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Funniest thing you've seen while fishing?


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So, we've all logged hundreds and even thousands of hours fishing in our life. Laughs are a good part of the experience. What has happened to you or someone else on a fishing trip??


Last fall, Fishnsled and I were fishing for musky in the rain. I don't have a baitcasting setup for musky so I was using my spinning combo. I put on a huge suick on and cast it wayyyy out there. Half way out and the bail closes....yanking the rod right out of my soaking wet hand. It flew in slow motion towards shore....and landed with a "plunk" in the lake and slowly sank.


I watched it sink, mouth wide open....completely perplexed as to what happened. Then I laughed and said "uh, Will...I lost my rod and reel." Lol


Luckily, my lure floated and we weren't in deep water, so we simply went over and retrieved it!


So, what brings back great memories for you? Where something so bizarre happened that it's etched in your mind forever?

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Opening day on the Ganny years ago.

We were fishing the abutments below the ball field as we usually did back then.

Both sides of the run were jammed with people. On the road side there is parking and a fellow pulled into a spot and hopped out of his car. Only problem was he left it in neutral and it rolled over the edge towards the bottom end of the run. There were steelheaders scattering like cockroaches when the lights are turned on!!! :lol:

The dudes car bounced off a large rock on the way to it's watery resting spot.

No steelhead or steelheaders were injured during the melee.

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Probably 40 years ago my dad, my bro and myself were trolling along when my brother stood up for a pee. Trouble was when he stood up, the boat flipped completely over tossing everything, including us into the drink. We were close to shore and our camp so we just swam in and got our buds boat to retrieve what we could. We were all good swimmers and although we lost alot of our gear, nobody was hurt.


We were a very close family and laughed about it then and continued laughing about it for many many years to come.


If you can't throw a bit of drama into a fishing trip every now & then, what's the sense of going :lol: :Gonefishing:

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The funniest thing I have seen while fishing happened when I was about 12. We were up North fishing for a week, and we have taken some frogs for bass bait. Unfortunately, my uncle left one of the frog boxes out of the damp moss we used to keep them healthy when we got finished fishing one day and the next day we fished on a different lake.


So when we got to the boat launch with the frogs 2 mornings later one of the boxes of frogs were a little ripe. My uncle put them in the boat and said we would try to use them up first. No one noticed we had not put one of the boxes with healthy frogs in the boat. So we "blast" off down the lake about a 1 mile and a half with the 6hp motor, for the bass beds. And with three guys our gear and a 14ft boat we were travelling slightly slower than the speed of smell from the frogs.


We finally arrived at the bass beds we wanted to fish and we rigging up with our usual setup for frogs. Which was a medium sized red and white bobber with enough line to the hook so the frogs could swim around and attrack the bass. The water was very clear so we had stopped back as about as far as we could cast.


My dad was first to cast and about a millisecond after his line hits the water. We see a wake about 6"s wide tearing towards it. In about 5 seconds his bobber is under about 2 feet of water and streaming TOWARD us. He reels quickly and goes for a hook set by now the bobber is about 20 ft from side of the boat and he misses the fish.


I cast and see my line hit the water a shadow streak toward it, bobber goes under I miss setting the hook and by now my bobber is about 15 ft from the boat.


Laughing at us my uncle casts and says I will show you guys how it is done.... Nope same thing as us.


So for the next 15 minutes we miss fish after fish, because every cast with the smelly frogs the bass would tow them about 15 ft from the weed bed, and we can't set the hook no matter what.


Then my dad goes to my uncle well maybe we should try another box of frogs since the fish are obviously active for the first time that trip. Which just happened be in the middle of the hottest heat wave in decades for that area which has shut down the fish for some reason. My uncles goes ok, and that is when it dawns on us we didn't put another box in the boat. So after a bit of discussion we decide to give it a few more minutes with the ones we have, since we can only fish until about 11:30 and it would take too much time to go to launch get the frogs and get back to far end of the lake....


Half an hour later still no fish have been hooked, but there is action EVERY cast because within seconds after casting toward the weed bed a bass would grab the frog and drag out to deeper water then let it go. My dad and uncle decide we just have to go back and get some other frogs. So we do


We get back to the same spot my uncle baits up with a healthy frog casts out and his bobber just sits there.


I haven't taken the old frog off my rod yet so I cast it out just to see what happens...


It hits the water and BANG a bass grabs it and tows it out to deeper water while I miss another hook set.


For the next hour and half any cast with a fresh frog results in nothing not even one hit. Yet with the stinking ones each time a fish would drag it away from the weed bed but we never did catch a bass. We still joke about it almost every time we talk about fishing.

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While fishing with my buddy in the Kawarthas last year, he caught a nice 3lb'ish smallie. He bent down to "lip it", put his rod down beside him, and just as he lifted the smallie out of the water, a huge musky grabbed the smallie right out of his hand. Scared the heck out of him and me. Needless to say his rod and reel went with the musky, as did the smallie. lol

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A few years ago when I was fishin' the Ganny in Port Hope, there was 3 or 4 drunken foul-mouthed hillbillies casting over other people's lines, dragging spoons with large trebles on 'em. giving 'em a good jerk every few feet, and just generally being an ass, when I heard one of 'em yelling in obvious pain. THEN I saw what he was yelling about . . . . somehow his buddy had drove the treble on a 3/4 ounce Cleo well past the barb into the back of his neck when he cast it. . . . I could hardly keep the smile off my face. This was almost as funny as a guy I saw 'lipping' a 3 - 4 pound pike . . . . made a quite a mess of his fingers!

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My buddy Ferg hooking a seagull on the Saugeen. I almost pissed my pants I was laughing so hard. Bird is coming in backwards all pissed off looking, I'm about 50ft below him just dying. He hates attention so he's got this look on his face trying to reel this thing in all nonchalantly. Grabs a towel, tosses it over the bird and unhooks it. After it flies away he's just shaking his head back and forth....

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The funniest moments all involve my son and ice fishing. Almost every year, if there is a soft spot, hole, open water. Robert will find it. It's not just that he falls in well past his waist. He is like a cartoon character when he hits the water. Shoots straight back up and out of the hole without having enough time to get more than his feet wet.

Then there is the epic fight with the Loon. Robert tosses a spinner bait, not knowing there is a loon swimming underwater. Wham the bird slams the bait. Here is Robert thinking he has a whopper bass until the loon finally surfaces. Shoulda seen the look on his face. One of his buddies caught a gull. Once we got the bird in the poor teenager was so terrified he was running all the way back to the car just squealing.

By the way both birds were carefully unhooked and released no worse for wear

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A monkey a football.


Some guys that I've fished with, can't tie a hook or a boat to a dock. Let alone cast, keep a line from tangling or clean a fish.


There awesome guys and it sure makes it fun when your watching and they have no clue!!



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The story of when I met Big Cliff and Beans for the first time:


So the much anticipated weekend has arrived......I'm goin' up to the kawarthas to meet and greet some fellow OFC'ers. Big Cliff is first on the list. He sends me detailed directions....I have a GPS. Need I say more? Yes I do. I plug his address into the GPS, it finds it no problem at all. So up the 115\35 I go. I recall that I need to drive to the first light, la de da de da, I drive PAST the exit for 35 to Lindsay 'cause there is no light to be seen as of yet. When I get to the 7a exit I'm thinkin' (a rare thing for me), I didn't think I needed to drive all the way to Peterborough.....This is at 6:30 in the morning, Cliff said that he is up at 5 am every morning so I reluctantly decide to call. I wake up his wife, (an incredibly warm woman BTW), and she gets out of bed and goes to the top of the driveway into the shop and lets Cliff know that I need directions. (All of this time my GPS is telling me that I need to go back, but, NOOOOOOOO I know better because I remember the directions that Cliff gave me. Well to make a long story shorter, I managed to find his home, (nestled right on the shore of Sturgeon lake), and sat down to a coffee, while waiting for Beans, my fishing partner for the day. We laughed about my misadventures on the way up, and put that down to experience.
Beans arrives, introductions are made, equipment compared, anticipation of a good day is in the air. The downpour had stopped, the sun was out, life is GOOD! So, off to the launch we go, the launch went smoothly, Beans is in my, (yet to be slimed), boat, with no trouble at all. I park the van and trailer, make my way to the boat, fire her up and help Beans into the dodge van captian's chair that I had mounted on the front bench seat of my 14' narrow beam boat. Now, a word about Beans.....Besides being one of the nicest and most worthy of respect men that I have had the pleasure of meeting, he is also an very experienced fisherman. He's gotta have 30+ years of experience on me. As well, he is a large man, in heart and goodnature as well as girth.
OK here is the situation, an older, robust man sitting on a seat that is elevated 8 inches above the gunwales supported by a 10" circular base fastened to a fiberglass bench seat . The base is 12" high. Nothing wrong with that picture, right?
So here we are on the lake; Beans has pulled in two perch, I am still waiting to get a bite. I ask Beans how he likes the seat, "It is very comfortable" he says. I am curious as this is the shakedown cruise with the new seat. I believe him and envy him as it does look very comfy. Beans leans back as he says this, and to my abject, unaldulterated, complete HORROR! he continues to lean back and back and into the drink he goes! I still have a vivid mental image of Beans' head entering the water, he completley upside down, still seated in the chair, legs kicking vainly in the air for some type of purchase, with a look of absolute shock and surprise etched into his face.
Now at this moment in time I am thinking that I have killed him, he is going to drown, and it is my fault. So I do what any reasonable man would do, I panic. Thankfully he does not. Beans makes his way to the surface clutches at the side of the boat, and says something to the effect of " That was interesting", and I am thinking how the hell am I gonna get him back in??????!!!!!
Fortunatly there are two men nearby in a bass boat, I call them over and they CALMLY get us cooled off, well Beans was already cool, he was IN the water after all, and get Beans into a life jacket, haul him into their boat, and transfer him back to mine. They were the true heros of the situation, regretably we did not get their names.
(So if you recognize this situation, and lurk the board, THANK YOU!!!!!!) If you are members here, stand and be counted.
During all of this Beans is concerned for me, because he can see the huge impact that this has had on me. I am not doing well....
Need less to say, that was the end of the outing.
Beans I owe you an apology, and thank you very much for your freindship that was offered despite my attempt on your life.
Cliff I appreciate the sage advice given after this incident, and will take it to heart.
So, do I need to say anything about ALWAYS wearing your PFD????

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I've had the usual things go down the hole which stir up a few laughs. Cell phones, glasses, lures, flashlights that you just bought, and end up sitting there trying to catch it with a williams for 2 hours...


I think the funniest thing I saw was while camping with a group of about 25 guys.



Buddy put to big of a motor on a home made bracket off the side of a small sportspal. I think it was a 6hp... Way way to big. We are all standing up on this cliff, tanked. And this guy is planning out the sportspal, doing passes back and forth having a good old time... Until the bracket fails.. The motor takes off beside the canoe, but buddy didn't let go, so it flew up in the air and landed in the center of the canoe, prop going, motor at WOT.. Thank go he was solo.... Guy reached up and hit the kill switch with out spilling a drop of beer. The crowd that was watching from the near by cliff all stood in shock for a second, than simultaneously hit the ground rolling in laughter....

Edited by N.A.W
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A few years ago when I was fishin' the Ganny in Port Hope, there was 3 or 4 drunken foul-mouthed hillbillies casting over other people's lines, dragging spoons with large trebles on 'em. giving 'em a good jerk every few feet, and just generally being an ass, when I heard one of 'em yelling in obvious pain. THEN I saw what he was yelling about . . . . somehow his buddy had drove the treble on a 3/4 ounce Cleo well past the barb into the back of his neck when he cast it. . . . I could hardly keep the smile off my face. This was almost as funny as a guy I saw 'lipping' a 3 - 4 pound pike . . . . made a quite a mess of his fingers!


Karma wins again for the first part!!!


As for the last part I had a friend who begged me to show him how to Northern Pike fish. So we headed out to small spillway that was loaded with them. Before I realized he had went down the other side to the water as I was walking across the bridge. So by the time I have gotten down the water he has chucked his spoon and starts reeling. BAM a BIG pike hits it and he is fighting with it and after a while he gets it to the shore.


The thing is about 30" long and he goes now what? I say get your spoon and let it go, He starts reaching with his bare hand. I start to yell when the pike finally opens its mouth and my buddy stops drops his rod and goes HOLY CRAP they have teeth. I was going to lip like a bass. I yelled I would pay to see that but why don't you use your pliers... So he stops shaking and lets it go using his pliers. The whole drive home he kept saying I really had no idea they had teeth, I just had no idea. Strangely it is the same guy who went on 41 trips with us before he caught his first chrome who got a monster pike for that crick on his first cast for one...

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One time I was checking out how the fishing was at a spot and noticed several carp anglers. No sooner did I get out of my car that I witnessed a guy's rod got pulled in the water. He immediately noticed and dove in the water for it. He managed to get his rod and battled the fish while in the water. Turned out the be an aggressive 8lb carp. haha. But was funny to see.


Another time I was fishing on a pier and noticed a very attractive female walking down the pier with a mini-mini jean skirt, and even skimpier shirt... with another guy with a camera with those huge lenses. Well she was doing all kinds of poses.....not sure if that was just funny or pure awesomeness? :) Made fishing that night go by nicely, fish or no fish. :)

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I still smirk when I think about my funny story. Paul and I were at his parents cottage, on a little bass lake in Haliburton. The only boat there was a canoe so we paddled out and started bass fishing. He kept hooking them, but I kept missing the hookset. He was telling me to really set the hook, so next nibble, I set the hook real hard and the fish came flying out of the water and landed on Paul's back and the hook and the fish stuck to his shirt. So here's a bass stuck to his back, flipping around, and we're in a canoe :w00t::rofl2:


He had to take his shirt off and pass it to me so I could get the hook out and the fish off!!!

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Besides nearly drowning (thanks to Albert) I think it funny how I got used to using the bait runner I was given by a good carp fishing friend of mine...


In the excitement of the moment when I got my first run, I just grabbed my carp rod and and set the hook resulting in a massive bird's nest...Nothing like trying to fight an angry 20 pounder while untangling a backlash...did I learn anything?...nope...same thing happened 3 more times...On my 5th run, the guys I'm with stopped me in time to remind me to turn off the "free spool" before lifting the rod off the bank stix...Here is the result (I've caught bigger since but this one was memorable):



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It didn't seem funny at the time? But maybe the Muskie I lipped?


A Muskie hitting the prop on my electric trolling motor after I had put reflective tape on it.


Getting chased by a goose in the dark at a local pond, I wandered too close to her nest!


One of my now ex wives using her navel as a fighting belt when she hooked a 20-25 pound catfish, I thought she would push the rod handle into her spine.


One of my uncles, small pike on a stringer hanging over the side of the boat many years ago. Then he hooked a big pike and it broke the line on the stringer. He was going ballistic and we were laughing in another boat.


The look on my buddy's face when the strange fish he was playing turned out to be a fat 3 foot water snake snagged in the side.


A guy at a local pond showing me the rainbow trout he had caught, hmmm.... most of us call them sunfish.


A groundhog playing squirrel, 8-10 feet up a tree.


The plastic seat base on my bow seat breaking, just as I set the hook on a decent bass, over I went and the bass got off. But at least my head didn't dent the gunnel.


A draw partner in a 2 day bass tournament complaining that he didn't get a hit in 2 days. I won the tournament and had offered him the same lures I was using.


Nobody wants to hold the carp or the sheephead for a picture, even though the will never ever see a bass that big!

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One of the joys in working in the wildlife field is a lot of the funny stories I've been a part of.


We were doing goose counts on the Toronto islands, counting the eggs. I go over to this one nest that a large female is sitting on and try to spook her to count the eggs. She won't move. My co-worker comes over and lifts her off the nest while I count. She keeps trying to nip me so I have the clipboard in front of me to protect myself. The male comes over and starts attacking my co-worker so be puts the paddle out to give him some distance from the male. The male bites on to the paddle and tries to pull it out of my co-workers hands. All I can think is 'imagine a member of the public seeing this. They'd wonder why these environmental workers are fighting with these geese'


Once on a lake it rained the night before and we had a few good inches of water in our boat. I pull the plug and drive off to our first spot which is about 2 hours away. In those 2 hours I forget I pulled the plug. So we get there and start pulling our nets (again, scientific study) and my co-worker asks 'Jer..... Why are we up to our ankles in water?' We had to bail like crazy to prevent the boat from sinking.


On a third lake, the water was really low so the boat was sitting about 3 feet down from the dock and it had rained the night before. I step down into the boat and slip, I figure I'm going in but we have the motor tilted up and my waders get caught on it keeping me hovering a few inches above the water. Problem is I had no way to get untangled as I couldn't reach where I was caught or pull myself up. I had to call my co-workers who proceeded to laugh for a few minutes before rescuing me.



My best fish story I can think of was 2 years ago. I'm fishing with my grandfather and be hooks into something big. He fights it, it runs back to the bottom, back and fourth for about 5 minutes before it snaps his line. We figure he had a big pike or Muskie. Later that day I'm snorkelling the spot looking for drop offs and cover and I find his lure. I didn't have the heart to tell him he hooked into someone's water pump.

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Many years ago on tha Geen, we take up a new bee as can be. Well never held a rod . . .

The fishing guru "the Spinnerman" gives him the lay of the land 'cast up, drift and reel in . . . Feel a ug set the hook . . .

Well, the casting wasn't all there. Finally gets one out and let's it drift way to much feels a tug and sets the hook, overjoyed in he reels, yelling fish On, fish on, one of the guys down the run starts yelling "cut the line you have my waders" and he keeps reeling, we took him home uninjured.

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