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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2020 in all areas

  1. Here is my personal situation. I have a water access cottage but also own a drive-to lot that has a wet slip boathouse. Inside the boathouse I have a boat hoisted up and sitting on beams overtop the water for winter storage. It would be no problem to put my boat in the water without the aid of a public or private boat ramp. So technically I could launch my boat without breaking the order. However, my opinion is they should be making all waterways closed off, not just the access to them but keep all boats off the waterways. Yes there will be some extenuating circumstances but stop all pleasure craft use. Currently our first responders are so taxed in these unsettling times. I don't think it's the best use of our first responders if they now have to keep an eye on the waterways and potentially rescue or enforce the social distancing orders on the water. The closure is until April 13. Yeah, it can and likely will be extended but, if we look at the big picture, we all need to sacrifice and our first responders need all the help they can get right now to focus on the true issue at hand.
    5 points
  2. Good for you, I doubt your petition will ever amount to much but wrong or right you are fighting for what you want. I have nothing against fishing, in fact I love to go fishing! My issue is you might follow the rules of social distancing at the ramp but you can bet there will be others that won't. It sounds like you are going to do whatever you want regardless of the consequence. I truly hope and pray that neither you or any of your family or friends pay the ultimate price for your actions. Me, well I am going to continue to be socially responsible and do my best to insure that I am not part of the problem.
    5 points
  3. Does your petition to include pay to launch private facilities as well? So they will all be free or does someone have to take your money by hand? I know guys have been using the Crystal Beach launch on Erie. Pay at the machine. While both arguments have merits I choose not to sign your petition. By the way with governments working around the clock shorthanded do you really think someone is going to take the time to even read the thing? I doubt it, they are kind of busy these days looking at ways to save lives.
    4 points
  4. Glad to see a few Rangers show up. Here's mine - its a 2015.
    3 points
  5. Please everyone, please just stay home. The more diligent we are today the faster we will be able to beat this thing and go fishing. Set an example for others.
    3 points
  6. Here is my ride after cleaning it up last fall, upgraded from a Lund Pro V and couldnt be happier.
    3 points
  7. Good for you. Unfortunately, these rules are not being put in place for the people that have common sense, it’s for those that don’t. There’s plenty of pics online of people gathering in public parks to justify them shutting down public areas. I get it, everyone on here is an angel and will do it right. Most won’t however hence the new rules.
    3 points
  8. Hi All, Still lots of ice here but spring is on the way for sure. I used to take my dog fishing lots more than I do now, even though he makes it quite clear when I am heading out that he wants to go. Unfortunately for him he suffers from the same thing I do, my brain still behaves like a 17 year old, but my body doesn't, and he will injure himself in pursuit of what he loves. With less snow, warmer temps and the need to drive to access lakes I can normally get to by sled, taking the pup with me becomes more feasible. I just wish he could hunt as well as he fishes, lol, its a complete @#$% show taking him grouse hunting.
    2 points
  9. Keep them closed. Keep the message consistent and clear for everyone to stay home. Re-opening ramps sends the wrong message. Why do people have to tout about going out and staying away from people? What are you proving? A large percentage of people do not use common sense when leaving their house. Boat ramps are not worth the risk. Everyone still stops for food, gas, etc. Seems there are always two camps of people on this topic. The right things to do now is just stay home.
    2 points
  10. So the idea is to police all of the ramps and question everyone there, then fine those who aren't fishing? That seems like a terrible use of resources in a time when we're battling a pandemic. This entire idea is amazingly short-sighted in the current climate.
    2 points
  11. Picked up some new equipment and hit the lake. Weather was great and didn't get close to a single person. Only stopped once to let the dog out.
    2 points
  12. If you drop 100k on a ranger with a pro xs the least they could do is throw in a TM
    2 points
  13. The Port Authority has confirmed with the health unit that all marinas & boat ramps are considered outdoor recreation facilities & as per the provincial order announced today are to be closed. The Province of Ontario, issued a new emergency order to prohibit organized public events, social gatherings & to close all outdoor recreational amenities, sports fields, playgrounds, all communal or shared, public or private, outdoor recreational amenities everywhere in Ontario The above was posted yesterday. Only those that have their boats in the water already or can get their boats in the water in a manner like what SmokestackLightnin can are currently allowed water access. However those individuals still must adhere to safe distancing requirements.
    2 points
  14. you can be sure that people will be holding Columbus Day Regattas much earlier this year. will be same thing as spring break beach crowds. it's the demographic that laughs in the face of the risks
    2 points
  15. the bass boat central forums are full of stories from where the air is warmer and the boats are out in droves. Guys saying last weekend on lake of the ozarks was like the 4th of July...Thats why the ramps are closed. Party boats, people tying boats together, people congregating and swimming in the same areas. Once again, if you actually want to go fishing that bad...you easily can, you just might not be able to fish out of the launch at heritage park in barrie or crystal beach on simcoe is all.
    2 points
  16. I think the government had to close boat ramps, both public and privately owned, not to stop those going fishing but to stop those who party at spots on the lake. Lake St. Clair has an area known as Grassy. Huge amounts of boaters gather there to party. The water is only 4 feet deep there so everyone is swimming and having a good time. Just like if they were all in a public pool. I dislike this government decision but I understand the why behind it.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. I ll be out this week just won't use a public launch
    2 points
  19. I don’t get some people what do you do while fishing, hug everyone within 40 ft of you I have been fishing 4 time lately and I have not stopped for gas coffee food or sex And I have not been closer then 30 ft of anyone except driving down the road passing other cars, there was a guy at the ramp I waited on my truck till he left. As I ran down the river I saw a guy get out of his truck, he was waiting for me to leave .it is a very safe activity. If walking your dog or going to the liquor store becomes illegal then boating should be too but when you can do things that people are standing 6 feet apart I will fish
    2 points
  20. This is a ridiculously selfish request...and listing the health benefits of boating is even more asinine when you compare them against the risk of contracting or spreading the virus . It's a pandemic; stay in. Let's make the HUGE sacrifice of not hobby fishing in order to possibly save people's lives.
    2 points
  21. A few more of my ties ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dry stone fly #16 hook Olive super thread flat thread Seal fur dub or CDC feather for abdomen and legs Mallard flank for wind casing B&W Saddle hackle Start with dub wrap or CDC feather Dub Or CDC Using hackle pliers, wrap and turn til 3/4 back towards hook eye 1 mallard flank feather for wing case Remove fluffy stuff leaving a nice stem to pull on . A few loose wraps on the stem and pull the feather to create the wing casing . Secure Add hackle . 1 with CDC 1 Using seal dub Submerging Caddis ( ran out of small beads, so only made 2 ) This one is a bit of work . #12 caddis hook Small brass bead Seal fur dub olive Pheasant hackle 1 strand of crystal flash for ribbing.
    1 point
  22. It's not the driver either...every boat has t's limits and NO bassboat runs smooth in 4 footers. Erie is probably worse because the rollers launch you when you crest them. Regardless, bassboats aren't for everyone. They have a unique purpose and for those that want it, nothing fishes better. Trolling isn't one of them. Multi-species boats do a lot of things well but give up performance in some areas to accomplish this. No biggie, pick your poison and spend your money where you see fit.
    1 point
  23. Good for you guys. The very 1st time I tried to can 5 bushels of Shepard peppers I ruined the entire batch. Never again. I'll stick to freezing stuff. I once tried to make homemade wine with Dad years ago. We ended up with about 300 bucks of wine vinegar. Never again.
    1 point
  24. I would think that the potential for damage could constitute an emergency. Is there someone there that you could call to asses the risk?
    1 point
  25. So far the province's ban it doesn't apply to most of southwestern Ont. But some places have local restrictions. Check before you burn.
    1 point
  26. If you can launch at a private ramp or you have a dock at a cottage of course you can go fishing. They haven't banned fishing,,,,,,,,, yet. If you eat some of your catch you are actually doing a service to all if it keeps you out of a grocery store even once. And of course there is far less a chance of contracting this thing out in the middle of a lake than anyone that is essential and goes into work everyday. My wife for one. Rant deleted.
    1 point
  27. I am not trying to prove anything when people quit going for their daily walk and walking their dog I will quit fishing I have my truck and a boat there is not reason anyone should ever come near me so if you are staying home and never going out good for you but if you are getting food or working then I am far less likely to get the virus then you and I am not using a boat ramp i am now checking in on a cottage for people who can not come up to it and I am able to put my boat in there
    1 point
  28. I don't think it's either feasible nor reasonable to open launches for just fisherman.
    1 point
  29. The heavy weights for the deep fast pools . .015 lead free #6 long shank Brown goose biots Speck bro/bla thin skin Olive scud shellback Black super thread flat 3/0
    1 point
  30. Ok it does not say launches and there are lots of people who live on islands in Ontario so closing a ramp for them would be like closing roads There for I will believe they don’t mean ramps. However. Local government has been closing many of them
    1 point
  31. Not just public boat ramps in Ontario but all boat ramps, public or private are closed. It's a sacrifice we all have to make. And believe me, no one wants to get to the cottage more than I do right now. But my plan is to stay off the waterway so that first reponders don't have to perform a rescue or enforce social distancing guidelines. They have enough to deal with and I am thankful for their efforts. Along with anyone else whose is deemed essential. As for the Sea Tow poster, that is from the US where things are a bit different right now.
    1 point
  32. Hey Grimsbylander just bought this. Give him a chance to option it out. LOL
    1 point
  33. I don’t have the game or Xbox, just joking around. But hey, if this continues who knows?! Good eye!! Lol I also forgot to blur out the background!!
    1 point
  34. Just curious RPW what age group do you fall under within 10 years.
    1 point
  35. Hi all, The world has turned upside down and it feels like the sky is actually falling on our heads, but amidst the mayhem there is some normality to be had. I hope everyone is staying healthy and happy as possible. Personal distancing NW Ontario style below.
    1 point
  36. Duterte had hit squads murdering anyone suspected of being involved with drugs long before Covid hit.
    1 point
  37. Yes that is what is stated
    1 point
  38. I read it that if there is a confrontation with these left wing protesters and rioters to shoot them, makes sense rather than engage them physically and risk their lives, not open season for the cops on people not isolating.
    1 point
  39. Lets keep this polite please. We all have opinions on what to do so feel free to share them without name calling or insulting each other. Thanks Art
    1 point
  40. So you found a few other people that would prefer to think of themselves rather than suffer a bit of inconvenience, go tell that to some of the families who have lost loved ones because of this pandemic.
    1 point
  41. with people losing their jobs left, right and centre, someone wanting to launch their boat is so low on the list of priorities imo. sorry, but I think this petition is tone deaf.
    1 point
  42. Hey now, 1st off it,s tight locked up still, and 2nd, well, it,s tight locked up still. You can how ever, back the boat in at the Tiffen launch and warm the motor up .
    1 point
  43. The problem is that YOU might follow the rules but too many others won't. Where are you going to get gas, where are you going to get bait, tackle..... where are the others going to get their supplies? Do you WANT to go fishing or do you NEED to go fishing?
    1 point
  44. *****The Government of Ontario must allow boat launches to be open only to fishermen during the current global pandemic, COVID-19!***** I can't believe you actually want the ramps open ONLY to fishermen and nobody else. Don't you think EVERYBODY would like the opportunity to go for a cruise on the lake to get a break from what's happening these day ? Seems to me you somehow think your better than the family that doesn't fish but enjoys a boat ride.
    1 point
  45. Not hard to keep your distance at the ramp but common sense isn't so common unfortunately.
    1 point
  46. NOT A CHANCE! This defeats the STAY AT HOME so this virus doesn't spread. There will be lots of time for fishing once this is over (for those that survive it)
    1 point
  47. if you go fishing with anyone it better be someone you live with. I also agree, if we want to go fishing alone or with a family I should be able to, but do not start hanging out with friends on your boat. Thats teh exact kind of behaviour that is going to ensure that we all dont get to get back to normal any time soon. I have a buddy that had "1 friend over" last week...his mom works in a nursing home and his buddy is a moron who doesnt think this whole thing is real. When you hear it like that you realize how friggin insane the "oh its just 1 person" logic is. That 1 poker game could end up killing 9 people like it did in Bobcaygeon.
    1 point
  48. I don't understand keeping people from boating! Its ok for me to be at a busy construction site but I can't put my boat in the water and go fishing alone? Or with one other person? what the hell
    1 point
  49. John was a good man. I too read his articles for years. Still use his recipe for doing roe, but never fished for bows with him. However I ran into him every spring for probably the last 25-30 years fishing a favourite shore spot on Lake Simcoe for perch, a fish we both enjoyed chasing. Shared many conversations about fishing and gardening standing side by side tossing perch in our buckets. Last April he was not looking good but I was hoping he would get through it and I'd get to see him again at the "spot". RIP John and my condolences to all the friends and family of a great man.
    1 point
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