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Friends with Criminals


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A great thread has sparked up on another bass forum that I frequent. The thread asks about who you may have known that ended up being a hardcore felon or criminal. pretty intriguing and interesting stuff, especially because the majority of people claim that you would never suspect so and so of being a murderer or bank robber etc etc.

Personally my uncle has been in and outta the slammer his whole life but his stuff is just from hanging with a tough crowd i.e. bikers etc. and suffering from alcohol addiction.

My dad worked with a guy at the mine who ended up murdering another co-worker on the job because "voices told him to do it" My dad is still thankful that when it happened it wasnt his shift (he was the safety supervisor) He had already experienced on his first day as a young engineer at the plant what happens when the slag pot ends up getting poured on someone, he said it was something he would prefer to not experience again.

Some of the stories though that guys are sharing, one guy's grandfather's moving company got hired by jeffery Dahmer to move...they found out later that he had unknowingly helped Dahmer move a number of bodies from one residence to the next!

Another guy met a guy at a gas station on the interstate, hung out with him for a bit and it turned out that very same guy from the gas station was in the process of driving down to Florida with his dismembered wife in the trunk to dispose of her! CRAZY

Anyone else have any wild stories? I feel like Iron has known some people lol.

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Are you serious? I won't respond on the grounds it may incriminate me. When you are born, raised, educated and worked in Hamilton your entire life until retiring to the country everyone is bound to know both petty and serious criminals. I had more than a few convicted criminals in my crew at the Steel plant. Including arsonists and murderers, nice eh? Back then guys could get early parole if they could get their jobs back at the plant. Years ago my sis in law was called for jury duty for a murder trial. She was very upset because she remembered meeting the accused at my place. All she had to do was mention that at jury selection and the defence couldn't get her out fast enough.  My Fathers moved from Hamilton to Abruzzi Italy when he was 3 years old in 1930 with Nani his 2 brothers and sister. My Grandfather apparently went to College for 15 to 25.  That's all you are getting from me Acree, you are going to have to buy the book when it comes out.

The ironic thing about moving away here on the Lake is everyone else from Hamilton thought it was a great idea too. More Hamiltonians in Selkirk than Selkirkians. The voters list looks like a docket at the John Sapinka Courthouse.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Maybe time for a forum for other stuff. I am a member of a serious boating site and they have a forum called "Dock Side Chat" where anything other than race, religion, politics and boats are talked about. Just a suggestion.  I'm sure the powers that be have thought about it. I do have empathy for the hardcore fishing guys here that put this site on the map. Perhaps some that were here but left will come back, hopefully.

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45 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:

Maybe time for a forum for other stuff. I am a member of a serious boating site and they have a forum called "Dock Side Chat" where anything other than race, religion, politics and boats are talked about. Just a suggestion.  I'm sure the powers that be have thought about it. I do have empathy for the hardcore fishing guys here that put this site on the map. Perhaps some that were here but left will come back, hopefully.

I have no problem with that idea of a separate section for non fishing talk.

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I got to work one day and they had the parking lot cordoned off with yellow tape and a cop standing guard, everyone had to park in another lot nearby.  I asked the cop what was up with that? You don't know? Dude, I just work here, I know nothing! A couple guys got blown up by a bomb when they started their car.

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My childhood friend(3-4 years older than me) was the nicest dood ever.

His mom and dad babysat me many times as we lived directly across the street. All our family and his we're friends.

One night I went out with a buddy to shoot hoops at like 2am since it was so hot earlier. Got home around 4 ish


Woke up to ambulances and police everywhere.

Jamie(my friend) was shot in the guts with a 12 gauge, he said by an old uncle drug addict visiting from the US

Turns out he(Jamie) murdered his own parents while they slept in their beds. Then shot himself 

Google search Jamie perlett fort Frances murders


I've got plenty more but this one was gnarly

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3 hours ago, OhioFisherman said:

I got to work one day and they had the parking lot cordoned off with yellow tape and a cop standing guard, everyone had to park in another lot nearby.  I asked the cop what was up with that? You don't know? Dude, I just work here, I know nothing! A couple guys got blown up by a bomb when they started their car.

Ohio, you must have worked in Youngstown. We got pulled over by Johnny Law one night in a shady part of town, they wanted to know why we were stopping at red lights. Gary Indiana and it's criminals makes Youngstown look like Shangri-La.


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My nextdoor neighbor was convicted of murder when I was 13, I grew up best friends with his daughter, he was the nicest guy too, used to pick us up from school every day. Turns out he was mixed up with the wrong crowd, stuff to do with drugs he gets parole in 11 years

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I worked in GM Oshawa with 20k in production lot's of story's wife murders, Brinks Robber that

his job back after prison .

Down at the Ganny guy shot fellow ice fishing friend 11 times. Think the jury didn't believe the

reloading part. Part of his condition was he could fish at ganny. We listen to radio reports

with him on the trial. Just weird.


Edited by Garnet
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By no means did i mean to offend anyone. In fact this is the rare type of thread where everyone can agree on the subject matter...we all agree that crime is bad...and if you dont you probably are not posting here about it lol

I posted the thread in the "General discussion" There are threads about hockey and trucks and whatever other stuff, I saw how interesting the other thread on the other forum was, I didnt mean any harm by it here. Its definitely Non Fishing, but its interesting.


Iron that story about your sister would be terrifying, especially if buddy gets off on a technicality! 

Manitou, are you saying you were playing some B Ball with the dude and then he went home and did the crime? or were you playing with someone else and when you came home you found out something happened?

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11 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:


Actually I was a city - local area - dock man for a number of trucking companies, a few times I even made road trips, although short ones by most standards. The different companies and the way their terminals were located used different definitions of their local areas. Ya, Youngstown and any other place within 100 miles of Cleveland were destinations, it made for long work days.

Once you get outside of the tourist destinations any city has it's " problem areas "? I didn't get paid to be a tourist, so I saw it all! LOL When you work with 50 - 100 + guys can you really know what some are up to? It's best to limit your involvement?

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I will say it again we the owners have discussed this in length we are not going to start a forum place for people to argue and bash each other. If it does not fit in a place where anyone can read it then it is being discussed at the wrong forum. If you want to read and bicker religion, political, over the edge topics there are lots of sites that promotes these types of things because they produce lots of views and a bucket of money for the sites. We just spent a wack load of money and countless hours bringing the site current so it is safe and stable for everyone to use. I guess it still is not enough. Remember that we are a family site it is NOT being run for the money but as a place for long time friends to keep in touch and meet new like minded friends.  


This thread can go one as long as no one names the person or identifies them in any way  or it goes down hill.



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15 minutes ago, aplumma said:

I will say it again we the owners have discussed this in length we are not going to start a forum place for people to argue and bash each other. If it does not fit in a place where anyone can read it then it is being discussed at the wrong forum. If you want to read and bicker religion, political, over the edge topics there are lots of sites that promotes these types of things because they produce lots of views and a bucket of money for the sites. We just spent a wack load of money and countless hours bringing the site current so it is safe and stable for everyone to use. I guess it still is not enough. Remember that we are a family site it is NOT being run for the money but as a place for long time friends to keep in touch and meet new like minded friends.  


This thread can go one as long as no one names the person or identifies them in any way  or it goes down hill.



Honestly, I don't think anyone really cares if there is or isn't a separate spot for NF and you shouldn't care if it gets mentioned or joked about. Everyone on OFC with regularity appreciates the site and the work that goes in to it. Keep smiling Art, it's all good. :thumbsup_anim:

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9 minutes ago, aplumma said:

I will say it again we the owners have discussed this in length we are not going to start a forum place for people to argue and bash each other. If it does not fit in a place where anyone can read it then it is being discussed at the wrong forum. If you want to read and bicker religion, political, over the edge topics there are lots of sites that promotes these types of things because they produce lots of views and a bucket of money for the sites. We just spent a wack load of money and countless hours bringing the site current so it is safe and stable for everyone to use. I guess it still is not enough. Remember that we are a family site it is NOT being run for the money but as a place for long time friends to keep in touch and meet new like minded friends.  


This thread can go one as long as no one names the person or identifies them in any way  or it goes down hill.



Thanks Art


absolutely no intention of starting conflict, discussing politics or the like here. The thread on the other forum is now 6 pages in and there has not been a single negative comment or even disagreement yet. Perhaps one of the cleanest big threads I have ever seen. The stories that some of the guys have though holy smokes, shows you how people that you think you know, you dont really know at all!

Sometimes i begin to wonder myself, just how close have I come into contact with a dangerous person, when you really think about it it almost guaranteed that youve crossed paths with one even if you dont know it!

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It was just a suggestion on my part. A discussion amongst mature adults need not be immature. I mentioned it because the many sites I frequent are going that way, and I reiterate NO Politics, Religion or member bashing of any kind are allowed there either, and there isn't any of the aforementioned. Things like announcing a new child, a milestone anniversary, a vacation, just non fishing related stuff many guys here do not appreciate and are vocal about it at times. It is called "General Discussion"  here not "Fish Discussion" for a reason I imagine. Just my observation that some here do not appreciate anything non fishing and I get that. If you owners are good with the status quo we are all good.

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7 hours ago, OhioFisherman said:

 When you work with 50 - 100 + guys can you really know what some are up to? It's best to limit your involvement?

I have a no show employee at 7PM so I call the home. Kid answers the phone and I ask where is so and so?  Kid starts crying and I get his wife on the phone, she starts bawling and can hardly speak. He was just sentenced to 7 to 10 years for sexual abuse to a minor and the minor was his step daughter. Say what? One of the best guys I had on my crew. He did tree cutting for many guys in the dept. for years, everyone knew him. What are you supposed to say after someone tells you that?  3 years latter my boss, his boss and his boss calls me in to say he will get parole if  we give him his job back and he's going on my shift.  I could have been fired for insubordination after I went off on them, he would be killed on the job if they brought him back to his original dept. Usually the ex cons were shipped to the opposite side of the plant. My managers were Engineers airlifted into their positions from University and no clue how things worked on the floor. I gave them an education as I went through the entire employee list, 10% to 20% at least were ex criminals or criminals with court cases ongoing and or gang members of one ilk or another. We had 12,000 hourly Union employees then and 5000 salaried employees. 400 in our dept. Many of these ex cons claimed Comp after they fell down the stairs unexpectedly. In the 70's and 80's it was The Wild, Wild West there. FishFarmer remembers those days. But nowhere as bad as a plants I went to in Gary Ind. Armed guard escorted you to the restroom, in the main office building.

 How can one limit involvement when you are their supervisor or manager. I could write a book, oh wait I am.

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1 hour ago, AKRISONER said:

Sometimes i begin to wonder myself, just how close have I come into contact with a dangerous person, when you really think about it it almost guaranteed that youve crossed paths with one even if you dont know it!

When I was 17'ish a guy 2 homes over from me I found out was a BAD MAN.  I'd see his car's not parked right some times (in the snow bank or even on the lawn) and figured he had a few and drove.  He has seen me on my dirtbike so he came over one day and asked me to help him break in his new Ninja 750R so I said sure I'll come get the keys in 1 hour.  I went, went in the house to be brought to the basement to get the helmet and key.  Well that was in a hidden room that had many, MANY gun's and items.  He gave me gas money and said bring it back in two days.  So of course I did what I was asked after seeing what I had seen.  So I show up and he opens the door and said "come back in after 8pm as I don't want you to meet the people in my house" yet all I needed to do was hand him the key and helmets.  So again I listened.  

A few days to a week later I'm trying to get home to my folks place and SWAT had a bunch of trucks there and told me I couldn't get any closer to the area.  I left and called my dad to tell him I won't be there for dinner.  He went out and spoke to them and told my dad (he's an ex-cop) to escort me through the area if I cam back right then and there. 

I'm now home and in the backyard having a smoke and I hear a voice say "get in the house now!" so I  say "dad I'm just having a smoke" to get a reply from the other side of the fence saying "I'm not your dad" and he flashed a flashlight off and on quickly.  

So turns out the guy 2 door down went to an Apt building and blew a shotgun hole through a door looking for someone.  Oh and he was a drug lord... 

Edited by Geoff W
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