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Cabelas Barrie Progress


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I've never been to a Cabelas but everyone always says how great they are. I'll wait and see what everyone says when it opens and if the reviews are good, I'll definitely make the drive over for a look-see.

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I've never been to a Cabelas but everyone always says how great they are. I'll wait and see what everyone says when it opens and if the reviews are good, I'll definitely make the drive over for a look-see.

Bring your boat and you can park it in my drive. :whistling: I might need two cars to tow it though.

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very true, target is more expensive than walmart in most categories, I walked through once and haven't been in again

That's their business model... Higher prices to pay for more workers for "better" customer service... And to "thin the herd" so to speak.... It's like a grocery store... Same box of cereal in 2 stores have 2 different prices.... Some will pay more for shorter lines at the cash and less shoppers.... Not this guy...

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Funny you say that. The useless Target store started after this one did,and is farther ahead.


Quality takes time. I can wait,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I think.LOL



Steve,I no believe.LOL



didnt they have that target mapped out with those red poles more than like 2 years ago too? My uncle was the foreman on the first building that went in (Best Buy, Golf Town, etc) and then came back to finish up Marshalls a bit later. that was the start of 2011 and he had heard they were mapping out the target then. he's now coming back up to start on the centre plazas. still no target lol

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What I found cool,was the outer structure is made of that concrete filled foam.blocks.


I saw a video of a company constructing a home foundation and basement with those. The foam acts as a mold and adds an insulation value. Not that it ever gets cold up there. LOL If you can reduce heating and cooling costs? It's best to do it with the initial construction?


Never had a problem with BPS or Cabelas's both were on the trip list and both had certain advantages, having one close by is one of the biggest advantages. At the time I had to travel to Auburn Hills or Dundee Michigan for them.

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we won't ever get the same caliber of store as in the US with selection and price points, but we'll get some impressive animal mounts at least....and with the depreciating Canadian dollar the price gap will widen again.....didn't harper's budget announce something about tackling "country pricing" with major retailers?


but as for Cabelas, they still suck in Canada....Edmonton just the other day, "where is the prism tape for spoons?"....salesman, "nah, we don't carry that, go to fishin hole, that's where I get mine"


they didn't even have a single pack of white tubes of any brand


next at the gun counter, "do you have a loopy vx6 I can look through?"....salesman, "sure, but you'll save a couple hundred elsewhere"


I'll likely visit the Ontario Cabela's but it's only good for the clearance stuff, guidewear clothing line and small stuff

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ding ding. combine the two and it's a big reason why i'll spend some $$$ there.



agreed, I've noticed regular retail price is often 20-30% over BPS/wholesale sports on some items, be careful buying regular priced stuff....HT polar fire UL ice combo that is 25.99 or 29.99 at competitors was priced at 41.99 the other week


but their guidewear clothing is nice, gotta give em credit for that much, and I bought a primaloft puffy jacket at 40% off


competition is a good thing, so maybe the ON store will be priced more competitively....maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic, aka "early onset old man syndrome" :sarcasm:

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The slumping Canadian dollar should bode well for retail sales at home. Unfortunately, they bump the prices up quickly citing foreign exchange whereas back when the dollar went par, it took a year and a bunch of consumer complaining to get pricing corrected. Kind of like gas prices...when the price of oil goes up, that somehow changes the price of the gas already delivered to a gas station a few days before.

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