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So long Grapes.


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On 11/11/2019 at 6:05 PM, bigugli said:

Free speech has long been forbidden in this country. He just crossed the line one time too many.

Looking at the Charter of rights, Canada doesn't have freedom of speech. They have freedom of expression and that is very limited.  I'm surprised it took this long to get fired with how often he crossed the line lol.

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An employee in Ontario does not have the protection of freedom of speech or freedom of expression whatsoever. Employees of corporations must tow the company line or face dismissal. I wonder how Union members can slur the company, management employees and salaried employees constantly and there are never  reprisals if what I wrote is true and it is? 

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On 11/12/2019 at 10:58 AM, Oggie said:

OK I guess I see it now but isn't disrepecting the vets of our country by not wearing a poppy offensive? Maybe we need to do a better job informing the public as to the significance of poppies. We used to have an hour long assembly in our high school every year. I bet that isn't done anymore.

The legion said the they are seeing no evidence of poppy sales dropping. Look at the poppy Grapes is wearing in his rant. It is the same poppy he has been wearing on the show every year. It also doesn't look like a poppy soled by the legion. 

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26 minutes ago, Cando said:

He said right at the beginning that the new Canadians don't wear poppies. Specially in Toronto. First how does he know they are new Canadians? Does he check their passports. Second. more than 1.4 million of the people that came from those countries fought should to shoulder with Canadian forces while we were under British rule. They also lost about 74,000 men in those fights, more than the Canadians lost. They also sell poppies and women's Hanjab's with poppies in them to support the troups. You can go on youtube and listen to the full rant he made about people not wearing poppies. 

My 2nd cousin Adam DiFilippo being one of the 74,000. He never had the opportunity to become a Canadian citizen. I would have loved to meet him. My Grand Father lived but the plate that was used to replace the lost skull bone had him in and out of Canadian institutions the rest of his life, including prison. I did have the chance to meet him once. 

Anyone from Hamilton would know Roma Pizza, Adams brother Phillip was the founder. 

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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36 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:

My 2nd cousin Adam DiFilippo being one of the 74,000. He never had the opportunity to become a Canadian citizen. I would have loved to meet him. My Grand Father lived but the plate that was used to replace the lost skull bone had him in and out of Canadian institutions the rest of his life, including prison. I did have the chance to meet him once. 

Anyone from Hamilton would know Roma Pizza, Adams brother Phillip was the founder. 

I use to love listening to my great grandfather tell us stories of his experience in WWI. the one story that stuck in my mind was when he talked about fighting alongside the the black people from Africa. He said he trusted them more than he did most canadians. He said they were better trained. 

I wish the media and government didn't hide some of the history when it comes to war. Even our version of the war of 1812. Our version of events is different than the U.S. I like to read about the wars from life long war historians.

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Again---nothing to do with any right of free speech  or expression. If the mods don't like what you say on here they have every right to kick you off. If you are offended by what guests  say in your house you have the right to kick them out. No different from Rogers and DC. You are free to say what you like but you are also 'free' to suffer the consequences----something we experience in day-to-day life.


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1 hour ago, Cando said:


I wish the media and government didn't hide some of the history when it comes to war. Even our version of the war of 1812. Our version of events is different than the U.S. I like to read about the wars from life long war historians.

Cando, don't you know that the US has never lost a war in their history. Just ask any of my American relatives including my cousin Allen that teaches HS History. It was US President James Madison that declared war against the British in Canada in 1812. Allen says they didn't lose that war because Canada gave up the territory they took, like much of Michigan and a major portion of up state NY and Vermont including the entire Lake Champlain. Maine too I think. 

The US never lost a war  in Viet-Nam. Congress never declared war in that "conflict."

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Don Cherry said...“You people, that come here”. So he is addressing people that have come from somewhere else. He says that he sees those people walking around Mississauga and Toronto. How does Don know who is an immigrant or not? It’s not like “New Canadians” wear a badge with that on it, he is talking about visible minorities. So Don is making assumptions about people based on the color of their skin, can’t think of a better description of ‘racist’ if I tried.

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8 hours ago, Cando said:

The legion said the they are seeing no evidence of poppy sales dropping. Look at the poppy Grapes is wearing in his rant. It is the same poppy he has been wearing on the show every year. It also doesn't look like a poppy soled by the legion. 

Your point with this?  I wear a handmade poppy that is attached with a safety pin at work and on my street clothes also.  I also regularily put money in the Legionarres poppy box whenever  I go to the grocery store leading up to Rememberance day!

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4 hours ago, BillM said:

We he also talking about my oldman that came here in '57?   I'll ask my dad if he's outraged.


2 hours ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

He's talking about me as well. I'm not offended in the least and I always get me a poppy!!! ;)


I feel the goal posts moving with your comments. There are going to be people offended/not offended. Safe to say as a brown person i'm offended, safe to say the grand wizard of the KKK not so much. I don't know your guy's histories so you have your reasons for your point of view is all I can say. But the fact of the matter is what Don said was racist, i.e. making assumptions about people based on the colour of their skin. It would be fair to say that racism being used to make a point about people sacrificing their lives for freedom is so ironic it beggars belief.

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36 minutes ago, Squid said:

Funny how there was a "protest" in front of Rogers head office yesterday and about a dozen showed up LOL. Some folks that support Cherry and his racism come from one of these.



I'm not sure what you mean by this , are you implying that people that live in trailers are ignorant racists? 

Oh, and just so you know "

Although Sportsnet desperately attempted to limit the damage, the vast majority of reactions to their post was negative. In the statement’s comment section, Thousands of tempestuous hockey fanatics (some of whom would’ve grown up with Cherry), made their feelings known!








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How come it seems only people of south Asian decent are angry? Last I checked Mississauga & down town Toronto is home to a rather large population of Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Indian/Pakistani, Persian/middle east & every other country on the planet yet it is the south Asian's that have taken this to heart the most.  I haven't watched hockey in quite some time & truth is I only really watched Coaches Corner for the banter back & forth between the 2 waiting for MacLean  to get in his "a-ha" jab at Cherry.  I know this is a touchy subject but honestly, look at Don's demeanour & posture, even his tone of voice is somewhat muted, he not at all aggressive like some racist or Nazi would be when spewing that nonsense, he's speaking from a passionate place. Bad wording on his part no doubt & yes he should lose his job over it but lets please stop throwing around the "racist" term, it will lose its meaning if we keep attaching it to everything we don't agree with. And yes freedom of speech is not a Canadian thing (just ask the English in Quebec...jab)

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15 hours ago, limeyangler said:

Don Cherry said...“You people, that come here”. So he is addressing people that have come from somewhere else. He says that he sees those people walking around Mississauga and Toronto. How does Don know who is an immigrant or not? It’s not like “New Canadians” wear a badge with that on it, he is talking about visible minorities. So Don is making assumptions about people based on the color of their skin, can’t think of a better description of ‘racist’ if I tried.

Thanks Limey, I was looking for this. I can't believe I had to go 5 pages deep to find this simple, sensible comment.

Don's been quoted as follows MANY times in this thread:

“You people... love our way of life, love our milk and honey. At least you could pay a couple of bucks for poppies or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada.” 

The three dots are conveniently left out because that's where Don says "you people that come here", making it a clear message to immigrants. 

It's disingenuous to leave out that part. Don's message was directed toward immigrants when it should have been directed at everyone that isn't wearing a poppy. Period.

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39 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Thanks Limey, I was looking for this. I can't believe I had to go 5 pages deep to find this simple, sensible comment.

Don's been quoted as follows MANY times in this thread:

“You people... love our way of life, love our milk and honey. At least you could pay a couple of bucks for poppies or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada.” 

The three dots are conveniently left out because that's where Don says "you people that come here", making it a clear message to immigrants. 

It's disingenuous to leave out that part. Don's message was directed toward immigrants when it should have been directed at everyone that isn't wearing a poppy. Period.

I think a good analogy for the 3 dots you mention is the 'blue pill' from the film The Matrix, 

"The red pill, together with its opposite, the blue pill, is a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing a choice between the "red pill", representing a life of harsh knowledge, desperate freedom, and the brutal truths of reality, and the "blue pill", representing a life of luxurious security, tranquil happiness, and the blissful ignorance of the harsh realities of life, basking in an (essentially dishonest) illusion." 

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here is my problem

seems I don’t understand the new meaning of words ,is it because I am old or because I am a wasp

but when I say “you people”. I mean the people I am talking to or about

when I say “immigrant “. I mean someone who has come to this country

to me it is non gender, non political, non religious , no race , no language implied  nor country of origin 

but some people seem to think they are talking directly at them

 It to me  it is what it is   
maybe it is time for  a new dictionary 


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15 minutes ago, Terry said:


here is my problem

seems I don’t understand the new meaning of words ,is it because I am old or because I am a wasp

but when I say “you people”. I mean the people I am talking to or about

when I say “immigrant “. I mean someone who has come to this country

to me it is non gender, non political, non religious , no race , no language implied  nor country of origin 

but some people seem to think they are talking directly at them

 It to me  it is what it is   
maybe it is time for  a new dictionary 


...and there it is.   Everyone has their own interpretation of what Don said.   Of course the snowflakes that are so sensitive to absolutely everything will jump on this and think it's racist.  Perhaps they should look up the word racist and read it's definition before using it in a sentence.   

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