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NF - advise what to do after...


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Hey all


So what is one to do? I got a letter from work today saying sorry we messed up (basically) because at the start of May they sent ALL my personal info including DOB and SIN to someone in error and showing this 'random person' my earnings over the past 20 months too! I mean they sent it all! Didn't catch it for 2 weeks too! What can I do to protect myself AND can I do to go after them to pay for any damages that may come from this? With all my info someone can go buy what ever they want to right?!?!? I'm SO FUMING MAD right now I'm ready to walk into work tomorrow and snap on HR! Even if she wasn't the one that did it... What do I do now?



Side note: can anyone else see a trend of some serious bad luck I have going on here as of late for me, am I now cursed? I sure as hell feel like it!!!

Edited by GBW
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In any case you have to keep a level head.. I would consult a lawyer first before confronting HR.. as for your bad luck, I can't help you because I've had more than my share..

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Hell, I would call it a bonus.

Get a good lawyer and get everything you can...no mercy.


Above all...keep calm and don't do/say anything that can come back on you

I was so fuming mad I was about to log into my webmail and email the sender of the letter and my direct HR manager. Decided a beer and a smoke and ask here before I "jump the gun" so to say


In any case you have to keep a level head.. I would consult a lawyer first before confronting HR..

Yeah but what type of lawyer as the only one I know is local and did my divorce and family law...


Any ideas there folks? I need to protect me, my info from fraud and now worry about loss of wages spending time at Service Canada to ensure nothing has been done with my ID... If I have to, I'll go after them full tilt only if I know I won't burn up all my time and money doing so and will walk away in the positive. I'm not one for this "sue because of..." stuff but this company has really been "playing with the rules" for my sales team as of late too so I'm ready to fire back at them...

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How did they send in error?

Was it in error.

Tell them to clean the mess.


Sent ALL my info out to another person (with no reason provided to me)

Oh I will!


But if I need to take time away to fix anything due to this, I'll be all OVER THEM!

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See if they did it to anyone else.

All they did was mail me a letter admitting they did it to me and I am sure they will not give up info if they screwed up for others. Its a rather LARGE company


i actually had this happen with my student loans, a hard drive with my information went 'missing' sin number, address, and what not. accidents do happen, keep an eye on things

This was HR sending my info off as there is zero saved to my work hard drive of my personal info...


I'm livid still...

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You can't recover for damages until you have any. That I know. If you feel that you want the person responsible for the error to be disciplined go to Management.


I would keep that letter in a very safe place. I would also pen a letter to the company indicating you received that letter and basically they are on notice for any damages that may occur in the future.Don't send it to HR, it may or should I say probably deep 6 it. Someone could lose their jobs. I would consider that egregious conduct.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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You can't recover for damages until you have any. That I know. If you feel that you want the person responsible for the error to be disciplined go to Management.


I would keep that letter in a very safe place. I would also pen a letter to the company indicating you received that letter and basically they are on notice for any damages that may occur in the future.Don't send it to HR, it may or should I say probably deep 6 it. Someone could lose their jobs. I would consider that egregious conduct.

I can and cannot wait to see who "takes my ID" as there is a 'market for that' and more so in my area of communications. So that's a hard pill to swallow to 'sit and wait' so to say.


I shared my thoughts with geoff earlier.


Hes got a good idea of what to do for now.

TKS again BRO and I look forward to your info and those others in the legal area to get back to me.


IN SHORT: If you were given ALL DATA about a person you can now go and fake it to be said person (photo ID clone is easy in this day and age). I know I could should I ever want to be that loser and wind up in jail for doing so.. Never will I though... I have too much personal info in front of me daily I don't want more... Here I sit, been trying to sleep since 12 and wide wake now still at 2:45AM with NO CLUE how this is going to turn out. The "person(s)" they sent this too has my whole ROE (record of employment) now and can do as they wish with it and my info. It takes a second to get an email and save it to a USB device to use down the road (or even hit FWD)... So PISSED and FRUSTRATED and want to ensure this never happens again with my employer or others. I NEED to find answers. I'm ready to go to corp and have people terminated due to ignorance here (but that's how angry I am) and those of you that know me that's not my style.

If I post your name, DOB, SIN, Address and more and sure as ____ you would be after me cause so many can now find you and fraud your ID and take you to "the cleaners" right? Time to protect me 100 fold...

Still looking for more legal in please... Thanks!

G__ (for privacy)

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You need to see a lawyer to clear up what actions you can take tomorrow, it will be worth what ever they want to help clear up the "what ifs". There are many good lawyers giving a first free consult. I recently got a free consultation from a Labour Lawyer at no charge over the phone. You don't need to sit in an office to talk to someone. Have your family lawyers office give you a contact, they do that all the time.


The legal advise you may get here, including mine, is worth what you pay for it. Get some sleep. Get some for me too.

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be very carefull what you hit send on...best to have somebody that knows proof read for you...always wait till the next day and read it again before hitting send

Probably the best advice on here so far, it's a policy I have decided to adopt!


You need to see a lawyer to clear up what actions you can take tomorrow, it will be worth what ever they want to help clear up the "what ifs". There are many good lawyers giving a first free consult. I recently got a free consultation from a Labour Lawyer at no charge over the phone. You don't need to sit in an office to talk to someone. Have your family lawyers office give you a contact, they do that all the time.


The legal advise you may get here, including mine, is worth what you pay for it. Get some sleep. Get some for me too.

Yup, one step at a time!

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i dont think you will get much from them unless the person who got your info is a well seasoned crook and steals your identity then you sue them.

how much do you need your job...then decide how much you want to push it

I would get them to put it in writing that they released your info and they take full responsibility to the fallout from it , if there is fall out

otherwise it was a mistake...let it go

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A lawyer isn't going to do anything but take a big fat retainer. There hasn't been any sort of damage done here. HR needs to contact the person that the info was sent to in error and request it back or proof that it was destroyed. OP relax, stop thinking the worst, you're just going to wind yourself up and end up doing something you'll regret (Like freaking out at some lady in HR)

Edited by BillM
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Provincial Privacy Commissioner's office would be a call I'd make, if for no other reason than to have the incident recorded within their database.

I agree with others, if you want to keep your job, calm down and ask for a meeting with HR to GET THEIR ADVICE AS TO HOW TO HANDLE THIS WITHIN THE COMPANY.

If you want to lose your job, go in their guns a blazing.


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First of all, only a small percentage of the population are sheisters, it's likely whomever received your information is not a criminal. Secondly, if you want legal advice, call a lawyer for a consult. Most Internet advice is often misinterpreted or incorrect.

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A lawyer isn't going to do anything but take a big fat retainer. There hasn't been any sort of damage done here. HR needs to contact the person that the info was sent to in error and request it back or proof that it was destroyed. OP relax, stop thinking the worst, you're just going to wind yourself up and end up doing something you'll regret (Like freaking out at some lady in HR)

Second best bit of advice don't go off half cocked

Edited by BITEME.Esq
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Very first thing I would do is purchase Equifax credit monitoring. They will notify you if anyone makes a credit application in your name to confirm it is you. If it is your employers fault, have them cover the Equifax cost.


If I were in your position I would do this immediately. Criminals move fast...

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Very first thing I would do is purchase Equifax credit monitoring. They will notify you if anyone makes a credit application in your name to confirm it is you. If it is your employers fault, have them cover the Equifax cost.


If I were in your position I would do this immediately. Criminals move fast...


Get your company to pay for it too!!!

They are the ones that messed up now this is the least they can do.

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