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Fishing Clubs Membership ??

Fish Farmer

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Are fishing clubs a dying thing? Just looking for some input. I belong to 3 different clubs, and the memberships are dropping big time. When we have meetings this topic is brought up all the time. looking around the room their seems to be less and less people, and the ones that are there have GRAY hair ( old Guys ), no Young blood. Is it because people haven't got the time,they can't be bothered,no interest? I'm looking for reasons that you wouldn't want to be a club member or maybe you have dropped out of a club for some reason. If I can get some input hear, I'll print this out and bring this thread to the executive meetings.

Stelco Fishing Club

Dofasco Fishing Club

Golden Horseshoe Outdoors Club

Straitline Angling Club

Thank you very much

Fish Farmer Dave ( one of the old guys trying to help )

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It's not just fishing clubs Dave...it's most clubs. We used to get about 75 people to our Barrie/Orillia Recreational Aircraft meetings each month and about 35 to the one here in Midland/Penetang. We're now lucky if we see a dozen at each location (heck now that I'm not President I don't even go). I chalk most of this up to the internet....as there is no need to go to a meeting to find out what's going on in the aircraft world with the internet available in every household. The "clubs" have become social events for the older guys to get a night out and the younger ones just get what they need off line.

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I joined a well known club here in Toronto a couple years back Dave, but soon found it was just a bunch of cliques all huddled together in individual little groups around the room and it didn't seem like they were too receptive to outsiders trying to bud in.


First night there I went up and introduced myself to the fella running the place, and when I extended my hand to him, he just said hi, and turned his back on me :dunno:


I payed my 1st years dues and hung around for that season, but things never really improved too much so I found better things to do with my time and $$$$


They had another chapter out your way that I tried, and it was really excellent with very friendly people, infact I knew 1/2 of them already, but it was just too far for me to drive there and back thru the Toronto traffic nightmare.


Too bad really, cause I thought it would be a great place to hang out during the winter. :(

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Yes, I could see the internet contributing to the decline in attendance at fishing clubs.



Lew, there's a new Chairman in the T.O. chapter, the guy with 0 personality stepped down. And I hear there's a great new Chairman in Hamilton! :whistling: It would be nice to see you as a member again!

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Greencoachdog, like Wayne says, social night out. We have member fish contests, seminars, small fun derby's ( different species ), volunteer projects, displays, swap nights, sell unwanted tackle, etc.


Very good point Wayne. I mentioned at one of the meetings that the young people want to spend their money on fish tourneys, not the little stuff. And your right about getting info on the net.


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Everyone has come up with some good reasons. A changing world and a lot of choices for the recreational dollars. Kids are impatient and in a hurry.


I belonged to a bass club for a number of years, age differences caused some rifts. Young singles guys in a hurry to try new places, without taking the time to learn the old. We set up club tournament dates in like February, like 7 tournaments 6 qualifiers and a championship.


5 one day tournaments and 2 two day tournaments. just logical for the older guys with families to limit the driving distance for a one day tournament. Drive 3 or 4 hours, fish for 8 or 9 drive 3 or 4 hours home? Didn`t make much sense to us family guys, our two days were usually in New York or Erie Pa. A bit of a drive but you had more time. A lot of us made a family vacation out of it, a cabin on the lake for a week.


A battle every year over locations, and some guys wouldn`t show for the longer one day tournies. Some of the young guys were gung ho, until not doing well in the first couple tournies. Kids with fathers or uncles, whatever stayed in longer than kids without other family members involved.


Maybe a tradition thing? Turn off the tv, put the video game down, get out and do something. You don`t need a tv or game to have fun. Fishing is a game, you get out of it what effort you put into it.


Our club had boaters and non-boaters, gave people without the resources a chance to fish, a draw for partners so you got to fish with different people and get to know them and learn different styles of approaching the tournie, different methods, choices in locations on a lake.


The bickering over tournie locations was a drag, some guys would fish a lake a couple times and not do well and not show for tournies on that lake. You can`t learn if you don`t fish it?


Start them off early make a game and fun out of it, expect that some won`t show much interest.

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im 30 years old and have a 20 month old son. I work 60-70 hours a week. Put about 60-70 thousand kms an year on the car.


The last thing i want to do is go hang out at a fishing club when i am already missing out on so much family and friend time. I bet most people my age feel the same way and alot are in the same position.


Plus.......I can get all the information i need right here on OFC lol


With the wide variety of info avaible on the net the only club that i see increaseing in participatents is the ones where cloths come off and have table dances.



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It's a sad thing really. Our local Lions club has done great things for our community. The local arena, swimming pool, ball park, playgrounds, and much, much more were either completely or partially funded by our club. We try very hard to add members to our club each and every year. We may get a couple new ones but I'm 50 and there are not too many younger than me. Recent changes to ticket sales (more government Bull) make it even harder to raise funds for new projects. Without community oriented clubs like Lions it will make it difficult for some projects to begin or continue. I wonder what will happen in the future? It seems like our way of life is deteriorating badly. Fewer people go out and socialize at local events as well and become community strong.

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Yes, I could see the internet contributing to the decline in attendance at fishing clubs.



I think the internet makes membership to a board like this more appealing, in the way that its accessible to us when we have the time.

Some clubs are a bit political as well....

If you're not around for a while because of life’s small reasons you get flack, or are subject to some heat.

Next thing you know your opinion is put on the low list.


I think the internet is absolutely the biggest contributor to the declines in Many different clubs.

Life is fast paced these days, if we can get the same level of satisfaction, and limit the headaches in a 24 hours 7day a week online club I say giddee up!

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Good topic Fish Farmer


I'm 39 years old and have a 4 1/2 year old daughter as some other members have mentioned. I don't get out to fish right now as much as I used to/would like due to work and family commitments. I have considered joining the local club here in Grimsby in the past but figuered I would wait a few years until my fishing time improved and could contibute more to that type of forum.





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Yes it is sad Dave. As Wayne said it's not just fishing clubs that are experiencing reduced memberships. I think the Internet has a lot to do with it and the fact that there is so much electronic entertainment available these days. And also in the days of years gone by a lot of guys were looking for all opportunities to get out of the house (away from the wife) that social clubs flourished. Now so many woman are working that many guys have the time home alone in peace and solitude so the need to get away form the ball and chain is not so prevalent. :angel:


Years ago I belonged to a cribbage league in the Hammer and belonged to the legion. I no longer do either.

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I have to disagree with this, as I belong to a club and a Federation that is growing bigger and stronger, and we have a good influx of younger members joining all the time, The club I belong to is is the CBAF bass proshop chapter, it is a bass fishing club and runs tournys, but more than that it is people sharing info and helping each other to become better anglers, the format is such that we have both Boaters and non-Boaters, so you dont have to own a boat to be able to join in on the fun, this has allowed many of our young members to benefit and learn things such as safe boating as well as what kind of a boat will suit them best when they are able to buy one of their own. Each and every one of the chapters of the CBAF will make each and everyone feel welcome and we have chapters all over southern and western Ont.


Sorry I dont mean for this to be an ad but, its just a response to show that not all clubs are dieing off.


And we have members of all ages and genders


If interested check out the web site at CBAF (Canadian Bass Anglers Federation)


And many OFNers are already members

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It's good to see that you're getting better! At least well enough to post on this chat board! The Canadian Bass Anglers Federation(an OFAH affiliated organization) is definitely growing as is our chapter at the Bass Pro Shops. We have a nice mix of veterans, rookies, pros, average joes, young up & comers in our club. Every meeting we have informative sessions with knowledgeable pros, hold club tournaments and help with kids events. Feel free to drop in as a guest we meet on the first Tues. of each month in the BPS training room. PM me if you have any other questions!



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hi guys theres several variables. the internet, aging cocooning folks and regulations that need lawyers to explain how to fish. our group in southern ont m.c.i. has a wide range of ages. its great to have young thoughts. whats even greater is for the exucative to explore their thoughts and suggestions. . the glue binding a fishing club is to have informative willing members to share and help the young folks , where how and when to.. another enticing factor for those looking for new members is if possible , to tap the family outlet. why not involve your kids, and wives. that provides a decent cheap outing to the families just starting out. every one knows how funds can be limited when they are starting out. and above all keep it fun. just a few personal thoughts.

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the internet changes the dynamics no question, our club has seen growth in both paying members and our internet forum. Generally these day most that are paying members are as a result of a promotion to join, or to assist financially in conservation work for more info on the club and things we do


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Dave, I belong to the Associated Sportsman Club in Hamilton (aka Police Association) was a member of The Golden Horseshoe for 3 yrs (not now) not a very well interested group (personal opinion).. also Member of Millennium Bass Masters 1 Yr (Conservation Director) and was also included with OFBA.. Have more of an Interesting time with the Association and even more fun with OFC :thumbsup_anim: As stated the problem with most cubs... no new blood & lots of no new ideas there for loss of members

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I think what alot of the failing clubs did not do was change with the times. I've seen a few around this area that are stuck in their old ways and are afraid to move into the 21st century. This has resulted in a huge drop in membership.

If you can achieve your goals via the internet, there's no reason these clubs don't go to a more virtual existance. They all need younger faces in the crowd, but have yett to figure out how to draw them in. It isn't too hard to figure.

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It's funny how our Club has grown is the past 4 years with new younger members ranging from 24-32 and more in the early 40's. I agree that you need to change with the times this is why there is alot of effort put forth to the internet that is how I found them and also many other's its a great tool to use to get your word out.


The days of the Boy's club are over ( I am not saying you can not have events that are not just for the guys) but you need to include the family.(even if the families dont come out it makes the world of difference that they know they are welcome) I know I would not be able to do as much as I do with our chapter if my family was not included, they are welcome to attend meetings and outtings and many of our wives run the events we put together.



It's a shame when I here stories about new members of any club feel like a outcast that is just wrong if anything you need to make them feel like they are 10' tall and listen to them who knows where they come from and you might just learn something.


Our club also has a Leadership program where we will take new people out with some that have been at it for a while to help them learn proper ways to handle musky and just to also make them feel welcome its nice to have a new person join ya it can make for a great day and again you might just learn something back.


I guess I did not answer what you were asking we have had a drop in members showing up at times and I asked some of them it seems that work is the #1 answer Oh yeah one crazy member thinks golf is a good reason in the summer months :wacko: we do have alot of young blood and its great we will keep growing and hopefully make some difference on the local front. for more info on what our chapter is about check the link.




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I belong to a couple clubs, Including Stelco's or is it US Steel Canada now lol... I joined up and paid my dues like everyone else... But I am a quasi member as I do not work for Steclo.. My wife does and so did my father-in-law. I do enjoy the meetings ( I have made it to two) and would like to attend more, I would be what you would consider young blood in comparison to your overall membership and you do need more people like myself if your club is going to survive.. But I have to be honest, I feel out of place knowing I am not a full fledged member as everyone else in the room... But I will be there, for the speakers and some of the great info I have received.



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I thank you guys very much for your input. I see a few things that have been mentioned that may help. I'll be sending this thread to our clubs executive. I probably should have mentioned The Stelco, and Dofasco clubs run on a 75%, 25%. employee & outside associate membership, which makes things a little difficult to bring outsiders in. On the other hand, the Golden Horseshoe club is open for everyone.

Anglers helping anglers,that's what it's all about,"OFC"

I thank you all again very much for your help.



whats wrong with flipping the Mods a few chicken Wings once in awhile. lol


see you at the next meeting bud. Bring that Spiel Guy!lol

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Guest lundboy

I stuck it out at a club for a couple of seasons but things were WAY TOO political.


The membership was not growing, but shrinking.


As Lew mentioned cliques. There were (maybe still) a lot of pro anglers in the club. Most of which pretty well stuck to themselves and ignored everyone else. The meeting consisted of basically walking into the restaurant's private area, buy a drink or a dinner, and everyone would sit around watching the "pros" chat amongst themselves.


The president (one of the "pros") and executive, did very little to structure the meetings or to even keep up with the club promised membership benefits except when elections happened or dues were payable.


The only events that were kept were the mini 5pm-9pm weekday tournaments which were tough for me to attend due to work schedule and travel


The new (current) president basically picked the match ups with pro (boater) to am (non-boater) depending on who he and his clique liked, not by the club mandated random draws.


The reason these tourneys were kept up is because the "pros" cleaned up in 90% of them, and got the prize money. They also got club sponsored paid entries into the major tourneys like CFT by winning all the club tourneys.


There was even a very embarrassing situation where the executive got in an argument with the mini tourney marina launch site owner over having to pay $2 more for a launch than the site across the river which was not as good, while the club (not me) drank beer and threw garbage on his property after each tourney! This was terribly embarrassing to me because I was renting summer boat storage from this marina at the time and didn't want to be painted with the same brush. Can you imagine... "pros" with $60,000+ boats whining about $2 more for a better launch?? (The price was $7, a discount from the marina's usual $10, and the other launch was $5)


Not once (when I was there) did the members get their promised benefits such as:











I had recommended at least two of my friends to join up while I was there, they each came to a meeting but found it to not be worth joining because of the alienation.


I made my point of view many times during the meetings, and especially well known at the end of my membership to the president, and also the CFT liason. But was quickly dismissed as sour grapes. I might add that a "new" bylaw has been added in which no member can:


"Publicly attack, malign, slander, or beset any member, affiliate or stakeholder" or they will loose their membership. I agreee that this is a good thing to follow, but due to the inability of certian members of the executive being able to take criticism, the discussions quickly turn into slander and beseting. Note also that these rules for some reason don't apply to the clique.


So.... does anyone wonder why the clubs are failing? Maybe BassPro's club is better since it's kind of associated with BP and would have to be careful how they function. But it was affiliated with this one above, and some of it's members were/are part of the clique and executive of the one above, and are active members of this board also.

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I think the whole 'club' (not just fishing) thing is challenged by a changing environment were fewer and fewer people have the luxury of time and everyone has to make tougher choices on how to spend that time. Having said that, I think its a conversation that happens every few years in every club.


Clubs will always have to compete with all the other demands on its members attention in a world where the membership has many choices about how to get the value out of its investment of time and in a world where the perception of value is always changing.


The internet is definitely one competitor - not just because of instant information - but also because it is an easily accessible way to get a quick 'fix' of comradery (with little demand, commitment or obligation) through forums like this one and without the personal penalties associated with a whole night (or day) out.


For those who have earned the luxury of time there will always be clubs ... the key will be finding ways to offer good (like minded) people a worthwhile return on their investment and accepting that not all members have the same interest or ability to participate but keeping them engaged regardless so that there are others to share that time with.


In the case of the club I am a member of, this means accepting that once or twice a year is it ... and keeping those few get togethers worth it for everyone. (For me its quality not quantity that keeps the club going)

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