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I just don't know what to do!

Big Cliff

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I have been reading everything I can find on this upcomming election and here is what it boils down to; I am an idiot!


If I vote Liberal I am an Idiot

If I vote Consertive I am an idiot

If I vote NDP I am an idiot

If I vote for anyone else they haven't got a chance so I just wasted my vote and I am an idiot

If I don't vote, I am an Idiot



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Actually #4 is not a wasted vote if enough people have the courage to do it.

It will send a strong message to the top parties when they see that they all lost votes to an under dog.

I plan to vote for the only alternative to the big three as I would hate myself if I voted Blue, Red or Orange in this election.


Send a message Cliff and vote for one of the under dogs in your area!!! :good: :good:

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Regardless of who gets in, will they really care who the underdog is/was? I am not trying to be smart here, for the first time in my life I feel like no matter what I do it isn't going to make a difference. I would love to have some logical direction here, I think it is important. my grand daughter just had a decission about "who" to vote for and for the first time ever I had to say "I don't know"!

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Regardless of who gets in, will they really care who the underdog is/was? I am not trying to be smart here, for the first time in my life I feel like no matter what I do it isn't going to make a difference. I would love to have some logical direction here, I think it is important. my grand daughter just had a decission about "who" to vote for and for the first time ever I had to say "I don't know"!


The NDP have never held power at the federal level; however, they have helped get a lot of social programs in Canada either by holding the balance of power in a minority or just having enough to support for the other parties to realize that they cannot completely ignore their ideas.


Other parties such as the Green Party or the Marijauna party can also influence the government if they receive support. If it is a minority government, the few seats that they do win may be very important. Even if they do not win enough seats to hold the balance of power; support to these parties can send a message that people support their causes. Increased support for the Green Party tells the other parties that the environment matters; support for the Libertarian party indicates that people want smaller government, support for the Marijauna party indicates that people do support the legalization of marijauna. If support for these parties increase; the mainstream parties will realize that these issues matter to people and they will need to address them.



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I always base my decision on who to vote for on this one truth. All governments (civic, provincial and federal) have the power to tax you, and if you refuse they can confiscate property or jail you or both. So basically, when you vote for someone, you're giving them access to your money, property and wealth. I ask myself, "Who is going to spend the least amount of my money and treat the money they do take in taxes with respect and not waste it?"

Edited by Old Man
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and when we have our conventions we don't have to rip the tax payers off at 100 bucks per person for dinner, we just have to drum up some grup from recipies from the cooking thread, moose, pig skins with hamburger rolled in bacon , complimented with your famous turkey pot pie along with some French onion soup, and then we just bring a bunch of tents to hang out in the hosting members back yard, I hope sue does not mind. has potential

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Anyone but Harper!


Got my vote in at the advance polling station this afternoon ;)

I wish we could build a moat around the golden horse and then they could stick it up their :asshat: Vote for either of the two clowns and we'll be in red for so long even our grandchildren won't be able to pay it off.

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I wish we could build a moat around the golden horse and then they could stick it up their :asshat: Vote for either of the two clowns and we'll be in red for so long even our grandchildren won't be able to pay it off.

Sounds like harpers scare tactics are working

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