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Covid is Over

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Some dude my ex wife works with tried to hide the fact that his girlfriend tested positive and was sick, so now the employer had to have everyone who had contact with him at work quarantined from the work place for two weeks, hopefully they will quarantine at home? A holiday weekend and almost a week of 85+ degree days on the way? Ya that will happen. I don't know if I would believe this is ending anytime soon, just doesn't seem to be a lot of deep thinkers out there.

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Sad the selfishness of people. Just shows how human nature has always been, if we don’t see the immediate impact of our decisions we rarely make good choices.

sad to think that large numbers of lives are going to be lost because of this.

safe to say you will want to get your fishing in ASAP because it seems like things are going to be closing up again very soon. Luckily I have the option of launching out of my private property. Those that rely on public launches will be screwed once again...unfortunately what I though was a strong minority appears to actually be the general population. 

In some ways this entire thing is teaching me that much of what I thought of society in general is exactly as I assumed. I used to wonder if I was just a judgemental A Hole for thinking that the large majority of people were selfish ignorant morons and that my general dislike for almost everyone was somewhat unwarranted but it turns out it’s actually 100% reality. 

even people that are somewhat close to me have totally disappointed me. It’s pretty  sad.


im not even the type of person that believes that you should just permanently stay home, there are some pretty basic common sense approaches to being able to see your family members or closest friends.

yesterday we visited very close friends, we brought camp chairs and sat out on their lawn and sat 20 feet away from eachother and chatted for a few hours. When we needed to pee we went home. Why people can’t conceptualize this, I will never know. Maybe a cull of our race is what we need at this point, I’m literally losing faith in humanity.

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I properly social distanced today, never stepped foot anywhere but my own yard! While out doing an hour long test flight I noted that most every dock in Severn Sound has a boat(s) tied to it, multiple people on them (approaching at least 30 in one case), the usual multi vessel "rafting" groups around Honey Harbour, Beausoleil and Giant's Tomb / Beckwith Islands. Why we haven't left home for camp, at least we can plan supplies while stuck here at home, with a full size freezer, fridge and pantry full of stuff.


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I’m so sick of this thing. 6:45 am and I’m in line waiting for Home Depot to open. This is my 3rd attempt this week to get the things I need for my renovation. 

the world must go on. Work must continue and people cannot be locked up for much longer. 

We CAN do this if we all do our part in regards to safety. Covidiots stay home if you can’t abide by the precautions that are given to you. The rest of us need to get s**t done...Don’t mess it up for the rest of us

Edited by Hack_Fisherman
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I think a lot of what the older generation thinks of folks in my generation about being selfish and entitled  is looking to ring true. I can’t help but notice that the footage has almost 100% of the people falling into one specific age demographic. Embarrassing is the only way to put it. 

what blows me away is peoples inability to use some basic logic that says “if I’m going to see my friends at least space ourselves out” no we will just all pile onto a bed sheet together...that’s needed.

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A very different scene!!

We did a family visit in Earl Rowe PP yesterday. The gate was open. there were probably about 100 cars. Families with kids scattered about sitting at the tables, running around, enjoying the day outside---a real mental health day. A few people sitting on the beach etc. Overall a very pleasant sight to see. There may have been the odd case where there were more than 5, but not many. People respecting distancing rules as they moved about.

Even in TO there is quite a bit of green space where people can scatter about.  



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43 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

You’re telling me that this girl needs to be able to have her life go on so that she can use the #bellwoods hashtag? 



No, she’s a Covidiot. They’re the ones that are going to get us locked down again. 

I get this importance of social distancing but I’m also not retired and able to stay home. I have to work full time and also need to get my personal projects done. We lived in this house for 3months without a kitchen and main bathroom. 

Its getting on my nerves and seeing these fools risking others and threatening to push us into lockdown is frustrating. 

However, that being said, humans need social interaction. Even my usual solitary self is tired of not being able to see my family. My dog seems to be suffering too as we don’t allow it to socialize with other dogs right now

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John Tory just did an interview with CP24. He actually went down there and talked to the people at bellwoods to try and gather some form of understanding of why they were doing what they were doing. He  blasted them today and has confirmed that additional enforcement and ticketing is going to be done today. He even explained that there was ample room throughout the park to ensure distancing measures could be maintained, but instead these people purposely piled in on top of each other. Their explanation was simply that they didnt think that the dangers of Covid applied to their demographic. Absolutely brutal.

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34 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

John Tory just did an interview with CP24. He actually went down there and talked to the people at bellwoods to try and gather some form of understanding of why they were doing what they were doing. He  blasted them today and has confirmed that additional enforcement and ticketing is going to be done today. He even explained that there was ample room throughout the park to ensure distancing measures could be maintained, but instead these people purposely piled in on top of each other. Their explanation was simply that they didnt think that the dangers of Covid applied to their demographic. Absolutely brutal.

they shld have emptied their book of tickets on those idiots. Trinity Bellwoods is a special park unlike many others in Toronto. The demographic is skewed heavily to the younger set (skinny jeans/PBR drinking/hula hoop, slack lining etc) I have very little sympathy for the complaints of them being cooped up in condos etc and needing a break, if they're going to do this crowding crap. Screw them. My niece was locked down in NYC and couldn't hit any park, when it was the US epicentre. I have no faith in people to do their part to help drop our RO < 1.

I did manage to smoke a ton of baby backs yesterday. Neighbour was very happy to not cook dinner lol

Edited by woodenboater
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As a whole we are doing okay. I am glad about this mainly for the healthcare workers and others who must deal with the public. I have no problem with large fines for those that ignore rules or better yet community service hours -say doing the laundry at a Nursing home. There will always be those that break rules even with punishment but most will adjust their behaviour accordingly. Transmission rates don't have to be at zero, they just have to get to below one. We don't have to be group perfect we just mainly have to all be going in the same direction even if a few idiots do what they do.

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From AK post...."Their explanation was simply that they didnt think that the dangers of Covid applied to their demographic."

Probably right!  But their parents/grandparents are the ones going to hospital after catching it from them. But the youngins will be spared visitation so they can sit at home crying aloud wondering why their poor elder caught it when being such a good person.

Healthcare workers are bracing for the May 24 covidiot wave that may have begun already. Higher numbers now are possibly Mother's Day aftermath.

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26 minutes ago, cisco said:

From AK post...."Their explanation was simply that they didnt think that the dangers of Covid applied to their demographic."

Probably right!  But their parents/grandparents are the ones going to hospital after catching it from them. But the youngins will be spared visitation so they can sit at home crying aloud wondering why their poor elder caught it when being such a good person.

Healthcare workers are bracing for the May 24 covidiot wave that may have begun already. Higher numbers now are possibly Mother's Day aftermath.

And here I sit. I have kept with the rules,played safe , and yes I have kept fishing to myself, no interaction with others.  One can only stay home bound for so long and needs to get out, even if it means limited areas to ones self .Now I wish I was retired with a good fixed income, instead of worrying if I will have a job to go back to. Guess I will find out come June 22nd .

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2 minutes ago, misfish said:

Now I wish I was retired with a good fixed income, instead of worrying if I will have a job to go back to. 

That describes Diane and I exactly Brian and we've often talked about how fortunate we feel to be in this position and feel really badly for so many folks who are concerned about what may be down the road for them.

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3 hours ago, cisco said:

From AK post...."Their explanation was simply that they didnt think that the dangers of Covid applied to their demographic."

Probably right!  But their parents/grandparents are the ones going to hospital after catching it from them. But the youngins will be spared visitation so they can sit at home crying aloud wondering why their poor elder caught it when being such a good person.

Healthcare workers are bracing for the May 24 covidiot wave that may have begun already. Higher numbers now are possibly Mother's Day aftermath.



Nursing homes residents, who are typically older and often have underlying medical conditions, have been particularly hard hit by the virus. More than 36,000 residents and staff have died from outbreaks at the nation's nursing homes and long-term care facilities, according to an AP tally. . That is more than a third of all deaths in the U.S. that have been attributed to the virus.

Nursing home operators have said the lack of testing kits and other resources have left them nearly powerless to stop the virus from entering their facilities because they haven't been able to identity silent spreaders not showing symptoms. "  It has been a big issue here, and after spending 20 days in one last summer I can understand why.

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Agree with Lew. When our place shut down on April 22, ( had the same client since 1977) my thoughts were with the young ones just starting out and three who were single mothers I worked close with. Advertising has taken a hard hit and it may not come back anytime soon. A lot of Creative people worked from office to office on  contract basis and the ad agencies that I know have all but eliminated this type of work. Going back to their office with an open concept sitting 3 feet from your coworker  may be a way off. Years ago we had cubicles then someone said  “open concept” is the way to go and they all jumped on it even eliminated the desk phone. They may have to come back. Hopefully this will end soon.

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1 hour ago, ketchenany said:

...Going back to their office with an open concept sitting 3 feet from your coworker  may be a way off. Years ago we had cubicles then someone said  “open concept” is the way to go...

open seating with very low dividers are likely going the way of the dodo. Our company demo'ed various setups and I suggested partitions between spaces would be good to have, not just for sound, but so you're not distracted from seeing other employees. They ignored as I figured they would. 98% of staff are wfh. cubes may not come back but there needs to be a serious rethink of how people will sit,work and interact. imo most of the open concept was cost driven and had nothing to do with staff interaction and collabs. its almost always about the $$$

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23 hours ago, Hack_Fisherman said:

I’m so sick of this thing. 6:45 am and I’m in line waiting for Home Depot to open. This is my 3rd attempt this week to get the things I need for my renovation. 

the world must go on. Work must continue and people cannot be locked up for much longer. 

We CAN do this if we all do our part in regards to safety. Covidiots stay home if you can’t abide by the precautions that are given to you. The rest of us need to get s**t done...Don’t mess it up for the rest of us

You could make the same argument about going to Home Depot and going to the park. Is your renovation essential? In all likely hood it could have waited until this wall over. You can’t say people can’t be locked up for much longer and criticize people for going to the park. There was no line up to get in (I assume I wasn’t there) but do you think Home Depot would be any less of a zoo if they didn’t force people to line up? It just seems hypocritical to criticize these people for spending time outside for when your renovation project and trips to hardware stores are probably not necessary 

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