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Why me lord, update 10-08-15


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I know all about this. You'll be fine!


For most people retinal detachment occurs in one eye, then the other. If you're unlucky, it happens in both eyes at once and you risk losing sight in both eyes.


Looks like you caught it early. They can probably repair it or mend the detachment and prevent any further loss. Your other eye will be monitored closely to ensure you don't lose sight in that one.


Unfortunately you won't get to do any sports that involve the slightest impact, including golf. Luckily there's little impact in fishing :).

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Thanks again all. Seems the morning after a sleep are the worse. But I can coop with that for now.





Unfortunately you won't get to do any sports that involve the slightest impact, including golf. Luckily there's little impact in fishing :).


Really? Guess I,ll be the guy this year to keep the cooler stocked. :whistling:


Next visit is 2.5 weeks from today. Will get back to you all with updates.


Thanks again




The gods can be cruel Brian.. but they can also be merciful.


Ah, from Gladiator


AM I NOT MERCIFUL????????? :angel:

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Thanks again all. Seems the morning after a sleep are the worse. But I can coop with that for now.




Really? Guess I,ll be the guy this year to keep the cooler stocked. :whistling:


Next visit is 2.5 weeks from today. Will get back to you all with updates.


Thanks again



Ah, from Gladiator


AM I NOT MERCIFUL????????? :angel:


Gladiator?? I was thinking more along the lines of Game of Thrones.. But then... It'd be something like.. Truly, the Gods are cruel! and... Gods be good!! :angel:

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Woke up to a frightening 3/4 black eye. All I could see from was the top right section and even then it was in and out. Rushed to RVH ( NOT VERY PLEASED WITH THEM, BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY) I arrived at 5:30 am. It wasnt til 9 am I was looked at. By then, the eye was pretty much black. The doc took no time in getting on the phone and getting a specilist for me. ( Mine was on holidays) 1/2 hour later, Im on my way to Sunny brook for eye surgery. After about 2 hours of lasering 4 tares and putting some gas in the back of the eye, I was headed back home. Back down Saturday for round two. The doc has given me a 60/40 chance. I can see light today and make out shapes. I guess thats a positive. It,s the rest of the healing that will determine what sight range I will get. I,ll take some over none, but it is what it is.


The story about RVH.


I arrive and Im the only one in emgerg. Lady asks the norm whats wrong. I give her the whole speech about the warning sign if I got it and how it was very important that I get looked at right away. First she cant log into the computer. She tried for like 15 minutes. I stay cool as I know getting upset would not help. Finally get me in the system, get me in a room. 6am. Now I wait and wait. I ask when I will be seen. soon sir. Well soon was 9am. When I told the doc about the whole thing, he was not happy at all. Im not sure if or to whom I should make a complaint to. Maybe this is the norm for the hospital. All I know is when I got to sunny brook, I went to the deck and they had me in right away.


I will let my eye specilist know what happen and my family doc. Im sure they can get their point accross better then I. ( I do understand though that rushing me in may of had no help as it had come on fast)


So here I sit waiting for the next step saturday. Im not sure what it is, but Im not really pissed anymore. These things happen. ( Like my brother says, what ya going to do) I still dont like it,but I will deal with it.Like I have a choice. LOL Work has told me to take all the time I need and if they can do anything, just let them know. I will be taking the docs rules to the T. Looks like fishing will be a few weeks away or more.


Thats it for now.


Have a great weekend ya,ll. :Gonefishing:

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Like has been said before and to repeat Mike hang in there, relax best you can and just take one day at a time dont worry about tomorow


Oh yea if your up to it make another hamburger bacon stuffed with good stuff rolls, they are truly wicked, thst will make u happy,



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Sending good Karma your way B. Take 'er easy and get better. You'll be fine me thinks. With your ability to stay positive, you got this whooped for sure.

Oh, by the way, don't worry about that bluezone outing next week - I'll take one for the team and step up for ya and make sure those rods are looked after. :rolleyes:

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Holy crap Brian, I just read this post. Dude really sorry to hear this is happening to you. If you need anything at all just give me a call. I'll message you my cell number.



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Good morning all and thank you very much for your well wishes and pm,s .


Just getting ready to head down to Sunny Brook in a bit. Seems the first part is doing it,s job. Well, from what I can tell anyways. I,ll be sure to let you all know how it goes.


Funny how the last few days have made me look at life differently. Take nothing for granted.


HAVE A GREAT DAY. :Gonefishing:

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