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Moderna vaccine approved by Health Canada


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That puts two products into the vaccine arsenal now, as well as two supply chain pipelines. 

The Moderna one doesn’t require the drastic extreme cold storage that the Pfizer one does, so it may be easier to get to more places.

Health Canada link:



media link:



Edited by MJIG
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great news...the light at the end of this friggin tunnel just got a bit brighter. Really great results so far, very limited negative news so far aside from people experiencing allergic reactions to PEG in very small numbers.

Unfortunate news for people that have severe allergies, hopefully everyone does their part though and gets vaccinated to protect those that cant get the vaccine due to allergies.

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I'll begin vaccinating those who choose to receive Moderna next month.  It should be interesting, there may just be the opportunity to vaccinate Canada's entire most northern community, myself.  Being that individuals can accept or decline, I'll respect anyone's choice when I offer it.  Hopefully, people are beyond Facebook educated by then and best able to control their opinions and just respectfully take the shot in the arm, or not.


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 NO arguments needed, I agree with you. My first time that I have answered to your post. Sorry, Apluma but we are bombarded with opinions from both sides. We are doing a lot better up here and hope to keep it that way. Everyone of us as an opinion, that is a democratic right for us all. My family follows what we are expected to do and will follow what our leaders say.  So far we have not been affected by following the rules. My hope is that this will come to an end and we can all work together no matter what are political beliefs are. “It is about survival”, and for me seeing my children survive and their children. Keep well. 
This not may go over well but then democracy is what our parents fought for. 


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Everyone is entitled to have an opinion no matter what it is. The issue is when people do not accept other opinions as being valid is where the problem lies. People seem to want to argue about their opinions backed up by what they read and feel all other ones are wrong. If someone disagrees with an opinion that is o.k. just leave it as "we will have a difference of opinions and move on." I haven't the time or energy to referee adults on how to respect other views. It is easier for me to be the bad guy and lock the thread and put the offenders in modQ which I hate doing to adults. 

Thanks for listening 


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On 12/24/2020 at 10:10 AM, Moosebunk said:

I'll begin vaccinating those who choose to receive Moderna next month.  It should be interesting, there may just be the opportunity to vaccinate Canada's entire most northern community, myself.  Being that individuals can accept or decline, I'll respect anyone's choice when I offer it.  Hopefully, people are beyond Facebook educated by then and best able to control their opinions and just respectfully take the shot in the arm, or not.


Our local paper is saying 80% of nursing home residents are accepting the vaccine, but only 60% of nursing home employees are.

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Reading that they are considering using it as a single dose given that it is 80% effective as a single dose and 95 % effective as a 2 dose. Long time since I studied statistics , would twice the people with 80% immunity be better than half as many with 95 % ? Also, though they really didn't have enough time to study it would the immunity last as long ?

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On 1/1/2021 at 2:23 PM, Terry said:

If some young nurse tries to stick my penis with a needle we are going to have a bigger problem

Locallized swelling has been reported for the Covid vaccines.  😉

Prior to Viagra, Upjohn sold Caverject, which was a locally injectable aid.

Considering that vaccine requires two injections several weeks apart, I think I can wait for a slower release.

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On 12/31/2020 at 12:51 PM, dave524 said:

Reading that they are considering using it as a single dose given that it is 80% effective as a single dose and 95 % effective as a 2 dose. Long time since I studied statistics , would twice the people with 80% immunity be better than half as many with 95 % ? Also, though they really didn't have enough time to study it would the immunity last as long ?

update : they seem to be still considering getting more first doses out there before beginning the second round   https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/canada-probing-whether-delaying-second-covid-19-vaccine-doses-could-help-more-people/ar-BB1cuMWn?li=AAggNb9

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