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Just got my reward!

Big Cliff

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Have you ever heard the saying "work diligently, with integrity, and you will always get your reward"?


Well, yetrerday I got my reward, I'm out of a job!


As some of you may remember last Summer I advertised a sales position on here that was becoming available at a company I was working for. Well, we ended up hiring a person because of that posting (not an OFNr but an aquaintance of one)


There are three things I expect from the people I work with; honesty, loyality, and accountability. I won't go into all the gory details but lets just say that this individual didn't waste any time demonstrating to me on more than one occasion that I couldn't expect any of the above from him. My biggest mistake was that I gave him a second and even a third chance. I couldn't believe that a man could look me in the eye, shake my hand, give me his word, and it didn't mean a thing to him except another opportunity!


He does however have one thing going for him, he can crap better than anyone I have ever met. He managed to convince my boss that he is just a nice young man trying to build a future for himself and he can do no wrong.


Yesterday it all came to a head and it was him or me, well, I guess crap does baffel brains and the Division that I worked so hard to build for the last fifteen months is pretty much in his control and I am out of a job.


I don't know what I am going to do right now, I loved that job, I put my heart and sole into building that division, I was so proud of it!


Sorry for the rant guys and gals, I'm having a bad day! :(

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that sucks...it happened to me last year (sort of)


I trained a guy for 8 years he was in my office for three of them. He left for a year then opened up a competitive business and is simply undercutting the market. DANG


Sorry to hear, Cliff. If I hear of anything out your way I will certainly let you know. Do you know anything about steel?

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Cliff I am sorry to hear that this has happened. I am glad to see even in your rant that you have keep your honor and integrity. The good news is their is a new project waiting for you to add your expertise to it will be the first door that you knock on that recognizes your value and morals that you possess. If their is anything that you think I can do for you give a holler It would be my pleasure...



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Wow Cliff sorry to hear something like this happen to you, but like trapshooter stated can be very true sometimes. Went thru something very similar to what you our experiencing about five years ago only thing was I took a demotion and with a little patience I came out on top.

Hang in there Cliff you just never know what door will open next.



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Cliff, I am out of work on Thursday as well. Too bad we were not closer and could meet for a coffee to discuss us taking over the world ( or at least a province or small country)


Cliff, I am out of work on Thursday as well. Too bad we were not closer and could meet for a coffee to discuss us taking over the world ( or at least a province or small country)

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My mama always said, "be careful of which folks you step on going up the ladder of success cause you're going to meet those same guys on the way down."


Tough break Cliff, but I know you've been through worse. It just feels really bad when it's someone you've helped.

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I have to admit, that would be extremely annoying to go through. But take in the comfort that his time will come, don't worry about that. You know the ol sayin - " Whats goes around comes around ". Good luck in your future endeavours.

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Well that's just horrible. That guy will get his tho, they always do.


Try to keep positive bud.


What field of expertise are you in again, just so we can keep our ears open for any opportunities we might hear of Cliff?



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1. Sorry to hear about your series of unfortunate events.



There are three things I expect from the people I work with; honesty, loyality, and accountability. I won't go into all the gory details but lets just say that this individual didn't waste any time demonstrating to me on more than one occasion that I couldn't expect any of the above from him. My biggest mistake was that I gave him a second and even a third chance. I couldn't believe that a man could look me in the eye, shake my hand, give me his word, and it didn't mean a thing to him except another opportunity!


2. SUCKER!!!

Ever heard the old addage " Nice guys finish last"?... It's true!



3. This is probably be one of the best things that has ever happened to you. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you will realize it in the not too distant future. It will most probably be realized in another employment oppertunity, or maybe you'll just stay retired this time and realize the full benefits of being retired!

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Thats terrible. Their Loss.


Happened too me too but I quit cause my "Boss" was taking credit for everything I was doing.


4 Months after I left the enitre Managment chain above me was fired casue when you take the person that knows the most, does the most, and works the hardest out.. The pack of cards does fall.


More opportunities just opened up for you!!!

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Thats tough Cliff ! but the truth wil come out when decisions have to be made,and he cant make 'em.

Jackie went thro' the same thing yrs ago. Had to train the Bosses daughter,then had to quit because of the lies ect.The Govt closed them down 6mths later YEAH!!!!

Chin up Pal, nothing stands in way,you will come out on top eventually. :thumbsup_anim:

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Touhg break Cliff but take joy in the fact that even the best can only Bull for so long. Then your boss is going to have to eat a big slice of humble pie. By the way we never did hook up last year, let me know if you would still like to see the boat and I'll see what we can arrange.

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Tough break Bigcliff!..I know it isnt much consolation now but years ago the company I worked 10 years for closed local operations. They offered me transfers but i would end up too far away from good old Nipissing. Went back to school and got my mechanics ticket. Was the oldest in my class but it was a lot of fun. Now own my own thriving business. Was the best thing that happened to me. Only didnt know it at the time. It will work out for you. Take care and keep your chin up.......Bernie

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That really sucks


I know its in most of us to reach out and help some person, but when that same person turns on you just for advancement, it can partially destroy your faith in human beings. He will get his rewards at some point.

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