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What can you do? Poaching in front of the OPP

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What a beauty of a day. I was in Dunnville doing some business. I went down to the Grand River to have a Tim's. There were a few folks fishing. I talked to a gent all hooked up Carp fishing. Next to them were a couple fishing. The gent gets a fish on, it's a small Smallmouth Bass. I watch him put it on a stringer and hang it over the dock wall, His wife gets one, repeat. Now I'm interested, they have 2 stringers full of small Smalies. What do I do? Start the conversation and get the "Me no speak English." Or let it go. Just about as I was about to leave an OPP cruiser pulls up so she can have her Timmy's. I walk over to her car and mention these folks are poaching. Her reply in a very sarcastic tone. "Do I look like an MNR employee.? " Conversation over, I walked away. I left pissed off, still am. I have her badge number. What would you do after that?  Report her and look over my shoulder everyday? I dunno.

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OI they are just collecting a pay cheque! I have peoduced the Eating Ontario Fish Guide  for a few year and for 19 languages. It’s was a waste of money. They may still be doing it, I’m not sure.

The no speak English line is always spoken “where they did learn that line”?can’t win my friends NO respect for our laws! 

People actually line up for Tim’s. I make a Coppa the paisani way and it costs about 30 cents. Once a day! 



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I make a mug of "Cappuccino latte con Caroline's Irish Cream" for about 5 cents a cup. Maybe. Espresso, then I warn milk in a small pot and hit it with an immersion blender until frothy. Scoop the magnificent froth into a large mug, add coffee and a drizzle of Caroline's. I could charge 12 bucks but my overhead isn't much.

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54 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:

 "Do I look like an MNR employee.? " Conversation over

Your response should have been " No you don't look like a MNR employee but you sure look like a Conservation Officer. By defination all Police Officers are Conservation Officers in Ontario. Are you refusing to investagate a violation which falls under your legal juridiction and in front of you"?

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32 minutes ago, Woodsman said:

Your response should have been " No you don't look like a MNR employee but you sure look like a Conservation Officer. By defination all Police Officers are Conservation Officers in Ontario. Are you refusing to investagate a violation which falls under your legal juridiction and in front of you"?

Amazing answer!  

I would still call it in to the tips line no matter what if you are 100% a law is being broken and in this case SMB a law is broken.  

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I am struggling whether I should call to put a complaint concerning her stellar Police work. We have about 40 or so OPP here in Haldimand, not positive with that number, probably too high. Everyone knows everyone pretty well. I guarantee if I Rat on one I am getting pulled over for doing 84 in an 80 every day. Is the hassle to me worth it? I say no way no how. It's not like they are ever going to investigate the poaching anyway. If any of them wanted to do the task of a C.O. all they have to do is go down to the river or ramp at Pt. Maitland and look in some buckets. It makes me angry, very very angry.Even a call to the MNR is a waste of time but I am going to call them regardless tomorrow and report it. I can't complain unless I do my part.

Off topic of course. We have been pricing new flooring for here for a few months. From Burlington to St. Catherines. I bet I have wasted 2 tanks of gas at least at $125.00 per with my dear Lady pricing stuff, need a good deal right? The best price I got is in Dunnville today, Coopers flooring about 25 minutes from our shack. And I used to bug my Dad for driving from store to store all day for the best price on toilet paper. Am I becoming my Father? I hope not but I think it is evident I surely am. Maybe not a bad thing as he just turned 91after laying brick for 38 years in a Steel Plant.

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Most cops don't know squat about fishing. Or hunting, or even gun regs for that matter. There are a select few that do, but the majority don't have a clue.  I had a pretty intense argument with one on the side of the highway about transporting firearms one time, he had NO CLUE what he was talking about. 

I would have taken their stringer and kindly released the fish for them. No speak english is a Bull excuse nowadays. Most of the no speak english crowd can understand just fine, its just PURE IGNORANCE. 



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Ol you should have called the MNR immediately. 

The response you got from the cop is friggin ridiculous...

A couple years back i was at severn falls and sure enough there was a polish guy blatantly poaching in the heavily marked "no fishing" sanctuary. I called the MNR and we were able to provide them with his description and license plate.

You never end up finding out what happens to these folks but maybe a stop by and a freezer check happened on buddy? I am sure if there is an actual CO nearby they would have no problem swinging by.

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Not sure I want the police enforcing any more than trespass when it comes to fishing and hunting, sadly they don't know the regs in most cases and on the roads they let you go 55 in a 50 with no ticket, guess you would be OK with 55 perch on a 50 perch limit too. When was the last time a CO pulled you over for a traffic offence ?:sarcasm:

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I called the MNR satellite office in Long Point and left a message.

The reason I asked opinions here is to get feedback from others if they have had the same experience and what the results were.

Cops have enough on their plates trying to get their heads around the Highway Traffic Act let alone Fishing and Hunting regs. Maybe a good task for By-Law enforcement.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Call MNR TIPS, report what you saw and hope someone gets down there.

I was fishing out in Gbay when I got pulled over by the OPP, I told him what I was fishing for and he said they were out of season.  I had to bring up the regs and show him that the possession season was over, but I was still legally allowed to fish for them until the end of the month.   He wasn't very happy about that, lol.

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1 hour ago, Sinker said:


I would have taken their stringer and kindly released the fish for them.



If I was in the right mood, that's probably what I would have done too.

Years ago we saw a bunch of small OOS bass in a bucket. The guy I was with walked over and said "you're not keeping those" and dumped the fish back in. The guy was upset and speaking in another language, we just said "well, what are you going to do about it?" lol.

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8 minutes ago, darkwater said:

first of all,im in no way racist...i was walking my  dog at mossington point,lake simcoe last spring and saw an asian couple fishing off the dock,it was early may.they had three 4-5lb smallies in a 5 gallon bucket so i kindly told him that bass were out of season and it was illegal for him to keep these bass,i added that they were females that would lay tons of eggs for a new generation of bass to be caught...he said he didnt care,he was keeping them.i walked to the end of the dock and on my way back i tipped the bucket over and put the fish back in the water..the guy was pissed!he was screaming in chinese at me!i took $20 out of my pocket and crumpled it up and tossed it into the empty bucket,i said if you want fish so bad theres a fish and chip place in town,i just walked away.i would have done that to anyone,white,brown,black...poaching is poaching

handling 5lb bass can be a handful, IMO you just did him a favor helping him legally releasing them haha

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52 minutes ago, darkwater said:

first of all,im in no way racist...i was walking my  dog at mossington point,lake simcoe last spring and saw an asian couple fishing off the dock,it was early may.they had three 4-5lb smallies in a 5 gallon bucket so i kindly told him that bass were out of season and it was illegal for him to keep these bass,i added that they were females that would lay tons of eggs for a new generation of bass to be caught...he said he didnt care,he was keeping them.i walked to the end of the dock and on my way back i tipped the bucket over and put the fish back in the water..the guy was pissed!he was screaming in chinese at me!i took $20 out of my pocket and crumpled it up and tossed it into the empty bucket,i said if you want fish so bad theres a fish and chip place in town,i just walked away.i would have done that to anyone,white,brown,black...poaching is poaching

Good on you. I probably would have just skipped the conversation and tipped the bucket. Oops.

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7 hours ago, chris.brock said:

If I was in the right mood, that's probably what I would have done too.

Years ago we saw a bunch of small OOS bass in a bucket. The guy I was with walked over and said "you're not keeping those" and dumped the fish back in. The guy was upset and speaking in another language, we just said "well, what are you going to do about it?" lol.



A few years back, this was a common thing here. Crappie would come in and well, you know what follows. So crappie in a pail and yes small mouths. Me and a buddy would walk the small docks that you had to squeeze through the traffic on. Oops sorry, didnt mean to kick your bucket. Yup, they sure do get pissy. LOL OH WELL.

These days, I have no issue confronting. There has been enough effort put forth for all to know what is legal to catch and not. There is enough social media now to show



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Isn't the tips line anonymous? 

If so call it in.

Give them the time, an explanation of what occurred; but most of all the cop's badge number. No harm to you and you brought this occurrence to the surface. You done your part; will it make a difference? Who knows????


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