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Just said goodby to my best friend

Big Cliff

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Katiebo's Andy, 14 years 3 months. His health had been failing for a while now but this morning I got a call from Sue to let me know that Andy couldn't stand anymore so I turned around and headed back home. We took him over to the vets and they confirmed our worst fears, it was time.


I got Andy from a breader in McHenery Illinois in the middle of Jan. in the worst snow storm of the winter. He was only 6 1/2 weeks old but it was love at first sight. I had looked for over a year for just the right pup and was lucky enough to get first pick of the litter. Funny thing is, I think Andy picked me rather than the other way around.


From that day on we were seldome apart for more than a day or two at a time. We trained together, hunted together, fished together (fishing was just another form of hunting to Andy). Over the years Andy won so many awards from his very first field trial at 5 1/2 months it was obvious that Andy was special, he filled a wall with them but most of all he won the hearts of everyone that knew him, didn't matter if you liked dogs or not.


We were quite a team always looking out for each other, he didn't have a mean bone in his body but would stand his ground when he had to or if he thought someone was a threat to Sue or I.


A few years ago when he was having trouble getting up onto our bed,

I built him a set of stairs so he could get up when he wanted and in our house it was called FUR-NITURE for a reason!


Anyway, I know I am rambling but so many OFNr's have met Andy that I just had to let them know!


OK, I got to go now.

Edited by Big Cliff
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Sad day Cliff.. I know it well. Like any good family member just think of all the great days and you'll be fine!


Will take a long time to get use to him not meeting you at the door though for sure!

Edited by irishfield
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Oh Cliff,sad.gif i feel your pain my friend. just reading your post was enough to start the tears flowing.We become so attached to these small packages of joy.It seems that the purity of their love for us reaches deep into our souls, and nestles there against our hearts for warmth.

my deepest sympathy.His memory will cause you to smile for years to come.




Edited by mercman
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Sorry for your loss Cliff. I have a Golden girl named Hallie (short for "Lady Haliburton") who's hitting 13 this month. We're already dreading the day and it's still hopefully at least a year or two away!


What kind of dog is Andy? Got a picture?


Andy was a German Short Haired Pointer: They are a versitle hunting dog. Have the instincts of a pointer, the nose of a blood hound, the web feet of a retriever, and the love of a mother.


I am sorry, I just can't figure out how to post a picture right now! I am having trouble just thinking but thanks for asking.

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My sincerest condolences Cliff and Sue.


We are most certainly blessed by their companionship but alas it is (unfortunately) only for a short time. :(

I however (like so many here) would not ever give up that short period of time.

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I'm really sorry to hear that Cliff, my thoughts are with you today. My 17 year old cat/buddy had a rough night last night and I thought if he doesn't come around by noon, its probably time, but he was fine when I went home at lunch. The bad days are coming more often so I know it will be coming soon now, and I'm not looking foward to it just like I know you were not.


Pets are really little, furry family members and they really are missed when they are gone.


Sorry Cliff.



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Very sad news Cliff and from one dog lover to another, you have my deepest condolances. As soon as I saw the title of your post I had a feeling what it was gonna be about.


It's very tough to say goodbye to such a loyal friend.


Sorry for your loss.

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