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Has she got her heart set on destroying this province?

Big Cliff

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You know, I'm glad you like your job. You're a teacher, one of the most influential roles in a young persons development. All the best teachers in my life loved their job...I wish we could make every teacher happy. Our society would be better for it...and you can't put a number or cost on that...


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Our sick leave accumulates and there is no maximum.

We do however have to use it for sick leave, and after 3 consecutive days need a Dr's note.

We also can not cash the days out which is the way it should be.

The same goes for special leave when there is a family emergency.


We are only allowed to carry over 1 years worth of annual and lieu time as well.

We are paid out for any time over that.

Personally I would rather have the time than the $$$$

I've been paid out a couple of times and it sucks. :(

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Its give or take for me.


I do like the lieu days


But i also like my overtime


When i worked at rrfn i had a 35 hour work week(but i worked 3 jobs, all vital)


So i ended up working 60 hour work weeks, accumulting days off, that they refused to pay out. But i couldnt take the days off because nobody could replace my services.


So i got screwed in more then one hole.


Only place i ever worked with such a rediculious policy

Edited by manitoubass2
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Teachers and other staff were allowed to accumulate their sick days because they never had short term disability insurance, And long term disability doesn't kick in for 120 days,

So they needed at least 6 months worth in the bank in case of longer illness or major surgery etc


Are you sure about that re the short term disability benefits? I am 99% sure that teachers get short term disability benefits that are called short-term sickness benefits and pay out at 90% of income. That is a pretty top notch gold plated STD plan.

Edited by Canuck
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Are you sure about that re the short term disability benefits? I am 99% sure that teachers get short term disability benefits that are called short-term sickness benefits and pay out at 90% of income. That is a pretty top notch gold plated STD plan.

100% sure, at least that WAS the case with the largest school board ( TDSB ), not sure about other cities.

And contrary to popular belief and what the media failed to mention, They were not allowed to cash out their banked sick days any time they wanted, Only at the time of retirement they could get paid a Maximum of 120 days, provided they had 240 days in the bank and 25 years in service, any thing less was pro rated.

In other words, 6 months pay as gratuity after 25 years of service.


That was the deal before McGuinty govt changed it to no more accumulation of sick days, and took all their existing accumulated sick days away,


McGuinty changed it to 10 (non accumulative) sick days (100% pay) + 5 days miscellaneous leave ( funeral of immediate family member, moving, attending graduation, religious holidays etc) per year

After those 10 days they now get 90% pay till LTD kicks in (after 120 days)

Edited by stonefish
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100% sure,

And contrary to popular belief and what the media failed to mention, They were not allowed to cash out their banked sick days any time they wanted, Only at the time of retirement they could get paid a Maximum of 120 days, provided they had 240 days in the bank and 25 years in service, any thing less was pro rated.

In other words, 6 months pay as gratuity after 25 years of service.


That was the deal before McGuinty govt changed it to no more accumulation of sick days, and took all their existing accumulated sick days away,


McGuinty changed it to 10 (non accumulative) sick days (100% pay) + 5 days miscellaneous leave ( funeral of immediate family member, moving, attending graduation, religious holidays etc) per year

After those 10 days they now get 90% pay till LTD kicks in (after 120 days)


Dude, you just said what I had understood. Teachers that get sick for an extended period (over the 10 days) get 90% of their pay for up to another 120 days per year at 90% of pay. That is a short term disability plan and that is a very good plan. After 120 days on short term sickness they go on long term disability and get benefits after that.


Don't get me wrong, I respect teachers as a profession, but don't go crying that they don't have good disability and sickness benefits because that is just not true. Teachers have gold plated benefit and pension plans. Significantly better than most of the non-government workers in Canada.


And as for the "In other words, 6 months pay as gratuity after 25 years of service.", the pension benefits for teachers are way above anything anyone could get in non-government jobs. And its secure (ask the Steelworkers how important that is). Getting 6 months unused sick time payout on top of a gold plated pension plan is and was abusive. As an indication of just how abusive it was, Dalton McGuinty thought it was abusive and a waste of taxpayer money. Think about that statement for a minute.

Edited by Canuck
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Dude, you just said what I had understood. Teachers that get sick for an extended period (over the 10 days) get 90% of their pay for up to another 120 days per year at 90% of pay. That is a short term disability plan and that is a very good plan. After 120 days on short term sickness they go on long term disability and get benefits after that.


Don't get me wrong, I respect teachers as a profession, but don't go crying that they don't have good disability and sickness benefits because that is just not true. Teachers have gold plated benefit and pension plans. Significantly better than most of the non-government workers in Canada.


And as for the "In other words, 6 months pay as gratuity after 25 years of service.", the pension benefits for teachers are way above anything anyone could get in non-government jobs. And its secure (ask the Steelworkers how important that is). Getting 6 months unused sick time payout on top of a gold plated pension plan is and was abusive. As an indication of just how abusive it was, Dalton McGuinty thought it was abusive and a waste of taxpayer money. Think about that statement for a minute.

Not saying it's right or wrong, just stating what they had and what it is now, just so you understand what the issues is in current negotiations when they say teachers are fighting to get their sick days back.

It you read my first post again, I used the past tense.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Banking sick days, lol. What a crock.


What? :dunno:

We get to roll over unused sick leave.

You don't get paid out for unused leave when you retire or anything like that but you can rack up time that you can use if needed.

There are several people here on staff that had cancer and needed extended time off for treatment and recovery. The ability to use sick leave is very beneficial as you can't apply for disability payments for 12 weeks. I know I would have a very difficult time with no $$$$ coming in for months. I'm in pretty good shape if something should happen with more than 31 days in the bank if needed.


A couple of years ago I was off for 7 weeks due to an illness and never missed a dime in that time.

The bank did empty pretty much though.

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Dave, my issues is with teachers banking sick time and getting a fat check after X amount of years. I've got no issues with people that actually use it for what it was meant for (I guess I should have been a little clearer on that)...

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Dave, my issues is with teachers banking sick time and getting a fat check after X amount of years. I've got no issues with people that actually use it for what it was meant for (I guess I should have been a little clearer on that)...


Yeah, I don't agree with being paid out at all.

It is for use if you get sick, not a bonus for not getting sick.

We don't get paid out for unused sick leave or special leave (death, family member sick).

This tends to make some people abuse the system and use up all of their leave when not sick or have family emergencies.

The entire 9 years I have been working here I have only used my special leave once, when my mom passed away.

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The way I see it.....bankable sick days was likely used as currency in past negotiations that teachers got in lieu of something else. If that's the case, then it's unfair to criticize them and VERY unfair to take them away if they were bargained for and granted in past years.


I think the gov pulled a fast one with that whole fiasco. They're doing the same to doctors now.

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Ontario!!! You guys are soooooooo screwed!!!








Auditor General’s Report Slams Ontario Liberal’s Electricity System

London, Ontario / (CFPL AM) AM 980
December 02, 2015 12:06 pm


The annual report from Ontario’s auditor general presents a scathing review of the electricity system while also exposing a lack of co-ordination in government funding to companies.

Released on Wednesday, Bonnie Lysyk’s report finds the electricity portion of hydro bills for homes and small businesses rose 70% between 2006 and 2014, costing consumers $37-billion in payments to generators.

In addition, Lysyk says customers will pay an extra $9.2-billion for wind and solar projects under the Liberal’s guaranteed-price program for renewable energy than they would have under the old program.

The report also went after government funding to companies, noting that 80% of $1.45-billion from the Ministry of Economic Development and Employment went to companies the Liberals “invited to apply”, but there was no criteria given to show how the firms were selected or whether any jobs were created.

Lysyk also found a lack of coordination in government spending, with nine other ministries handing out another $1.8-billion dollars for similar projects and no follow-up after the funding ended to see if jobs created or retained still existed.



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All I know is I'm sure glad I'm not one of the people that voted for these clowns.


Absolutely unbelievable what they're doing to this province and getting away with it.


And it seems every day something else rears it's ugly head.

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It is so sickening. She is so out of touch with everyday Canadians. Justin is no better. A kid with a trust fund and hundreds of thousands of dollars to play with from speaking engagements. What do either of them know about the real challenges of trying to raise a family in Ontario. Or retire on a pension with skyrocketing hydro bills, taxes etc. Don't worry tho, the Pan Am game executives walked away with millions in perks and bonuses. They'll be able to stay warm this winter. While our doctor's do with less. It's grotesque.

Not a political expert in any way but Trudeau isn't doing to bad of job for ex bringing 25000 Syrian refugees

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lol probably but although the liberals can barely take care of us right now its still good to se that he cares . don't forget the 2 billion he gave for world climate change

You just keep digging that hole deeper my friend!


I am willing to wait and see where JT is concerned. Apparently that's not a popular sentiment around here though if past comments are any indicator.

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