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The I did something stupid thread NF


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For any of the HVAC / Refrigeration guys:


I once spent an entire morning trying to figure out where a system I had added a flow meter to was plugged - swapped the TXV, swapped the drier, swapped the solenoid and still no flow. Took the flow meter out and connected some hoses to it and blew some nitrogen through, no plug there. Installed it again and still no flow. Getting really frustrated now. Pulled the flow meter again, and then realized that I had not removed the valve cores from the 1/4" flare fittings on the meter. Felt like an idiot. Took out the valve cores, put everything back together, and it worked just fine after that.

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Great thread. I was driving on the 403 when i noticed a small spider crawling on the inside of my front windshield. I decided thats the end for you. I used my palm and got him good. Unfortunately i used too much force and ended cracking my windshield with two four inch cracks. That little bugger cost me $300.

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the hood of that Edge flipped open on the road test; the hood is buckled at the hinges and the windshield is smashed.


43 years ago my wife and I rented a cottage on Pigeon Lake.


I was sitting at the beach one day reading the paper and there was a boat house there with a sundeck on top. A guy was up there with his wife and German Shepherd dog and he reached over and put his arm around the wife and I spose the dog thought he was hurting her so he attacked. He was getting some nasty bites so to get away from the dog he dove head first off the roof but instead of landing in the water he landed head 1st in a boat tied up at the dock.


I ran over and the poor guy was in tough shape both from the dog bites and the 8' header into the boat.


He asked me to take him to the hospital and said to take his car as it was faster so off we go across hwy 7 towards Lindsay about 70 MPH when the darned hood flies open and smashed the windshield and bashes in the the roof. Turns out it was one of those deals where pins go up thru the hood and are held in place with rings that he forgot to clip when he finished working on the engine last time. I got it part way closed and was able to get one pin in and off we go again. Get about another mile down the road and I notice it's over heating now. Dood says that happens all the time and I have to pull off the road again to get some coolant from the trunk.


Finally get this guy to the hospital where he gets a bazillion stitches plus patched up from the 8' dive and eventually get him home hours later.


I never met this guy before but it made for a crazy day and is something I don't think I'll ever forget.

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When you are 15 years old and you plan to 'take' your older sisters car out in the evening to pick up your girlfriend, make sure you know how to turn the high beams off. The local police don't like them in their eye's and will pull you over...


*edit to add: I too have had the hood fly up on me in my very 1st truck, 1985 Nissan king cab. Lucky me I didn't smash the windshield in.

Edited by GBW
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Loaded up my old Bronco for me and my buddy to head out fishing.

Forgot to close the swingout spare tire carrier.

Hooked the fence and caved in the rear corner of the truck.


Pulled forward secured the carrier and went fishin'.

Dealt with it later. ;)


Luckily it didn't cost me a fortune as I had contacts at a very high end body shop and they fixed me up for $500. ;)

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For many years I was at an advertising agency that had the Lexus advertising account. The account executive was taking is Toyota in for service and you can’t park in their lot unless it’s a Toyota product!

The marketing manager told him to use the one we had in parking lot, a Lexus LS 400. Licence plate LEXUS 4. He could park in their lot while his was being fixed. He was Chinese and the nicest person. They actually asked him if he wanted the 4. Lexus knows all of the superstitions known to man.

He told him not a problem with the 4.

They never ate at home so him and his wife went to Bayview Village for dinner. At 10 pm he came out and the Lexus was gone!!!! it was dark and he figured he parked it somewhere farther, no luck.

Called our finest and they went where he parked it and on the ground was the lock cylinder!

Had to call Lexus and tell them a $125,000 car was tone, they never did find it!


The next week they brought us LEXUS 3 and I took it home and kept it looked up!

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Think I told this story before but I love it so I'll tell it again.


Was working in Dryden on a lake, it had rained the night before and the boat had some water in it. So we drive off down the lake and I have the plug out. Drains all the water. We had about a 2 hour boat ride.


We get to the first spot and start pulling up the gear and my co-worker says 'Jer, I think the boat has a hole in it.' I ask why and he mentions we are standing in shin deep water. I go wide eyed and realize I forgot to put the plug back in.


I've never bailed water so fast in my life.

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A couple more from me


couple years ago i was out ice fishing in the hut jacket off but with the bib. I was checking my phone and proceeded to just throw it in the chest of my bib as i was in a texting conversation, something happened at the hole and i stood up and bent over, out slips my phone hits the ice and then starts sliding in a b line right towards the hole i just sit there staring at it dumbfounded as my iphone goes ploop...see ya later


this spring i had my phone in the front pocket of my autoinflate (its an iphone 7 and waterproof) i had it in there with my fishing and boating license. It was a torrential downpour and i know that when it gets damp, my licenses have been known to stick to my phone as i pull it out...not a big deal i think as im driving.


So along we go doing about 20mph in the tinner when my phone starts going off, i unzip my PFD and sure enough the licenses are sticking to the back and i think whatever, im checking my phone for one second no big deal...except i didnt factor in the wind...i pull out my phone with the licenses stuck, the wind hits them...see ya later



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My first time ever trying to launch a boat I couldn't back it off the trailer for some reason. I couldn't understand why it wouldn't budge off the trailer! Dropped the trailer further back into the water, gunned it in reverse but it still wouldn't budge!


Took me a minute or two to realize we forgot to take everything off the back - straps and transom saver. It was busy that day at the balsam rosedale launch. Good times!

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6 of us on a Fly In trip for walleye. I had 6 or so hand tied chartreuse bucktail jigs that where outfishing everything else any of us had. So of course I was rubbing it in ALL week long. As the week wore on to everyones delight I started to lose jigs being bitten off by pike. Soon I only had one left. One morning all three boats of us are fishing a small current area where we had done well all week. But it was slow this morning so I announced that it was time to use my last secret weapon to show the boys how real fishermen do it. I cut my line and dig out my last magic jig and tie it on...then throw it over the side of the boat to get going and realize I had just retied the jig I took off and threw my magical jig untied into the lake :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


Never got any sympathy from my buddies either....actually quite the opposite.

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Thought I was going to play a trick on the coop kid one day. I had earlier replaced a seat belt retractor, on a Chevy Cobalt. Inside these units there's a pretensioner; that pulls the seat belt back tight against you, when an air bag is deployed. When these pretensioners go off, they sound like a shotgun blast.

So I clamp the retractor in the bench vice and connected a couple of jumper wires to a battery; leaving one jumper clip off. I turned my back to the bench and called the coop kid over to help me with something. While I wasn't looking one of the guys sneaked up to the bench and connects the last jumper lead.

Bang off goes the tensioner; me and the kid hit the floor, on top of each-other. After I get up and check my pants for foreign objects; I see both my techs standing at the bay door laughing and ready to run. LOL


Then there is the acetylene bombs; that we'd connect to a spark plug wire and close the hood.

Had a buddies car in for a hard starting issue; fix the problem and then installed one of the bombs.

When he came to pick up the car, I said give it a try; you can reach through the window and it'll fire right up.

Can you imagine a 350 pound man beating the 50 meter dash record; I'm sure he did that day. LOL

That was another practical joke; where I ended up on the floor. After he collected himself, he came over to me and body slammed me to the floor and sat on me until I couldn't barely breath. LOL



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Years ago I was a member of the Base Borden rod and gun club which mean't I could bow hunt on base. The rule was, you'd go to Range Control and sign in to the area you wanted to hunt and see if it was in use. So one morning well before daylight I check in at Range Control and signed in to one of my spots. I drive over and carefully and slowly drive along the sandy lane into my area. Once parked, I gently open the rear hatch and in the darkness strip down to my long johns to begin getting my camo on. SHHH quiet!! Then with one foot up on the bumper pulling on a sock...KA FREAKIN BOOM! Instant DAYLIGHT!! A magnesium flare explodes 100' above my head!! Tanks, truck and soldiers are coming out of NOWHERE! Guns going off and I'm stand in the middle in my friggin underwear with pupils the size of garbage cans lids and a look of shock and terror on my face. Soldiers driving by are looking down at at me like what the hell???? I throw my stuff in the hatch, jumping in and floor it outta there dodging military trucks in a Pontiac Acadian!


I get back to Range Control and completely out of breath say to the Range Officer, " The board said it was OPEN!!!???" To which I get back "Yeah, that happens" shrug.

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Late last fall I was getting ready for ice fishing season. I was moving things around in the basement storage so that I could get to my ice fishing gear. I put my minnow trap on top of a box but it fell onto one of my marine batteries. Sparks were flying everywhere and that haunting electrical sound was humming loudly. My wife heard this from upstairs and was screaming at me because she thought I was being electrocuted. After a minute or 2 of panic I was able to pry the minnow trap off because it was stuck to the battery. Pretty scary scenario considering I had boxes everywhere... and the sparks... and the damn minnow trap was stuck... For a second there I thought I was going to burn down my house.

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Way back when when I was young and frequented the bars in Toronto. I took this beautiful young women out on a date and we decided to go to the Gasworks. I had this wonderful 1970 Monte Carlo (not so nice), but it was mine. We had a great time, can't remember the band, but it was loud. I was parked behind the bar and when it was time to leave, I back out of the spot right into the block wall behind me. I'm wondering what this chick thinks of an idiot that can't even back out of a parking spot; I thought I blew this one. Well, we have been together for 38 years. Moral of the story, my wife likes guys that can't drive. LOL

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It was in middle school some time and i went on my first date. Her name was Jade and she was the prettiest girl in school. We decided to go to the carnival which was only a few minutes away. Anyways stupied me i ate a crap load of junk food before hand. We hit a few rides with no issues until this crazy ride that just spins you over and over again. Unfortunately they had to stop the ride early cause i threw up all over myself. I mean all over myself. I got off the ride and didnt say anything and just went home.

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Years ago first night of a week long canoe trip with people I didn't know well. I used the latrine pit and made a real mess. I'd recently read one of the Bill Mason books and he had burned his toilet paper. I decided to do the same but Bill Mason was in the Arctic on rock when he did it, not on an island on Temagami. A few hours later I woke up to the smell of smoke and the latrine pit was now a 6X6 foot glowing fire. I moved quickly and got it out with many trips down to the lake and back with a cooking pot. I was now the idiot who set the island on fire on the first night.

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I'm working night shift and go back to my office. These are the old type offices with 1/2 upper windows. I meet our cleaning lady doing her job. "Hello Mr. Boss" she says "Hi Rita." I say and give her a smile." I sit at my desk and start doing something. My lower leg gets "itchy" and the itch starts moving. I realize a Mouse is crawling up my leg under my long Johns. You have to picture that I basically have a Batman utility belt on. An old heavy Motorola radio, a 10" industrial flashlight, 25' tape and big metallurgical log in the back pocket. Now I scream like a little girl, jump up out of the chair and undo the belt and my pants and underwear fall to the floor, grab and throw Mickey against the wall, all the while screaming like that schoolgirl. The problem was the Mike for the radio is clipped to my shirt and the cord is stretched to the floor. I/m standing there butt naked from the waist down and the mike decides to unclip, hit the floor and come back and smack me in the face drawing blood. Now I look up and realize the little old lady has been standing there for the entire show.

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