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A hole in my heart

Big Cliff

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A very sad day and the tragic role that drugs play in the lives of so many of our youth.


None of you knew him, he was just 24; a really nice young man, he wasn’t afraid to work hard and enjoyed a cold beer on a hot day.


I only got to meet Jon this spring but took an instant liking to him, he’d occasionally come and help me work on things in the shop on the weekends or just hang out, he was always anxious to learn!


He had a lot of qualities and was the kind of kid any man would have been happy to have as a grandson. He didn’t have a job at the time so I always managed to find little projects for him so he’d have beer and cigarette money although he always reminded me that it wasn't necessary to pay him, he did it because he enjoyed it.


Jon had worked as a roofer and got involved in drugs but when I met him he had been clean for a little over 6 months. He was living in Oshawa and didn’t have a car so the only time we got together is when his mom would pick him up and bring him up here to visit with her for the weekend.


His mom had been trying to find him a place here in Lindsay where he could get help and counseling but for some reason he didn’t qualify for any of the support facilities here. I am really not sure why, his mom was living up here and the environment in Oshawa wasn’t the best place for him to be with the struggle he faced.


About a month ago Jon got a job with a roofing company in the Oshawa area. To be honest we were all kind of worried about him going back into the environment where he had got into trouble before. The allure of good money was very tempting though, he wanted to save up a bit of money so he could start a business on his own next spring. We checked on him frequently and he seemed to be doing ok.


Saturday night I found out that Jon had died of an overdose. I am told that it is fairly common for someone that has been off the drugs for a while, apparently their body looses it’s tolerance to the drugs and a dose that they could tolerate before is too much for them to handle now.


I am really going to miss Jon, he was starting to get interested in fishing and I had fixed him up with a rod and some tackle so he could have his own stuff. We were talking about different businesses he could start and had discussed putting a business plan together.


RIP Jon you will be very much missed!

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I'm sorry for your loss Big Cliff, very sad story. Drug addiction is a horrible disease, I am saddened and disappointed that Jon didn't qualify for the support he needed. My fiancee has been and continues down this road with a family member...if there is anything to take from this is your support and friendship with Jon.

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Unfortunately this sad story seems more and more common. I thought the 60's where the generation of sex, drugs and rock/roll but today's world seems to have a bigger problem. More addictive alternatives I guess. Sorry for the loss Cliff.

Dan O.

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First off Cliff sorry on your loss

Second Thank you for trying to help him out so many just write them off


Now I'll tell my tale of the addiction I had with drugs.


I was young when I started 16 and on cocaine I don't blame anyone except myself for these reasons.


1 Parents never divorced and I was my mother golden child

2 Wasn't the one at high school that got weggied and thrown into lockers

3 wasn't an outcast


My main reason was too much money too young I started as an apprentise electrician at 16 licienced a 21.


It started at a PARTY yep I'm 16 at a field party guess what couple older girls liked me and introduced me to COCAINE after taking it I was wide awake(something inside me said wow you can work side jobs and you daily job)


Fastforward to 24 years old


I lost everything House Snowmobiles Truck Boat you name it it was gone to repo man


The last weekend I did Coke I snorted 15 grand worth and had gas bills for the truck from Buffalo Detroit and North Bay


I went to my parents place and my dad sat me down and laid out the rules for me (I Know if I left there that night and I think he did I wouldn't be here today)


I lost a lot of years with my parents back then and still trying to make it up to them I know they have forgave me but in my heart I can never make that time up again.


So this year I celibrate 22 years clean off drugs yes I still like to drink Beer


sorry to hijack this thread

Edited by Rodbender
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First off Cliff sorry on your loss

Second Thank you for trying to help him out so many just write them off


Now I'll tell my tale of the addiction I had with drugs.


I was young when I started 16 and on cocaine I don't blame anyone except myself for these reasons.


1 Parents never divorced and I was my mother golden child

2 Wasn't the one at high school that got weggied and thrown into lockers

3 wasn't an outcast


My main reason was too much money too young I started as an apprentise electrician at 16 licienced a 21.


It started at a PARTY yep I'm 16 at a field party guess what couple older girls liked me and introduced me to COCAINE after taking it I was wide awake(something inside me said wow you can work side jobs and you daily job)


Fastforward to 24 years old


I lost everything House Snowmobiles Truck Boat you name it it was gone to repo man


The last weekend I did Coke I snorted 15 grand worth and had gas bills for the truck from Buffalo Detroit and North Bay


I went to my parents place and my dad sat me down and laid out the rules for me (I Know if I left there that night and I think he did I wouldn't be here today)


I lost a lot of years with my parents back then and still trying to make it up to them I know they have forgave me but in my heart I can never make that time up again.


So this year I celibrate 22 years clean off drugs yes I still like to drink Beer


sorry to hijack this thread

Thank you so much for sharing your story and congratulations on your success! I am sure your parents are very proud of you!

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i'll admit, although I've never got mixed up with drugs, many of my friends who have did so because they simply made too much money for their maturity level.


unfortunately the vast majority of these folks (over 10 of them) work in power plants in this province. people in their 20's need to be careful when they're making 100K+ a year.


good on ya Cliff to have a heart! I'm sorry it ended the way it did.

Edited by Steve
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Cliff you are wise man to try help him out. Today these things are common. But it's something that they tend to bring on themselves. And while they think it's a great thing but don't think of what will happen later in life.We all did things we want to forget but that kind of stuff tends to come with you.

In our family we have never had the occasion, my four girls have a glass of wine (and it better be good) they don't smoke, happily married with children. But then we set the rules early and they followed them to T.

Your post will probably help members that may want to venture that way and may think twice before they start.

Althought it's a bad situation some good will come out by helping someone else.

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Cliff, good on you for being a mentor to the young man.


It is a very sad and tragic ordeal, and is happening to often. At least here in my area, I run several overdose call a month.

We just checked our statistics and there isn't a 24hr period in our county that one of our ambulances isn't dispatched on the minimum of one overdose, more times than not it is four or five.



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I'm sorry for you loss Sir. At our age it seems, no actually it is, that one can attend a service every week or so. But when we bury a kid that never got to have a life is tragic. A very close friend lost his 23 year old son to the same thing 2 years ago. He's lost. There is nothing we can say or do to help him. After 32 years his wife and he split. I'm so sorry Cliff.

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Thanks everyone, just sitting down and typing it all out helped but your thoughts and stories help too! I guess I will always wish I could have done more but that just wasn't meant to be.


I know it probably sounds silly for me to get so attached to someone I hadn't known for very long but that's just me LOL.


Thanks again everyone for understanding!

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