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Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?


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Given the up coming election, do you plan to ask the candidate who knocks on your door about the OMNR and and how seriously they are underfunded, under resourced and rarely visible due to cut backs.


I had some liberal lackey show up yesterday and the first thing he began to do was bash the Conservative party, right after he asked for my support of the libs, talking about Tim this Tim that.... I stopped him and asked what they plan to due to help an underfunded ministry branch that has become nothing but a slush fund for the current government, with nothing but cut backs on services... I got uhhh uhhhh uhhhh,... I then mentioned that Tim's platform is about getting Canadians working again.... And mentioned that the libs sent licensing to the US.... Again I got uhhh, uhhhh mmmmmm...


While I have yet to make my mind up how I will vote, given the shape the OMNR is now in and the scandals that we will be paying for for a generation.... I have made up my mind how I will not be voting.


So my question is.... Can we make the OMNR an issue that requires attention by the candidates involved.



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isn't the MNR considered Non-essential public service? Out of the 100,000 public service cuts, I imagine a few would be in the MNR and MOE. I don't see any government aiming to increase MNR presence...pretty much the NDP would be most likely to increase the size and scope of the government.

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I have only ever had two people come to my door since I moved to the country... That was almost 3 years ago.


One was a neighbor who saw my "It's a Boy" sign a few years back and was just dropping of a homemade gift.. The other was a different neighbor who lost their dog.


I think I'm safe... But if they do come out my way, I will mention this.. Just to see what they say.

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With the Wynne government looking to sweep away the Chinook (non-native species) stocking programs and destroying a multi-million dollar a year industry in favour of Atlantics (Millions wasted there already) and Lake Trout, they will not be getting my vote. Like they were anyways.


Taken from another board.


"Through rulings of the Supreme Court of Canada and continuing dialogue with Aboriginal Peoples, MNR has an improved understanding of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and how they may affect the allocation of fisheries than when SPOF II was developed. "

The main reason to stock only native species including Atlantics/Lake Trout and not Chinooks is Aboriginals are allowed to net native species as part of their treaty rights.


Today is the last day to express your concerns, right side - submit comment.





The following web links provide additional (or supporting) information.


- Ontario’s Provincial Fish Strategy: Fish for the Future
Background Documents:
- Management of Fish in Ontario: Background Report Supporting Ontario’s Provincial Fish Strategy http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/stdprod_110231.pdf
- Fish and Fisheries Management in Ontario: A Chronology of Events (PDF, 3.2 mb)
- Taking a Broader Landscape Approach: A Policy Framework for Modernizing Ontario’s Approach to Natural Resource Management (PDF, 0.4 mb)
- Integrating Risk in MNR: Risk Management How to Guide http://publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/View.asp?Document_ID=27586&Attachment_ID=54591

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I'm not asking them anything except to get off my door step before I have them charged with trespassing.


I seny Mr O an email about the gas bills...I was basically told to go fly a kite...they want nothing to do with it...suggested that if I had a problem I should contact the ontario energy board.


They did commend me for my concern for fellow Ontarians though...go figure



PS, I sent it to David because he is the Sault rep, not because he is MNR

Edited by Dara
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Well I've looked at the field and wish there was someone else


Tap Dancin Tim wishes to make the public sector smaller....odds of $$$$ going into the public service MNR---would'nt hold my breath


Cunning Kathleen----already proved what her party will do for MNR


Ambitious Andrea---may be the wild card---they may put $$$ into MNR----but can they run the province??


Maybe I should run :) ------My platform will be--lower beer prices---and move the Leafs to Hamilton :rofl2:

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I had some liberal lackey show up yesterday and the first thing he began to do was bash the Conservative party, right after he asked for my support of the libs, talking about Tim this Tim that....


Two Liberal campaigners showed up at our place on Saturday and did exactly the same thing, except they never even got to asking for my support. They marched up the driveway, interrupted my lawn work and immediately began to lecture me at full volume on why Tim Hudak is evil and not to be trusted. When I finally managed to get a word in edgewise, I told them I feel their entire party belongs in jail, and told them if they weren't off my lawn by the time I reached the front door, they would soon meet a very large dog. Thankfully, they took the hint and left quickly - which was a good thing, since we don't have a dog.


Conservative candidate came around the day after. Politely introduced herself and asked if she could speak with me for a few minutes about her party's platform. She gave me a pamplet, kept it short and to the point, then wrapped up by asking what issues were important to me.


Where the two Liberals were loud and shrill, she was polite, and listened as much as she talked. So she will get my vote, if for nothing more than just treating me with some respect and taking the time to ask what I felt might be important.


Still no sign of the NDP candidate ... assuming they even have one in my riding.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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Yeah, we need a box on the ballot marked none of the above.

There is!!


You can 'Decline' a ballot, which is a vote for non-of-the-above and shows your disatisfaction with the current choices.


Declined ballot

53. An elector who has received a ballot and returns it to the deputy returning officer declining to vote, forfeits the right to vote and the deputy returning officer shall immediately write the word “declined” upon the back of the ballot and preserve it to be returned to the returning officer and shall cause an entry to be made in the poll record that the elector declined to vote. R.S.O. 1990, c. E.6, s. 53.


I wish this was advertised along with every campaign ad. Honestly, I'm considering voting for 'none of the above' and hoping more people do it. Elections Canada should better educate people that this is an option.


In Nipissing riding in 2012, only 12 people declined their vote.

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Our MPP here is PC Toby Barrett, he has owned this riding for years. Until a week or so ago he was running uncontested until a Lib, I think, haven't seen anything from that person via any campaigning, decided to loose whatever the fee was to toss the name into the hat. Toby hasn't been able to do anything much here since he's on the wrong side of the aisle but does what he can to be sure. I need to ask him though about Mr. Hudaks plan to create 1 million jobs. If the first thing he want's to do to achieve that is to cut 100,000 public service jobs first, I would call that something a US Presidential candidate once called " fuzzy math ".


I need to take a ride this week to see Toby. If you have a question or something you want addressed you go to his home and knock on the door. If you have another driver along, you are sure to be offered a cold one and have a seat on the deck or by the fire in winter, winter as in last month. Hopefully the DD driver doesn't live in Haldimand-Norfolk because no beer no vote. Insert smiley face here.


Note: during the Native goings on (riots) in Caledonia, Toby was the only politician that had enough balls to cross the barricades and meet with the warriors. He was there almost everyday until the roads were opened. That impressed me.

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Great story, Ironmaker ... your MPP, PC Toby Barrett is a shining example of what we wish all our elected representatives would be like. Sadly, not always the case.


Regarding the subject of this thread, I truly believe there is hope for a renewed and more effective OMNR, IF the Progressive Conservatives are able to win a majority.

Why? Because Tim Hudak's right-hand-man, Vic Fedeli (MPP-Nipissing) will personally champion this cause. The ineffective OMNR has been on his radar screen for a long long time, and he definitely has the leader's ear. I also believe Vic would be a front runner to lead the party, if and when Mr. Hudak steps aside.


Regarding the famous 100,000 job "cuts" ....the shrill protests we hear daily from the Libs and their buddies, the public sector union bosses [aka Working Families], and the usual Conservative hating mainstream media types, never acknowledge that Hudak has said time and time again that these 'cuts' will almost entirely be made up of attrition by NOT replacing redundant, civil servants, many of which are middle management positions. Few, if any will actually lose their jobs. What will be lost is some future Union Dues, and no one wants to see that happen, right?! ;)


I say, give Hudak ONE chance to turn this Ontario Titantic around; that's what my wife and I plan to do. I just hope its not too late.

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Sadly, Tim Hudak has been, until this spring, my MPP. Don't go expecting any salvation of the MNR coming from him. There have been enough environmental and MNR issues for him to face here in his backyard. Hudak's track record... back pedal, sidestep or avoid, unless you have a pet project and money to throw in the "right" direction. Just go back to that long thread about 15 mile creek.



After an initial positive response, Baby Face and his office did everything possible to avoid that issue. Might have something to do with the big blue sign that was on the lawn. The only reason we got any response at all from his office was because of a very large number of letters and emails that began to flood his office.


On a side note, re the MNR's involvement in this, The ministry made a serious effort to shut down discussion of this matter.

Edited by bigugli
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