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Take a real good look at the people around you


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In the past few months there have been a lot of threads with "hurt" in them. Can't help but make me think. Look around those close to you, your friends, buddies here on OFC,... How many faces won't be in the mental picture a few years from now.

Wayne knows all too well what I mean. I am humbled by the determination, fortitude and endurance you and your family have shown through everything. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

Just goes to show we have to cherish what time we have together. Forget the boneheaded dickering, pissing matches and arguments. At the end of the day they aren't worth it. We all have disagreements. So what. Leave it at that. Last memory i want of anyone I know, family or friend, is a bad one. Life is far too short to dwell on such crap.

I just hope I get the opportunity to get together with a lot of you guys and gals that i have yet to meet before the clock runs down, and more time to fish with the buddies I do have here.


Sorry for rambling.

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In the past few months there have been a lot of threads with "hurt" in them. Can't help but make me think. Look around those close to you, your friends, buddies here on OFC,... How many faces won't be in the mental picture a few years from now.

Wayne knows all too well what I mean. I am humbled by the determination, fortitude and endurance you and your family have shown through everything. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

Just goes to show we have to cherish what time we have together. Forget the boneheaded dickering, pissing matches and arguments. At the end of the day they aren't worth it. We all have disagreements. So what. Leave it at that. Last memory i want of anyone I know, family or friend, is a bad one. Life is far too short to dwell on such crap.

I just hope I get the opportunity to get together with a lot of you guys and gals that i have yet to meet before the clock runs down, and more time to fish with the buddies I do have here.


Sorry for rambling.

I think about that every night I watch the news. This killing/hurting each other should stop. We are on this earth for a very short time why not live in peace. The billions that are

spent on weapons boggles my mind. :( just sad.

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What I wouldn't give to have my son back for even one hour.

Lew when I first met you was right after the tragic event and was amazed at how you handled that whole situation, I'm not so sure I could have done the same. It was a awhile later we actually shared a day on the water (caught my first Muskie that day) and talked about the accident that took your son's life and again was amazed how you were able to tell me about it and some of your son's background. He really must have been a special person and to this day I am sorry you had to go through such a loss.

Edited by Whopper
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He really must have been a special person and to this day I am sorry you had to go through such a loss.


Thanks Phil, losing a child is probably the toughest thing anyone will ever go through and something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

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Not sure what happened, but while doing my Ride the Rideau 100k cycle for cancer 3 hrs after my dad passed away this summer, something changed in me. The 3.15 hrs it took me to do the ride was filled with emotion and grief. I must say I'm a changed person. Very little tolerance for rude, obnoxious people who are self centered. I have more patience and fully believe the world needs to slow down and think of harmony, not horror.

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In the past few months there have been a lot of threads with "hurt" in them. Can't help but make me think. Look around those close to you, your friends, buddies here on OFC,... How many faces won't be in the mental picture a few years from now.

Wayne knows all too well what I mean. I am humbled by the determination, fortitude and endurance you and your family have shown through everything. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

Just goes to show we have to cherish what time we have together. Forget the boneheaded dickering, pissing matches and arguments. At the end of the day they aren't worth it. We all have disagreements. So what. Leave it at that. Last memory i want of anyone I know, family or friend, is a bad one. Life is far too short to dwell on such crap.

I just hope I get the opportunity to get together with a lot of you guys and gals that i have yet to meet before the clock runs down, and more time to fish with the buddies I do have here.


Sorry for rambling.

well said. :good:

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Well Bruce.. I was going to stay away from this, but since you brought up my name.......as you said "forget the bonehead dickering, etc".


I've spent not a day, a week nor a year... but well over 4 years sitting in hospitals watching the life get sucked out of a kid, her two siblings and my wife ....while finding little opportunity to work and make money to pay the bills on my end as that's what "dad" is supposed to do. Apparently there's a few I've alienated in some way or form, that went from friends to enemies in a short 4 years, and frankly I don't really care. If they can't deal with the realities of what I'm going though, then they weren't friends in the first place. I have the ones that have stuck by me, have gone out of their way to pick me up from hospitals to hit the BOQ together, they understand why their fishing trip North got cancelled not once but three times, or is currently on hold until a days notice.... and I will enjoy the many laughs we have as we hit the ice or waters together in the coming months and years as I know they'll still be on "speed dial"!


And it's good to see that Matt found that revelation that I told him he would. Not sure if it's an age thing, or where it comes in... but I think I've noted it before. I've gone from someone that couldn't sit in a chair for 10 minutes without getting up and looking out front and back door of the house, to someone that can sit in a waiting room, hospital room or a cabin corner for hours on end and I don't even need a fishing magazine to keep my brain engaged while there!

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This hits close to home as I had to bury 2 good friends within a week this month. And a 3rd is in a hospice with stage 4 brain cancer waiting for his life to end. It seems the death of someone close and someone not close sometimes changes our look on life, some for the good some for the bad. The entire town of Caledonia and area mourns as we prepare to say good bye to 2 good young men that met in a head on collision and both lost their lives on a wet and cold windy morning this week. Death is tragic no matter. A 18 year old son and just a child was amongst the two and a 52 year old Dad was the second who also lost his life a few days ago. The first emotion for my wife and myself for our friends and then within a few days our neighbors was grief. Our second emotion is anger and bewilderment.


For some mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, wives and husbands brothers and sisters in war torn lands the grief is followed by bewilderment that turns to anger and rage. That rage often turns to vengeance and the cycle starts for another family and friends who mourn the loss of their loved ones. And the cycle of violence once again begins.


There is no simplified solution here, it is life but just being kind to one another here may be a start.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Wayne, I understand only too well about that sense of alienation. Been dealing with it since 08 with the wife's and daughter's numerous ailments and hospitalizations. Had a lot of people drift away since then. Some are pissed off too. Heck, the son couldn't, and still can't, deal with his mother's cancer..

Unfortunate, yes. My problem, no. I will not let them get under my skin. Sorry if I can't make long term plans or only go fishing as a last minute plan. The care and well being of my family, and my puppy, always comes first. Those who don't get it never will.

You've got your head screwed on straight, and your priorities right. That is all that matters. Sadly, there are always far too many fair weather friends. That's why I think of them as acquaintances. The friends I have I know will give the shirt off their backs, just as I would for them. Sounds like you have similar solid friends.

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man that topic truly makes me ref;lect on friends and family. your dead on enjoy what you have not bicker on what we want.

George this thread reminds me of many many many talks we have had over the years.


OFC has been a special place for me since I found it. Just about everyone that I do stuff with on a regular basis has come from this board. It's sad to say but it's true as many others in my life have headed on a different path.


Great thread

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Not everyone gets along... but what always surprises me most are the people who don't like or even bully someone they have either never met, never really talked to, or ever had any personal issues with. Haters in other words, of a real ignorant kind.


Anyways, guys I've met like Wayne, Matt, Doug and those others in the thread with some long greys, interesting perspectives or maybe hard stories, some of your shared thoughts and experiences do wonders to help make life a little more easily understood for those younger but, getting there.



Don't apologize for rambling either Bruce. Well said.

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Bruce, we have many a family member that can't deal with things. My own step father, front and foremost, that I've disowned in the past 4 years. Leah's father not far behind.... but I give them the benefit of the doubt of that's how they need to deal with things in relation to their upbringing and age category.... and I have way too much on my plate to read anything else into their views. Those I've previously befriended here that don't get it.... well I'd get banned for that response!


Enjoy the time you have.... TODAY! Get out there... do what you need to do! Who knows what tomorrow brings and care less who sees you dancing!

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I've gone from someone that couldn't sit in a chair for 10 minutes without getting up and looking out front and back door of the house

I thought the soda did that to ya :lol:


Wayne you and your family have been a pillar of strength. A good example for most of us.



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As most of you know 3 yrs ago I lost my wife to Cancer 6 months later lost my mother to a Kidney Infection and my so called friends could not or did not want to understand why I was not running out Fishing and doing other things that I use to just run off and do. Almost lost my dad 5 months ago it an infection in the hospital and if I had not been there he would not be here today... Long story and I don't want to burden any one with it. All my so called friends are gone.. good ridden's if they are happy that way good for them. I like Wayne, Bruce and probably others have other priorities and if others can not accept it... too bad.. I still have my Disabled Son at home with me and he his my priority Sorry to rant

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We all have our own idiosyncrasies, if they can't deal with them they were never friends to begin with. I had some friends, or people I thought were friends that took me 30 or more years to understand they were users the entire time. When I got divorced many years ago some would cross the street to avoid me like I had some decease or something. I always say it's not like I have a line up of people that want to be my friends but can get rid of a few and still have plenty.


Same thing if you go bankrupt, no pool, no boat, no friends. Those that call you to see how you are and invite you for a boat ride or dip are the real deal. Don't get me going.


Contract Cancer, you find out who your real friends are quickly, eh Irish?

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I've had the privilege of growing up around a few key people....co-workers...family....friends, who really have things figured out. What I have learned is life is too short to be unhappy. Happiness or unhappiness is a choice. It really is that simple. I have been blessed with many examples of how to do it right. I just hope I have the "stones" to stay the course and do it right.

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