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Canada Post to stop all door to door serveces in cities


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Everybody squawks about Canpost rates. Why? Without CP look at what you will pay through CanPar, FedEx, Purolator.

Small parcel anywhere in Ontario $8 with Canpost. FedEx charges $14 to the next town 15km away. Is FedEx or Purolator going to deliver a letter for $1??? Privatization just means certain fat cats get fatter at the public's expense

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Everybody squawks about Canpost rates. Why? Without CP look at what you will pay through CanPar, FedEx, Purolator.

Small parcel anywhere in Ontario $8 with Canpost. FedEx charges $14 to the next town 15km away. Is FedEx or Purolator going to deliver a letter for $1??? Privatization just means certain fat cats get fatter at the public's expense


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I wonder how it is that the USPS can still deliver to your home every day but Sunday and CPOST drops off in a box and you have to go get it?


Population density would play a role. The U.S.A. has 10 times the population in a smaller area. I am sure that Canada Post makes a nice profit when someone delivers from one down town Toronto address to another down town Toronto address, maybe even Toronto to Vancouver; but then they have to deliver from Labrador to Nunavut or to the Yukon for the same price.


I am all ready using a community box in Scarborough; I find that it works quite well. I also like the Shoppers post office because they are open 7 days a week and late at night.

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Everybody squawks about Canpost rates. Why? Without CP look at what you will pay through CanPar, FedEx, Purolator.

Small parcel anywhere in Ontario $8 with Canpost. FedEx charges $14 to the next town 15km away. Is FedEx or Purolator going to deliver a letter for $1??? Privatization just means certain fat cats get fatter at the public's expense

Everyone dumps on CP. Personally I thinks they are quite fantastic! I have shipped anything from fishing equipment to firearms with CP, and it has always ended up where it belonged, in short order and for way less than their competition would do it for! I recently had a couple of reels shipped from a guy in Toronto to my house in 2 days, and it was sent standard shipping. That's pretty darn good in my opinion.

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When I lived in Toronto I received an insane amount of flyers and unwanted junk mail on a daily basis, but now that I'm in the country and no longer get home delivery I receive absolutely ZERO junk mail and that in itself is worth the drive to the mail box.


Heck, I don't even see Jehovah Witness at the door anymore but I don't spose the Post Office can take credit for that. :clapping:

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I do feel sorry for the people with disabilities who now may have a difficult job getting to their new super mail box a few blocks away !!!!!!! If they are confines to a wheelchair or something it's gonna be difficult to get there we have a super box at end of our road just for letters but anything bigger and it about 3 miles to the country store to get anything else !!!!!! There will be issues for elderly as well especially in the country and in bad snowy weather !!!!

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So refreshing to see people standing up for the workers and this service.....as any corporation does to make money, they are making the situation far worse than it really is.........this is a government trying to get rid of middle class Canada.........all jobs either taken away or exported.....first it was Heinz, then it was Kellogs, now the Post Office.........Mr. Harper is the worst thing for Canada. No true education for our children, a green plan that is failing miserably, horrible health care and the attempted forced extinction of the middle class man or woman. Time for change.

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Heck, I don't even see Jehovah Witness at the door anymore but I don't spose the Post Office can take credit for that. :clapping:

Tell ya what, we've got an over abundance of them around here lately. I tried to water my sidewalk and hoped they'd slip and fall on the ice but no luck. I'll send a few over to you for recruiting.

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Tell ya what, we've got an over abundance of them around here lately. I tried to water my sidewalk and hoped they'd slip and fall on the ice but no luck. I'll send a few over to you for recruiting.


Very generous offer but I think I'll hafta pass on it :lol:

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So refreshing to see people standing up for the workers and this service.....as any corporation does to make money, they are making the situation far worse than it really is.........this is a government trying to get rid of middle class Canada.........all jobs either taken away or exported.....first it was Heinz, then it was Kellogs, now the Post Office.........Mr. Harper is the worst thing for Canada. No true education for our children, a green plan that is failing miserably, horrible health care and the attempted forced extinction of the middle class man or woman. Time for change.

Comrade Trudeau will fix everything!!

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I wonder how it is that the USPS can still deliver to your home every day but Sunday and CPOST drops off in a box and you have to go get it?

Well if you look USPS is currently losing 7 to 8 billion dollars per year, now being covered by the us tax payer

CPC is doing what they need to do to not be the USPS I wish them luck

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with the density and lack of public space in the city, I'd like to know where exactly they plan to put all these super boxes ? They can barely shoehorn in TTC shelters…while Shoppers can be good for most deliveries (large parcels), they'd be over run with regular mail.


Perhaps they should have kept open some of the postal stations that were shuttered and put the mail boxes there. Would have made perfect sense in terms of delivering mail without needing to drive to super boxes all over the city…dumb bureaucrats...

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Hmmm... I wonder what they thought was going to happen with the advent of email? Online banking and spamming?


My phone bill just started coming in the mail with ads from 3 non related companies enclosed in it, who profits from that?


Why did our politicians block themselves from the do not call list? So they don't have to pay postage?


It seem funny to me that we can conduct our banking, shopping,and government related business on line, but our politicians don't consider it safe enough for on line voting?


Perhaps if our politicians made the mail a minimum wage job they could give themselves a raise? LOL

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Funny, but no one has mentioned the fact that in the last three years, CP has spent over a BILLION dollars "upgrading" their equipment at the main sorting stations.

Here's real leadership for yah! Your volume of business has been in a steady decline and is expected to continue to do so in the foreseable future. Heck, this must be the perfect time to outspend our revenues both current and preceived. Flippin brilliant I say! Who ever made that decision, should run for a high level political office!

RE job losses. Actually, the real number of jobs lost will be less than the numbers being put out as CP has an aging work force and many will be retiring before all the changes come into effect.

Who's gonna pay those pensions is an entire topic on it's own.

So, combine this news with the news today that Metrolinx wants everyone in the GTA to pay $.05/litre for their gas, with the money going to improve transit in the area and we have yet another grab into our pockets.

I'm pretty sure that the $.05/litre is a bait and switch and that they would be resonably happy at $.02/litre, but given that organizations willingness to spent our way out of commuting hell, I can't help but think we are going to watch yet another billion dollars get wasted.

Don't get me started on the gas plant fiasco! I think that the good folks in the Oakville area, should be the ones footing the bill for the cancelled gas plants.

There, RANT over!LOL


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