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Has she got her heart set on destroying this province?

Big Cliff

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One of the best quotes I've heard during this campaign is this. "Trying to decide who you will pick in this election is like trying to pick you favourite STD" "And try and pick one that won't stay with you forever."


It's a sad time when we don't have confidence with any of the choices. I will be voting tonight though and hope for the best for our country. And then making an appointment with the doctor for the antibiotic.


If you are worried about being stuck with your choice forever, Harper would make the most sense. He would be the easiest to get rid of in the next election.


The Liberals and NDP plan to change the voting process to bring in ranked balloting and/or proportional representation.

  • Ranked balloting heavily favours the Liberals. If that is passed, we are literally may be stuck with the Liberals forever. Or, at least for our lifetime.
  • Proportional representation would help the NDP in most elections.

Harper has committed to holding a referendum before making any changes to the election process. At least we will get to choose if we make change the election process; and if we do change, we have a say in what changes are made.

Edited by JohnBacon
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trudeau is a useless boob and a talking head for the string pullers. God help us if he gets in!


If the early results from the east are any indication.... We are going to need some help from above.



If you are worried about being stuck with your choice forever, Harper would make the most sense. He would be the easiest to get rid of in the next election.


The Liberals and NDP plan to change the voting process to bring in ranked balloting and/or proportional representation.

  • Ranked balloting heavily favours the Liberals. If that is passed, we are literally may be stuck with the Liberals forever. Or, at least for our lifetime.
  • Proportional representation would help the NDP in most elections.

Harper has committed to holding a referendum before making any changes to the election process. At least we will get to choose if we make change the election process; and if we do change, we have a say in what changes are made.


We should all be concerned about this. Unfortunately, not all will be.

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She's now running the country



My greatest fear has become reality!

What happened? McSquinty and Wynne were just voted PM. Gonna have to do more fishin' and bitchen' with the new boats and skidoo's posted here. The last decade of former PM put us where we are now. At least Harper had so much mousse and hairspray his head was bullet proof.

Edited by ehg
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What happened? McSquinty and Wynne were just voted PM. Gonna have to do more fishin' and bitchen' with the new boats and skidoo's posted here. The last decade of former PM put us where we are now. At least Harper had so much mousse and hairspray his head was bullet proof.



:wallbash: spoken like a true socialist....

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Chow will be looking high and low for yet another elected position as she can't possibly be expected to thrive on her current government pension.

The only bright side to the election results that I can see is that Chow is still un-employeed....


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What was the fear?


That Justin would get in with a majority and that there will be no stopping him now.



Maybe she will at least get together with the hair guy and cancel that stupid pension plan

Are you kidding? Now that Justin is in there is no one to stop her from the new tax grab and selling Hydro One. If you believe either of these things are going to be good for you and I then I have some swamp land in FL for sale at a really good price!

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That Justin would get in with a majority and that there will be no stopping him now.

Are you kidding? Now that Justin is in there is no one to stop her from the new tax grab and selling Hydro One. If you believe either of these things are going to be good for you and I then I have some swamp land in FL for sale at a really good price!



There are those items but she was looking for a way out of the pension and said that if the feds help she will can it.

If Justin gives back the 2 years Harper took that may be enough for her.

But yes, we are still doomed with Hydro One...I already have plenty of swamp land in Ontario

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And we outed our first term MP so there goes that pension.

Trust me, that will be rectified. Does anyone remember Jag Bhaduria? Liberal, got elected then was proven to have false credentials but he still got to sit as a back bencher! (he ended up with an MPs pension). There is honor amongst thieves!

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Trust me, that will be rectified. Does anyone remember Jag Bhaduria? Liberal, got elected then was proven to have false credentials but he still got to sit as a back bencher! (he ended up with an MPs pension). There is honor amongst thieves!



What I meant was, he got 1 term and we didn't vote him back in this time...need 6 years to get a pension and he only has 4

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