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I love my dog, great fishing partner and all round friend!


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Hi all,


me and the pup headed down the ice road for some C&R relaxation.



I've said it before and say it again, what an awesome friend he is, never complains, always happy to see you,



Never lies to you or plays mind games, won't steal from you, talk behind your back,



Not a mean atom in his handsome brown body, all he asks is to sleep at my feet at the end of the bed,



Two bowls of kibble a day, big hugs and games of tug 'o' war, some water,



Sticks thrown in the lake, and not to be shouted at too loudly when harassing the cats!



If this was Facebook it would be one of those "share if you love your dog" posts.














































Edited by limeyangler
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Great post Simon, not many things in this world better than a good & loyal pooch.


Just over a year now since Marvin passed away, but there's not a day goes by that I'm not thinking of all the great times we had together for 18 years.

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No better or closer friend than your dog. Who greets me at the door? Showers me with hugs and kisses? Always ready to stand by my side? Who never talks back or argues? Happy to play. Never hogs the blankets?

The answer is not my wife or kids. I still miss Lucky and Peanut, but Casey makes up for the 2 of them in spades.

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ya, he looks like he's well behaved during fishing outings... you can tell he's sharp as a tack!


My husky is a bit of a dummy when it comes to going fishing; he'll wander, visit every group of people he can find and doesn't always get along with other male dogs. Yesterday he got freaked out by people doing some target practice as I'm loading my sled into the truck, right beside a highway. That was a nightmare, had to drag him from under my truck like 4 times.


Overall he's good though, definitely likes going on long runs.

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IMHO you can't beat a Lab and the chocolate Lab is the best looking in the bunch but I'm a bit bias.





Got to admit the chocolate is a fine animal. Yours looks gorgeous. We have a chocolate at the farm. Intelligent, very well mannered, a bit of a sneak, and a 120lbs of solid ham. Pops feeds Remy far too much from the table.

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Yup, it doesn't get much better...unconditional devotion and enthusiasm. My life definitely wouldn't be the same without my little beagle...I dread the day I have to say good-bye to my little hunting buddy. I don't take her fishing with me too often but she's done some back country camping trips and she was great, even in the canoe.

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Great responses guys and gals!


Our furry babies are family for sure, anyone who has lost a pet knows this.







Great post Simon, not many things in this world better than a good & loyal pooch.


Just over a year now since Marvin passed away, but there's not a day goes by that I'm not thinking of all the great times we had together for 18 years.


Thanks Lew, it's hard when you lose a pet, I lost my cat a couple years back, had Oscar for 20years! He looked like Garfield, acted like Garfield….heck….he was Garfield, except he was way less sarcastic and a real softy. His named changed when Jack was 1 year old, he decided the cat was to be called "Moose", and it stuck…..I also have fond memories of poor departed Moose….

















Awesome simon! Some great shots in there too.


Thanks Rick, liked your Facebook shots at the river too!




Great video Simon. Makes me wish I had some of my ole hunting buddies on video. At least I have the memories.


Yup, those are safely stored in your very own 'hard drive'!






Labs are big lovable goofs. Perfect family dogs.








No better or closer friend than your dog. Who greets me at the door? Showers me with hugs and kisses? Always ready to stand by my side? Who never talks back or argues? Happy to play. Never hogs the blankets?
The answer is not my wife or kids. I still miss Lucky and Peanut, but Casey makes up for the 2 of them in spades.


Yup, they make good buddies. We got another cat, and like Casey he makes up for the loss of Oscar!

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I have to have a discussion with my dog. She steals from me all the time.


LOL….mine still thinks about it, but he knows better (most of the time).





That's a great looking dog, Simon.


Thanks Cram, he gets plenty of exercise, running after the snow machine in winter and swimming all day in the lake at the bottom of our yard, DOG HEAVEN! (and people like it here too)





My dog is a horrible ice fishing partner, I'm hoping he will do better in the new boat when we get it.


I hear ya Freshtrax, He has gotten better on the ice, and shore fishing, he does not harass other people and will stay close by, in the boat though its HORRIBLE! Again he has gotten better, and perhaps a bigger boat would help (working on that one) but he is prone to wimping….and it drives me nuts!!!!! Will take him lots again this spring, force myself too so he can get more accustomed to it. He did ok last year at Lac seul for the whole day, but could do better.




Hes a lucky dog Simon! I miss my chocolate. Roloff is a lot like my new black lab. Spunky!! He lives for that ball, eh? Lol



YUP! I swear he could chase that thing ALL DAY!




IMHO you can't beat a Lab and the chocolate Lab is the best looking in the bunch but I'm a bit bias.





That's awesome Mr.G, my buddy wants to train my dog for duck hunting too, lol….good luck with that! And yours is handsome, Chocs can't help it.





ya, he looks like he's well behaved during fishing outings... you can tell he's sharp as a tack!


My husky is a bit of a dummy when it comes to going fishing; he'll wander, visit every group of people he can find and doesn't always get along with other male dogs. Yesterday he got freaked out by people doing some target practice as I'm loading my sled into the truck, right beside a highway. That was a nightmare, had to drag him from under my truck like 4 times.


Overall he's good though, definitely likes going on long runs.


He is getting better, but sometimes he is very disobedient, he is not aggressive at all, which helps, only seen him growl with intent once, and that was last summer at camp and it took a whole day of being 'humped' by my friends dog to provoke poor Roloff, guess he got tired of being someone else's b!tch!





Great post Simon. My Ralphie is my best bud too, but he does hog the blankets :)


Lol…poor little Ralphie, Roloff does not hog blankets, but he's heavy and makes it difficult to get comfortable when he's pinning me down and cutting off my circulation by lying on my legs.

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I have only had 1 dog in my life and it's been 25 years since I had her, I think about all the great times we had all the time. One of her favorite things to do was when I would tune up all my reels in the winter I would clip my line on her collar and I would reel her in and then let her run pulling line. We would do it in the basement, I tried it outside once and she spooled me. No way I could stop 45 pounds of Staffordshire Terrier, no way.

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Most Labs don't take too much training to retrieve ducks, it's in their nature. Discipline on the other hand needs work especially when she sees them their ducks flying low. She wants to go get them even before I shoot them sometimes....LOL


But after 3 years of work she's a fine hunting partner and protector of our home. And she LOVES to go fishing. She knows when I get up early and start carrying out ice to the cooler and sees the boat hooked up that we're "Going Fishing" :)

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There is no better friend & companion than a dog.

GF & I currently have 2,an older border collie who is soooo smart it's scary & a ''dump puppy",she was a rescue dog,found in the dump at a northern community with 5 siblings.Only 2 survived.

We were just talking the other day about what to do when the older fellow comes to the end of his days & as much as we love puppies(doesn't everybody?),we think we will foster older dogs that other people won't adopt.

No dog like an old dog,ask my GF :angel:


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You're lucky!


I have a Doberman and he will jump in the water!


The last time I took him out to the river, I found a dead sucker on the bank so I picked it up and chucked it in the water. Next thing I know my dog does the superman and leaps in to get it. Crazy!!


He also ate somebody's trout on the shoreline. An hour later he puked out 5lbs worth of the fish.

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Want to know who loves you more your dog or your wife? Try locking them both in the trunk of your car for an hour!


LOL…just read this question to my wife…her reply "the dog"….not sure how to take that…lol.




I have only had 1 dog in my life and it's been 25 years since I had her, I think about all the great times we had all the time. One of her favorite things to do was when I would tune up all my reels in the winter I would clip my line on her collar and I would reel her in and then let her run pulling line. We would do it in the basement, I tried it outside once and she spooled me. No way I could stop 45 pounds of Staffordshire Terrier, no way.



I love Staffies, always wanted one. Its a shame they have a reputation as a 'dangerous dog' in the UK.

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Its unfortunate, my dog loves fishing so much that he cant come in the boat while we are casting anymore, he just gets too pumped up. jigging for pickerels is one of his faves though.


You can bet any time i shore fish he accompanies me the entire way, he even likes to give a lick to every catch.


Some times its amazes me how good my pup's memory is. I was away on vacation the past two weeks so cash was at his grandmas house while I was gone. This morning my alarm went off at 6:45 like it does every morning, he still knew exactly what was going on and went immediately to the staircase and waited for me to get up so that I could take him for his morning walk.


Cash is definitely my fave person to hang around with, 100% loyalty at all times, and the only downside is that he has to be taken to the bathroom and I have to pick it up lol. He is so smart though that when i am at the lake, he rarely goes in the yard so I dont even have to pick up after him for the most part.

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