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New Apple software update DON'T Install it!

Big Cliff

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Wife comes to me with her Ipad Mini this morning (that was her first mistake) She has a notification that there is a new software update, so I hit install (second mistake). That went well but then her Iphone wouldn't sync with her Ipad because they were using different software.


Smart me, no problem, checked for updates on her Iphone and sure enough it is available. HOWEVER...... you can't install it on the 4s because it requires 4.6 GB (phone only has 5 GB out of the box). Head off to the Virgin Mobile store here in Lindsay where we bought the phones (third mistake). After waiting for a good 20 minutes to get to talk to someone we were told that there is a problem with the new update and it is using too much memory, DON'T INSTALL IT!!!! Then they told me I'd have to uninstall the update on the Ipad. When I asked for help I was told "call 1-800 my apple".


Then I explained that the Iphone and Ipad wouldn't sync properly prior to this; "call 1-800 my apple".!


Then I explained that ever since we got these new Iphones we had been having problems with dropped calls when at home but we never had a problem with our Blackberries "call 1-800 my apple".!


I walked before I got to 10 I'd be typing this on my phone from a jail cell!


So, don't install the new update and if you are looking for service on an Apple Product don't go to the Virgin Mobile store in Lindsay, they might sell Apple products but they don't service them or offer any help with them other than "call 1-800 my apple"!

Edited by Big Cliff
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I am sorry to say this but the phone stores are not allowed to service or advise on the apple products. If you have an issue you have to schedule an appointment at an apple service center to get help. A good friend of mine owns an AT T store and this is the route I had to go thru when my I5 had an issue on the last update after he expended all of his knowledge he personally knew about the product.





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Hey Cliff,


If you have it plugged into the computer and download the updates through iTunes it takes a lot less memory, I think its like 1gb or something.

From what I got from today was "DON"T INSTALL IT, THERE ARE PROBLEMS WITH IT". So, do as you will but be careful! I only wish someone had warned me before this morning!

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Sorry but its not Apples failt that update doesnt work for a 4 yr old phone.

Iphones rock, easy to use,


PS dropping calls is ur carriers issue, not the phone

Bull spit! Phones aren't even a year old, just bought them in Jan. this year.


Carrier is Virgin Mobile, been with them for years, never had a problem when I had the Blackberry but since we got the Iphones tons of problems with dropped calls here at the house, can't ever remember having one with the Blackberry.


Don't get me wrong; Iphones are much easier to use, wife loves her Ipad Mini, but when Apple releases an up grade that is obviously flawed and doesn't warn people that there is a problem they are not doing their job!


Oh, and just try calling 1-800 my apple right now and see how long it takes you to get to talk to someone. Seems we are not the only people having a problem with the new update. Now that's customer service for you! :wallbash:

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Exactly what we have been talking about! Not a problem if you are tech savy but us seniors struggle with this stuff! Heck I remember DOS 1. Most of you young guys don't even know what DOS is! I learned to program in Basic, Fortran, Cobol, PLC1, HTMI, and I still can't keep up with the technology today. Mind you at 68 years old there is only so much this brain can absorb.

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We got a company wide email saying 'DO NOT INSTALL'. Serious issues with email.


They just took my Blackberry Z10 and gave me a 5C. I usually don't care much about technology, but this phone drives me nuts and I think I had a dream last night that I smashed the crap out of it.


There are so many little problems with it, including the privacy issues, which is why I don't have the App Store or iTunes because they want my address, birthday, phone number, 5 security passwords. It won't send messages to my Jeep (well sometimes, but not always ??), can't turn off a lot of the noises, editing emails is brutal, camera sucks etc etc.


I trusted my Blackberry and liked the way it handled like a work phone. I might be the first person in the company to actually buy my own and put it on the work plan.

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I loved my Blackberry but Sue hated hers so instead of having two different phones I got us matching phones so that if she had a problem I could help her with it. Now we both have the same problems LOL. Oh well that what love does, we suffer together. :wub:

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Exactly what we have been talking about! Not a problem if you are tech savy but us seniors struggle with this stuff! Heck I remember DOS 1. Most of you young guys don't even know what DOS is! I learned to program in Basic, Fortran, Cobol, PLC1, HTMI, and I still can't keep up with the technology today. Mind you at 68 years old there is only so much this brain can absorb.


LOL, I still have my tin cans and a thousand feet of string in case I have a problem with the cell phone when the kids aren't around.

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I dislike apple products on so many levels -- from having the audacity to fill up users devices with U2 spam to their apple only proprietary crap to their outrageous pricing to issues like this.. pure junk!


I can't believe people line up for hours to spend hundreds when a device is released.


Go android/samsung.


that's just my nickel.

Edited by Raf
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for what it's worth, no issues with my ios8 update....not a fan of the changes to the camera roll format, but not a biggie


maybe I need to try blackberry again, last i had one about 5 year ago i hated it, so people actually saying they're user friendly surprises me....big fan of my iphone 5s

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I'm a big fan of not being tied to any electronic device to live my life.

I know that many of you have integrated these devises in your every day lives, some to the point of being completely non functional without your device.

I get a good laugh at folks lining up for hours to pay $1k to make a phone call or send a text.

We have a number of Apple products here in the house, none of which hold any interest to me. I simply refuse to allow technology to dictate how I live my life.



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I dislike apple products on so many levels -- from having the audacity to fill up users devices with U2 spam to their apple only proprietary crap to their outrageous pricing to issues like this.. pure junk!


I can't believe people line up for hours to spend hundreds when a device is released.


Go android/samsung.


that's just my nickel.

Well I'm on the other side of the fence here. My wife has a Samsung HEMAROID biggest pain and piece of junk she's ever owned. Quits for no reason at any time, can't shut it off without fear of not being able to restart it, freezes up for long periods of time. We'll never own another of those.

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Well I'm on the other side of the fence here. My wife has a Samsung HEMAROID biggest pain and piece of junk she's ever owned. Quits for no reason at any time, can't shut it off without fear of not being able to restart it, freezes up for long periods of time. We'll never own another of those.

You're not alone. I had a galaxy 2. It gave me gas every time I used it, and I couldn't wait to get back to an iphone. Add to that, the battery life was awful. That being said, I never do apple updates until the platform has been out for 3 months. Keeps me sane!

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