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The Bear


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As for protocols involving bears, they are very hesitant to tranquilize them in urban areas as it takes time for the bear to go nighty night and in that time it can injure someone. Especially if in an area near a school or playground.

We have had numerous bears wander through town here in Yellowknife and there have been a few that were frequenting areas where there are children and they were put down. Others in less populated areas of town have been trapped and relocated.

This does not usually work if the bear has become habituated to peoples garbage though. You can dump them in the bush 100 miles away and they will usually be back in a few days. Then they get shot.

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Yup. A million problems in the world and the community and they are upset about a bear.... Not the increasing domestic violence or drugs or gang violence... But a bear

And I bet 99.9% of those people use their cell phones while they drive, if this had gone that there was a human injury they would all be quiet and demand action against bears or other wildlife posing a threat!


You can't please them all unfortunately.

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Yup. A million problems in the world and the community and they are upset about a bear.... Not the increasing domestic violence or drugs or gang violence... But a bear


Black bear lives matter plus people LOVE cute cuddly things.

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People don't realize that the MNR would have done the same thing. If they tranq the bear and it gets spooked then someone is gonna get hurt.


Exactly, just what I said in my post a few back.

They will NOT tranquilize a bear in a heavily populated area due to the time it takes for it to go down.

Way too easy for it to maul one or more people as it's running scared after being shot.

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My uncle is a vet and the OPP have called him on occasion to tranquilize escaped creatures from zoos, and wild things around the Niagara region. He is a large animal vet with experience with big cats, bears, giraffes ect ect. Maybe police should have a vet on call for these situations?

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One of the stories in the book, Reid said, describes an interesting time in his career when he worked alongside two SWAT teams to capture a bear that escaped from the Stevensville zoo.

“Before I could get there, [the bear] was actually just sitting on a farmer’s front porch at midnight on their couch,” said Reid. “[The farmer] went outside and saw the bear and panicked.”

When the SWAT team arrived they set off a stun grenade, and Reid said the bear ran off before he could get to the site. Throughout the next day, the bear was on the loose in town.

“They actually shut down the whole town. They had to cordon off the area until we got this bear,” he said. “We had two SWAT teams and they really wanted to shoot the bear, so I had to convince them that we could use my little pea shooter of a dart gun and dart him, capture him and bring him back.”

Surrounded by news reporters and camera crews, Reid said he was 40 hours without sleep by the time it was all over, but memories of that day back in August 2007 still stick with him so vividly even seven years later.

“It was a wild situation, but it had a good outcome,” he said.

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Yup. A million problems in the world and the community and they are upset about a bear.... Not the increasing domestic violence or drugs or gang violence... But a bear

By and large, peoples priorities are backwards. Moreso in urban areas. A bear protest. Now I've heard everything.

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I saw a program recently on tv that would be the equivalent to North Woods Law. I think it was filmed in Seattle. About 6 game wardens with dogs surround the bear, let the dogs loose and get peppering at it with rubber bullets. The thought process is to deter the bear from ever coming back to an urban area.That bear is probably still running lol

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Its unfortunate that it went down as it did but it is what it is, maybe if we had a few more co,s and they were better equipped to handle these situations than it wouldnt come to this. Id imagine most people would be quick on the trigger if a trapped scared bear decided it had had enough.

If you dont believe that try it sometime and see how close he gets before you shoot.

Edited by Gallie
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I believe the last bear in Newmarket was shot with tranquilizer while up a tree. Eventually went sleepy and fell out with a crash. Put into the cage and taken who knows where. Not to second guess the YRP, but if they tried to get it out of the tree, then that sounds like a bad decision. Should have let it be like the last one. Then bring it down with a dart.


I think people can separate a bear from a cuddly toy and a bruin that can and would eat a human so I don't see them as being warm and fuzzy for that but for a bear that didn't have to die. ymmv

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This sort of thing happens daily in northern communities and no one bats an eye, but since it happened near the GTA it has become a national news story. If I call CTV when I shoot a bear will these idiots come and protest at my house?

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