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Covid vacine, will you,wont you ?


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Encouraging news this morning, "apparently" people that have had covid and survived are still showing acceptable levels of antibodies 6 months later, it is unclear how long this will last at this point. That doesn't mean they can't spread the virus though just that they should have some level of immunity.  

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26 minutes ago, Headhunter said:

Of course this is what the media will promote. I know people who have told me personally they had worse hangovers than what their run with covid was. The worste part was loneliness. You never hear the good stories, always the negative. 

I will take my chances. I have a healthy immune system, and keep to myself. I live in the country away from hot spots. My chances are good, and I'm willing to take them. 



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But what are the long term affects of the vaccine. Oh wait we will be the test subjects 

do you know the companies are asking for emergency medicine rules to apply to their drugs which means they will make billions but will have no liability if the vaccine kills more people then the disease does. They can not be sued no matter what

That  scares me, so I’m undecided 


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13 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

I'll be 1st in line. I had a real Dr's visit Monday, not a phone appointment. I got my flu shot and was happy to get one, I usually don't get it, when I did I got a bad case one year, when I didn't I got a bad case one year. I was told the flu shot is 94% effective where the 2 C-19 vacines are 95%. A line from an Arnold movie Conan the Barbarian " You want to live forever?" Now I will go back and read what you folks wrote. I wonder how many are practicing medicine here. I'll be back. 

Got my flu shot Monday as well, along with my semi annual shot for another condition. I always understood the flu shot was a crap shoot, they try to predict what strain will be the most common this season and make millions of doses for that strain, sometimes they get it right sometimes not. Last year I got my flu shot and then a month or so later, I came down with the worst flu I have had in years, funny it was 5 days after I had a full checkup at the doc's, wanna stay healthy , keep away from where sick people go 😁

Edited by dave524
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24 minutes ago, Sinker said:

Of course this is what the media will promote. I know people who have told me personally they had worse hangovers than what their run with covid was. The worste part was loneliness. You never hear the good stories, always the negative. 

I will take my chances. I have a healthy immune system, and keep to myself. I live in the country away from hot spots. My chances are good, and I'm willing to take them. 



I don't get the anti-media take on all this. Can anyone provide a logical reason, other than pandemic, that every country in the world has turned their economies into a manure pile?  I'm all ears!


PS... I now have two people who have passed as a result of "the rona".

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Honestly, I won't be happy until we are out of this dumpster fire. The only path I can see it through is vaccine. Vaccine is only effective if most if not all take it. Have we not noticed how our friends to the south are suffering as a result of anti media and anti vax attitudes?

I truly hope that none of you have to go through the effects of this virus...


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Well not to side step this thread; but here's another reason to listen to your doctor about this virous and the vaccine.

Meet my grandson born earlier this morning.


Mom and Baby are well and want out of the hospital ASAP!

He looks like me body wise. Floppy boobs and a big round belly. LOL


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On 11/18/2020 at 3:40 PM, RickOnt said:

99.4% recovery rate.

I will take my chances.

This number keeps getting reposted. I dont know where people get this, it must be bad Facebook repost. Simple math in Canada has death rate at 3.5%, not 0.6% as you posted. 


311109 total cases, 11186 deaths. Thats 3.5%. All of Canada to date. 


Edit: heres the website in case you need to see:




Make sure whatever facts you get are from legitimate sources. 

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The votes are in. Who wants to die from this? 
myself  I’ll keep my family safe for now. I practise the rules.

Hopefully we will all get through this. SOME won’t.  It has not affected my family yet.

Please, this is not a joke It will kill some of us eventually.



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OK, finally some good news. Thanks Dan D. 

I talked to one of my many relatives in the USA this afternoon. He tells me 2 of our cousins have tested positive for the virus. One is fine and other is in hospital and not doing as well, he is in Atlanta in his 70's. I only know of one person here that has tested positive who is the daughter of old frends. I haven't done the math, someone here will, with the number of positive cases and the number of citizens in Canada I wonder how do we stack up per capita with the US? 

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16 hours ago, Fisherman said:

I don't blame her, probably the worst place to be. 

She is a registered nurse at sickkids here at Victoria Hospital in London. So she's getting presidential treatment, by her coworkers. If you think us fisher people are close, never get between two nurses. LOL


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19 hours ago, Fisherman said:

Mom and Baby are well and want out of the hospital ASAP!

I don't blame her, probably the worst place to be.  I swear every time I have to go, I come back with a cold or some other infection.

And that is why I do not read the magazines they have...Sick people read them...

Congrats from one Grampa to another...


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17 hours ago, RickOnt said:

HH  You say  " most if not all take it"

There are 37 million in Canada.

The health minister said  4  million doses from Pfizer and 2 million doses from

Moderna by March.

Someone will miss out.

You are talking about the first wave of vax. I have no expectation of receiving the vax until the fall of 2021. There more important people like health care workers, the elderly who will see the first batch.


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My thought is that IF I have already had it then I should already have some degree of immunity. Because of my age and underlying health conditions I would be near the front of the line for the vaccine but if I already have some immunity why would I take a dose that someone else could use more than me. I am not anti vaccine, I get the flu shot every year, pneumonia, tetanus.... 

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That's an assumption I wouldn't make Big Cliff. In order to know for sure if you already had it, you would need to be tested for anti-bodies. Until you do that, I think it would be wise for you to assume that you haven't had it and avoid places where you could catch it. I would not take the vax out of my thinking.


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4 hours ago, Headhunter said:

That's an assumption I wouldn't make Big Cliff. In order to know for sure if you already had it, you would need to be tested for anti-bodies. Until you do that, I think it would be wise for you to assume that you haven't had it and avoid places where you could catch it. I would not take the vax out of my thinking.


Oh trust me, I am being VERY careful, I try to organize my shopping trips so I only have limited contact, I wear my mask in all public places, have hand sanitizer in the house and in my car and have a very small social bubble. I am not interested in causing anyone to get this thing. As for getting  tested for the antibodies even my Dr. Doesn't know where I can get tested. Personally I think a lot more effort should be put into making that test available too. With the limited number of tests available wouldn't it make a lot of sense to give those doses to people that haven't been exposed yet ?

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All these spikes are just due to IGNORANCE, BOTTOM LINE. I do not get it. Now T O and PEEL are in lock down mode. Maybe it,s just me, but how hard is it to just stay to the close ones ?And they the same ? I do my best to keep to myself,do my thing and well, stay safe as safe as can be. Really am missing the sleep over weekends with the granddaughter.:(


Nice new addition Dan. :thumbsup_anim:

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14 minutes ago, misfish said:

Really am missing the sleep over weekends with the granddaughter.:(

I hear you!

My daughter's little girl was born last April and it was July before our doctor felt it was safe for me to hold my granddaughter. Last weekend we were able to have our oldest (3 years old) granddaughter for a sleep over. So I know what you're saying; can't wait till we get another chance with another grandkid.


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