my daughter will be taking part in these classes and I'm glad for it.

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How exactly are kids getting homosexuality forced on them??? By being taught that it exists, and that it's okay? I guess you'd rather have educators, guidance counsellors etc remain silent about the topic and let those poor kids spend their entire adolescence confused and likely bullied and depressed? Any idea how high the suicide rate is amongst homosexual teens, even in Canada? Its scary high, and this hear nothing see nothing say nothing model of sex education in this country has a lot to do with it. It's amazing the level of homophobia that is tolerated on this board. And no I didn't vote liberal in the last election but I like to think I'm level headed enough to see this is a progressive move towards a more inclusive society. One day my daughter will be taking part in these classes and I'm glad for it.

So you are telling me that having some man talking to your 10 or 12 year old daughter about sex, masterbation, anal, oral.... sex is ok with you?


You do have a right to your sexual choices and beliefs in this country, in many others you would be stoned or whatever.


In Canada we tend to be tolerant but I believe it is a parents place to teach our children about these things and that no one else has the right to impose their views or standards on our families values.


I would love to see your reaction if some man came up to your 12 year old daughter or son on the street and decided to teach her/him all about sex! Well, it isn't my place to say, you might be alright with that! I sure wouldn't!


You know what though; good for you, at least you didn't vote Liberal!

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Try approaching an educator with that argument. I know a few, and I'm sure they'd love to be likened to 'some guy on the street'. No one is 'imposing' their views on anyone, merely educating. I guess you don't believe in drug education either? It's well documented around the world that societies with extensive sex-ed youth programs and more liberal views on sex in general have far lower STI and teen pregnancy rates. I guess people hard facts don't mean much when your mind is sealed shut to new ideas.

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Try approaching an educator with that argument. I know a few, and I'm sure they'd love to be likened to 'some guy on the street'. No one is 'imposing' their views on anyone, merely educating. I guess you don't believe in drug education either? It's well documented around the world that societies with extensive sex-ed youth programs and more liberal views on sex in general have far lower STI and teen pregnancy rates. I guess people hard facts don't mean much when your mind is sealed shut to new ideas.

So you are saying that a stranger talking to your kids about sex is ok with you? Each to their own!

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If you think this is bad, just imagine if we all voted NDP... It will be interesting to see what happens in Alberta.. I believe the culture out there is less tolerant than we are (Ontario) on such matters of sexuality.


Even though as a race we sometimes feel we've come so far, things like this show me how far we've yet to go.


To the OP, thanks for the refreshing perspective to what our current reality looks like.



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wait till you hear how much the Liberals are spending to put co-gender washrooms in the schools for the boys that think they are girls and the girls that think they are boys


maybe its trans-gender but you get the ideal

Edited by Terry
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I think it's fair to make some distinction between teachers and strangers. It's not like you are going to let a stranger take your kid on a field trip. I see where you are coming from though Cliff.

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Change terrifies some people. Some react by quietly observing to see what happens next, hoping for the best. Others openly vocalize against the change by pointing out what might happen. Regardless it's not the topic that is the issue, it's the fact it's different. It's change.

When you look around and your big beefs are how close together traffic signs are or trees planted near hydro lines, you should be smiling.

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Why would they care? It isn't their money. And besides, there are no consequences. The provincial government is the largest employer in the province and therefore have the largest voting block in their hip pocket. Ontario; Home of the self serving public servant. What a travesty.

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