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Has she got her heart set on destroying this province?

Big Cliff

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This is the best idea in this thread. If it's an essential service everything is settled by arbitration and there doesn't have to be months or years long death-by-paper-cut negotiations.


The gov would likely never do it though.[/quote.



Is it really? So were gonna throw it into the hands of an arbitrator who doesnt look at what compensation will cost us but instead base his/her decision on past numbers or what other competing CBAs' receive, just like they do for police services? They need to abolish.government unions altogether. Public sector union. Its an oxymoron. Theyre the best fed pigs at the trough. Time has come they have a template for production where raises and/or bonuses are awarded and rewarded to reflect performance and service excellence instead of " We want what they got..... waaa waaa waaa". Whos GD money is this anyway? You want more? Earn it.








Hows that little ditty go again? Those who can, do. Those who can't.......





News flash!!!! Estimates as high as $4.6 million to teachers union for Pizza And Hotel Rooms!!!!! It is never ending. Thats cool though cause i'm the uneducated one

Edited by moxie
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Don't know if you folks saw this or not, but http://www.torontosun.com/2015/10/27/wynne-plans-to-expand-tax-grab-despite-promise

So yes Big Cliff, she is trying to destroy this province! Adding an additional 10-15K per house, that generally means added 10-15K in mortgage principal means you won't pay your house off as quick.

RE the teachers... I happened to be married to a school administrator and frankly the crap I hear that goes on, at least within the TDSB is nothing short of a shame. The level of professionalism displayed within that group disgusts me.


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She's leaving the decision up to the municipalities, so I guess we can go scream at our local MPs if they double the rate?



Local Mayors


She is also adding a tax for those in unorganized townships because nobody rides for free...even if the have to walk


Meaning they get no govt services but darnit they should still pay more in tax because she has some spending to do

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And you want to know what the best part of it is; if her costs go up she gives herself a raise because she has to cover the costs you know! Go tell your boss you need a raise because some dumb (ok I'll let you fill in the blank) thinks you need to pay more so she can get a raise! This woman (oh and I really don't want to call her that but this thread would be locked and I'd be banned if I did say what I mean) is without a doubt the worst thing that has ever happened to Canada. She has already cost Ontario more than any terrorist group could ever hope to and she gets to sit there and laugh and lie about it!

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New Ontario Liberal party investigation coming, under Wynnes watch.....


Our tax dollars are being funnelled to the teachers union, for their expenses in bargaining with the government.... 2.5 million worth!


Seems like they are being paid from both ends! The teachers and the government... What a crock!!





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Who pays for the other side's bargaining costs? That is ridiculous.


There's so much misinformation, lies, propaganda, posturing, mud slinging, etc. with these teachers unions and the province I don't think anyone, including the teachers (based on comments from a few I know personally) knows what's true and isn't anymore.


But I will say, aside from any propaganda or whatever, it is really difficult to get sympathy from people working in the private sector for these teachers. Sure, it's a difficult and important job, but it's not like you're living in poverty here. And I know it's not just about the money, but then you claim you want better environments for the children but at the same time hold them hostage? Something doesn't add up.


Ironically enough, it was the big push from the teachers union that got this government elected. But you didn't really think all your wishes would come true, did you?

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Last I heard, one of the final negotiating points was that the teachers want to keep their sick days and continue to accumulate them over time. I know that my wife, who is no longer a teacher, but a school administrator, has accumulated well over 150 sick days during her career. That means that should she decide to retire, she would continue being paid for about a half a year, while enjoying retirement.

Can't think of any other industry that has perks like that.


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Last I heard, one of the final negotiating points was that the teachers want to keep their sick days and continue to accumulate them over time. I know that my wife, who is no longer a teacher, but a school administrator, has accumulated well over 150 sick days during her career. That means that should she decide to retire, she would continue being paid for about a half a year, while enjoying retirement.

Can't think of any other industry that has perks like that.


I don't know the specifics of the teacher deal, but that's somewhat common in public sector deals. Or at least used to be. Assuming it was used as a currency in negotiating past deals (that they accepted in lieu of something else), I wouldn't be quick to vilify them for wanting to keep what they have (or had).


A friend and I were discussing this and he came up with this analogy.....imagine you were going to leave your company for another job because it was higher paying. Your boss comes to you and says "I can't afford to give you a raise, but what if we give you every other friday off instead". That might seem like a pretty good deal and a fair trade. So you take the deal at less $ but get fridays off, and but then years later everyone else at your company gets out the pitchforks and vilifies you for having a special deal with fridays off when everyone else has to work 5 days.

I thought it was an interesting comparison.



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Last I heard, one of the final negotiating points was that the teachers want to keep their sick days and continue to accumulate them over time. I know that my wife, who is no longer a teacher, but a school administrator, has accumulated well over 150 sick days during her career. That means that should she decide to retire, she would continue being paid for about a half a year, while enjoying retirement.

Can't think of any other industry that has perks like that.


Happens in healthcare as well, my buddies dad was an engineer for Hamilton Health sciences and he did that when he retired a couple months ago

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Teachers and other staff were allowed to accumulate their sick days because they never had short term disability insurance, And long term disability doesn't kick in for 120 days,

So they needed at least 6 months worth in the bank in case of longer illness or major surgery etc

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Poor them, most hard workers have no health coverage, std or ltd insurance.. let alone a 1 month salary death benefit and 2 x your yearly salary life insurance as a perk of the job. But Jen's brother and sister are thankful that she did.

Edited by irishfield
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Quote: Last I heard, one of the final negotiating points was that the teachers want to keep their sick days


That is not correct. They have frozen the buildup of these days already.

Some teachers in our board with less than ten years experience had their accumulated sick days that they banked and were promised under past contracts forcibly paid out at pennies on the dollar. Not whining - just a fact.

Don't believe everything that u hear in the media or secondhand. I am not trying to convince u to root for me as a teacher. It's a free world and you are entitled to your opinion - just be aware that the government and media are not sharing the whole or real story. I sincerely hope that my Union is being honest with me and have faith so far that they are. Like I said, "I" and most teachers want a cost of living increase (u may or may not agree with that), to not lose family health or sick benefits and we also truly want class sizes and special education funding to not take a hit because that hurts kids and makes it more difficult for us to provide the best experience possible for your child. That's the honest truth for me. I am passionate about maintaining a world class public education system. It's not perfect - we're not perfect. But the majority of educators are skilled, hard working and deeply care about their students. I agree, due to unionization, some are not.

I wish strike action did not need to happen but that is not the reality we are facing right now.

On a side note, are people out there in the private sector not getting some type of cost of living or salary indexing right now? I'd like to hear either way if u don't mind.

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of course landry.


no one automatically gets cost of living, or salary indexing.


I work in the private industry and our pay has been frozen for two years in a row.....


if I was to suggest "not doing reports", or "leaving on time, and not working late - yes, i'm salary and not getting paid", or else I'm going to strike, I'd be fired on the spot....


My father has had his pay DECREASE for the last six years straight...he's an industrial electrician.


Only folks I know that get salary indexing are my power working union friends, or my teacher union friends.


I should also mention, our sick days do not get paid out, or accumulated. They cancel at the end of each year.


Teachers got it good....REALLY GOOD!

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When I hear about people's salaries being frozen or being pulled back, especially in times like these where inflation is rampant and the cost of living is getting out of hand, that makes me angry.


There are times when I want to commend the teachers union for sticking up for the people and not accepting that the people on top should be allowed to stay cozy by taking a bigger cut for themselves. I honestly think there's a lot of jealousy in these arguments. But to be frank, I think people are becoming complacent again and are just all to happy to have SOMETHING to take home because they know there are a dozen guys waiting in the wings to take their job if they step too far out of line. That, or if everyone bands together the company will just ship operations overseas.


But then these are the same people who think the biggest concern when voting is the "economy". Well, unfortunately, true economics is void of ethics and morals. If keeping the economy afloat means not having to pay anyone, which is slowly becoming the case, then they surely will do it.

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In the private industry, salaries and wages are often tied to company profits. In the good times, when companies are making money, salaries go up, and everyone is happy. However, in these tough times, when the private industry hasn't had good growth in a long time, salaries and wages aren't exactly climbing up any ladders. You can only blame the employers so much...(of course, if your in an industry that "does" have growth, this really doesn't apply).


In the public industry, where salaries and wages aren't directly tied to profits, at least not in the same degree as the private industry, you can get things like guaranteed salary indexing...in some cases, right through retirement.


I think that's why its tough to compare jobs in the public, vs jobs in the private....

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We do have it good. I like my job a lot.

Just don't want myself or the system to move backwards. If u disagree that's okay. Not trying to be argumentative.

I believ Toyita gets a salary index each year but I could be wrong.


You know, I'm glad you like your job. You're a teacher, one of the most influential roles in a young persons development. All the best teachers in my life loved their job...I wish we could make every teacher happy. Our society would be better for it...and you can't put a number or cost on that...

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