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Well, I tried it in 2003 when I sold my business but just couldn't handle not having a job to go to. About 6 months into retiring Sue gave me a choice, go find a girl friend, a job, anything but get the heck out and do something.


Well I gave serious thought about the girl friend but no one could live up to Sue so that ruled that one out! Besides after all those years of training her I really didn't want to start over again with someone else and I knew she would never agree to there being two ladies in my life (other than my daughter or grandaughters)

(oh I hope she doesn't read this).


I took on a job as a sales manager for a company unfortunatly while sales were good, some crap happened and while I was away on holidays a young fellow (new employee) convinced the boss that he could do it better and for less money and I found myself out of a job. (Best part of that is, he only lasted 6 months and then he quit because things were going down hill so fast). Bitter sweet because we were growing really well and now the division is closed. No one gained a thing!


So after much thought and deliberation I decided to pursue a totally different carer from what I had done in the past. I got a job as a small engine mechanic, went to school, served my apprenticeship and eventually got my license as a small engine mechanic. That was a lot of fun, the work was hard, heavy, and dirty but I loved working with my hands and took a lot of pride in always trying to do my job well.


Then two years ago while being laid off for the winter, I was asked if I would be interested in doing some work in marketing (I spent most of my working life in sales, customer service, and marketing) so I decided to take it on, it was only supposed to be for three months.


Well after about three weeks the boss called me into his office and asked if I would consider joining the company, it ment a lot more money and benifits and not nearly as physically demanding. Sue and I talked about it and I decided to take the position.


To say I liked my job there would be an understatment, I loved working with the customers, I loved learning new things, I took a lot of pride in helping customers make informed decsions and watching them grow their businesses.


I was treated very well by the company and my boss (although we didn't always see eye to eye) and I was very proud of the sales that I was able to bring to the company.


Prior to my starting there, they had just experienced the worst year in the history of the branch. (not too hard to improve on that) Within months they enjoyed the best month, quarter, and year in the history of the branch. Kind of makes a guy feel proud!


Anyway last week my boss and I had a long talk. I would get up early, do research, paperwork, then be on the road by 7:30 and often didn't get home until 6 at night. To be honest with you, I was getting burned out and it was starting to show. My sales weren't quite what they use to be, still better than average and better than any of the other reps but not up to my standards. He very kindly gave me the option.


Anyway, I'm not sure I really should retire, damb it for some stupid reason I enjoy having a job, it keeps my brain and body busy but maybe it is time! I'll give it another try but already I am thinking about taking a truck driving course (or something).


Drove transport for years before you needed anything other than a drivers license but I don't have a DZ license. Why is it that I can't just sit down and retire? I always have to be doing or learning something. How does anyone ever "retire"?


Sounds like you've had a full and fulfilling work career Cliff. I'm of the mind that if one can afford it, then retirement is a very viable option. Both my parents were super blue collar (mom worked on Spadina Ave. sweatshops for years) and they never took vacation that I can remember. They were still happy and did everything for the kids so that was their reward I guess.


There's so much to do in life so I think you should reap the rewards of your hard work and put the feet up for a spell. Part time work or volunteering can help fill the void left behind by retirement. Think of all the lakes and rivers you can now fish, I'd envy that to no end.


I already know what my wife and I will do if we're able to save up enough for early retirement, which btw, is so far off I can't even see the horizon ;)


Good luck which ever road you take.


Nothing wrong with wanting to work Cliff.In todays world, the only reason to fully retire is if you WANT to. I agree that a life of leisure is not all that is cut out to be.To keep learning and keep active is important to a long healthy golden age. I own my own bussiness, and plan on taking more time off work, and letting the employees take more responsibility.But to just stop, and do nothing, is a death sentence, at leasy for me it would be.

Enjoy the Golden Years Cliff, and work only if you want to.







I was comparing you to my pop.

He retired at 57,(mudder 54) sold thier house in Etobicoke and headed north. You talk about a guy that likes to stay busy. Bought a house,we tore it inside out,renovated it and dream home was complete. What next? Well,wood burning furnace. Time to cut wood.Cut,chop and pile. He,s busy enough now.


I am a strong believer,you say idel,,,,,,,,,,yer done.



Congrats to you Cliff.Maybe you and Norm can split a herring. :dunno:

Posted (edited)

If you need something to do, just talk to my wife. :blush:

Congrads on a big step. Oh, and disregard my sig :whistling:

Edited by HTHM

Congrads on your next step in life.......


But how about guiding those who need help on Sturgeon Lake or working with seniors or kids....


Whatever you decide on Cindy and I wish you and Sue the Best in MANY YEARS to come.




Man... how many times have I heard this announcement in the last 7 years?? ! :sarcasm:


..anyone wanna start a pool??


why is his next job going to be installing pools




what ever you do just enjoy it


Cliff my best wishes. You are a pillar on this board among many others. In the last few years you have helped me out a few rimes in the small engine problems.


I will be in the same boat; in a few years. I can't let go of my knowledge. I'm trying to pass it on but It's hard. I have done it and it gets harder as the years go by and technology overtakes me. By the time my grandkids want to work my typography skills won't be known. I can only leave memories.


You sir have been a mentor to the people you have come across And they will remember your legacy forever.


Go sit in your boat and relax I'm sure you will have a lot of people over to keep you busy.


IF YOU RETIRE DON'T give up your knowledge and kindness.


I have felt it!



Ps when you have all of that time on your hands, keep off the lake when it's dangerous so your friends cN come and visit.



Best wishes my friend who I never met.


I don't think there's such a thing as retirement as we know it or imagine it to be. Most healthy, "retired" people I know still work and do the things they enjoy doing. They just do so without financial gain. You can now do whatever you want. I'm sure there's something that you've always wanted to do but never did. Go for it, Cliff.


I don't think there's such a thing as retirement as we know it or imagine it to be. Most healthy, "retired" people I know still work and do the things they enjoy doing. They just do so without financial gain. You can now do whatever you want. I'm sure there's something that you've always wanted to do but never did. Go for it, Cliff.


Ya but Sue says I'm too old to be that kind of a movie star now Roy LOL


Ya but Sue says I'm too old to be that kind of a movie star now Roy LOL


Only Sue would know that, Cliff. :D You'll be fine, go for it.


Retirement with nothing to do will just plain kill ya, Cliff. You are a doer, not a spectator.

Because of my health I'm supposed to be retired :rolleyes: Perhaps I should be slowing down some, but, you and I need to feel productive and useful. You'll be going stir crazy in a week.


Enjoy it Cliff!! I hear knitting is a good pastime LOL.


I"m sure you will find lots to do. If your bored, go fishin, or hunting!!




The happiest retirees I know, still work. They however don't work 40+ hours a week and some of them do volunteer work and don't make a dime doing it. There is something to be said for having a purpose to get your behind out of bed in the morning. Everyone has to find what works best for them.


All the best Cliff at finding out the right mix to make your tomorrow's rewarding relaxing and worthwhile. If you are having some trouble adjusting and your driving Sue crazy....I'm your man for a fishing intervention. Fall perch are about 4-5 weeks away :thumbsup_anim:


...but where am I supposed to get my sales leads from?


All kidding aside, congrats Cliff. I'm sure you'll find something to occupy your time. I'm a bit jealous, probably another 20 years before I can do the same.


Well Cliff, I for one don't think it will last too long, but in the mean time there is lots to do. I know you know there are course out there for just about everything, so you never have to stop learning. In the mean time I'm sure you'll find a few things to keep you busy, and hey now I can come out on a weekday and go for some Walleye :P


Enjoy my friend



Just think about all the time you have now to fish!! Enjoy your retirement!! If you get bored, do some side jobs for small engines..... Keep yourself busy is all I can recommend.


Ya but Sue says I'm too old to be that kind of a movie star now Roy LOL


They have a pill for that now, Cliff.

Whatever you decide to do with your time, I know it will benefit others. Just don't spread yourself too thin!


We chatted a while ago about all the jobs you have had throughout your life. There always seemed to be a common thread through it all. Whether guiding up north or on the road selling things it seemed what you were looking for was something you could be proud of, where you felt appreciated you were motivated to put the extra mile in. Working with people and enjoying yourself...as long as it paid the bills. I tend to agree with some on here, that you wont stop working compeltely...find something part time you can really enjoy...and spend a lot of time with family. (and getting out fishing more!).


One thing about you though, opportunities will come your way...you can pick and choose what you want to do with your time now! You definitely deserve it! :thumbsup_anim:

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