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'Old Stock' Canadians?


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From my experience and from others who've dealt with Syrians, what the Syrians receive will probably be eclipsed by what they give back, in time. I'm guessing there will be quite a number of professionals amongst the refugees and they will most likely not sponge off the system. Their pride won't allow them that, same with Iranians. Their gratitude will drive them to repay our kindness. ymmv

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dave524. I did not have a similar experience that you did with our wonderful former service men, I should say some. Being of Italian decent back then I was a visible minority. The first non WASP attending our grade school I leaned early what it felt to be treated differently. I actually had teachers and others speak very slowly to me so I could understand them. That was a long time ago. I received a failing grade in health habits. My parents were called in to explain why I wore the same cloths more than a few times a week. My American born mother went ballistic on them as my clothes were washed before every time I wore them. She went on to become the Prez of the Home and School association the next year.

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I took Harpers words exactly the same way Craig Ritchie did and never saw anything wrong with what he said.


He simply stated that no refugees or anyone else would receive anymore that any other Canadians do.


Seemed like just a normal thing to say as far as I understood.



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I took Harpers words exactly the same way Craig Ritchie did and never saw anything wrong with what he said.


He simply stated that no refugees or anyone else would receive anymore that any other Canadians do.


Seemed like just a normal thing to say as far as I understood.



As much as i dislike harper, i watched the video and I totally agree with you and craig


Just should have phrased it better.

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If JT phrased it like that, he would have been destroyed by the con media....

"how can someone who can't phrase the english language run our country"..... blah blah blah....


but that didn't happen....


it was super hero harper that screwed up....


I think they should have just left harper to speak the entire time....he would have buried himself deeper all on his own.


Another classic:


"I never said things were great" ....

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....agree !!! 110 %

And me even more than 110%


My parents were immigrants and worked hard for what they had, passed those values onto us (two boys) we both worked hard also, my brother a master plumber ( 43 years with the same firm) Me, a skilled typographer and still at it (45+ years) we were nevr unemployed and collects nothing, alway paid in.


My grandfather came here in 1903, but back then you were not allowed to stay, work and leave.

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He shot himself in the foot in how he phrased it, but the basic answer - saying everyone should be treated the same way - is something I support. Why should someone who has been in the country for five minutes be entitled to things I am not, when I have paid taxes here my whole life?


He didn't need to shoot himself in the foot. Lots of media types waiting in the wings. Looking for anything they can blow out of proportion.

Making headlines. With the emphasis on MAKING!

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he clarified his comments and this was the intended meaning:


old stock = 2nd generation+ canadian ie. born in canada


non-old stock = 1st generation canadian ie. born elsewhere


all canadians.


as a non-old stocker (born elsewhere), i don't see what the big deal and don't disagree with his comments.

Edited by Raf
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opponents didn't blow it up, the public did...seconds after it was said.....


don't confuse that fact.


it wasn't the media, or his "opponents" that blew it up....it exploded literally seconds after it was said.....and it was the listening public that picked up on it....

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At the end of the day I think most Canadians want to help those in need. Our country has a long history fo doing more than its share. That's part of what makes Canada such a great place to live.


But maybe because I am a bit old school, I believe we must do things the right way, and not just go with knee-jerk reactions. While it's nice to roll out the welcome wagon, I would like to know exactly who it is that is coming into my country. There are countless news clips on the internet showing all sorts of debris left behind by migrants passing through Hungary ... including Pakistani passports, Iranian passports, paperwork belonging to people from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh ... none of these people are Syrian refugees. Yet they're running across the borders into Europe, and no one has any idea who they are or where they came from. How does anyone know that at least some of these people are not terrorists connected with ISIS or Al Queda? The truth is, no one has any clue.


While Mr Trudeau and Mr Mulcair might be all for opening our borders and giving these new arrivals housing and health care and all sorts of other free gifts just for showing up, I would rather we go about this is a proper way, confirm that the people we allow in are, in fact, Syrian refugees in the first place, then let them go through the same system as everyone else. That's more than fair.


What truly disgusts me in all of this is how both Trudeau and Mulcair are using this issue, and particularly a photo of some dead kid on a beach, to try and win brownie points in an election. It's pathetic, it's desperate, and it is utterly despicable. Instead of campaigning on the back of a dead child, I would prefer if they would get back to talking about real issues like the economy, developing international trade, and positioning Canada for prosperity in the coming years.


Political rant over and out.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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Tax and spend...spend and tax...run a deficit with no fiscal responsibility, who cares...I almost hope you guys get what you want...you`ll be back whining here 4 years from now looking for a do over!!!


Vs spend but don't tax then spend even more and don't bother taxing... 156 billion in red ink to give corporations the lowest tax rate in history and after 9 yrs here we are. 400,000 manufacturing jobs gone forever, highest trade deficit in Canadian history, dollar near record lows, infrastructure deficit almost as high as the national debt...


Shall I go on or are you bored with the facts of what the current government has actually done with our money so far? Trying to scare people of what other's MIGHT do worked for a while but when the above is what Harper and Co have done, I personally find it very difficult to see how anyone could do worse. LOL


The Funniest thing though is will all those tax cuts, is that Canadian corporations have an estimated 200 Billion hiding in tax haven banks doing nothing to contribute even to their shareholders as they aren't paying it out in dividends...


So yeah please lets talk in 4 yrs.


As for the old stock comment. Pierre Berton said it best when asked what he was. I am a CANADIAN period isn't that enough?

Edited by Canuck2fan
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At the end of the day I think most Canadians want to help those in need. Our country has a long history fo doing more than its share. That's part of what makes Canada such a great place to live.


But maybe because I am a bit old school, I believe we must do things the right way, and not just go with knee-jerk reactions. While it's nice to roll out the welcome wagon, I would like to know exactly who it is that is coming into my country. There are countless news clips on the internet showing all sorts of debris left behind by migrants passing through Hungary ... including Pakistani passports, Iranian passports, paperwork belonging to people from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh ... none of these people are Syrian refugees. Yet they're running across the borders into Europe, and no one has any idea who they are or where they came from. How does anyone know that at least some of these people are not terrorists connected with ISIS or Al Queda? The truth is, no one has any clue.


While Mr Trudeau and Mr Mulcair might be all for opening our borders and giving these new arrivals housing and health care and all sorts of other free gifts just for showing up, I would rather we go about this is a proper way, confirm that the people we allow in are, in fact, Syrian refugees in the first place, then let them go through the same system as everyone else. That's more than fair.


What truly disgusts me in all of this is how both Trudeau and Mulcair are using this issue, and particularly a photo of some dead kid on a beach, to try and win brownie points in an election. It's pathetic, it's desperate, and it is utterly despicable. Instead of campaigning on the back of a dead child, I would prefer if they would get back to talking about real issues like the economy, developing international trade, and positioning Canada for prosperity in the coming years.


Political rant over and out.




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dave524. I did not have a similar experience that you did with our wonderful former service men, I should say some. Being of Italian decent back then I was a visible minority. The first non WASP attending our grade school I leaned early what it felt to be treated differently. I actually had teachers and others speak very slowly to me so I could understand them. That was a long time ago. I received a failing grade in health habits. My parents were called in to explain why I wore the same cloths more than a few times a week. My American born mother went ballistic on them as my clothes were washed before every time I wore them. She went on to become the Prez of the Home and School association the next year.


Old Ironmaker , my point was that in the post war years what you experienced and I too, as I'm of eastern Soviet controlled European decent although born here was done because it was the right thing to do and no recognition was expected. Somewhere it started to be motivated by political gain and media coverage , both getting good or avoiding bad . In those days also there was not the sense of entitlement that a lot of them come here with lately and we are so eager to provide for. ( NOTE!! see political gain and positive or negative media coverage )

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