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Beer and wine sales in Ontario NF well kinda!


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You can purchase all spirits down here in any convenient or grocery store. You have to go to a government ABC store to get hard liquor. This has allowed alot of the small micro breweries/ wineries to flourish and get there products on the shelves. This has allowed for a greater selection but I am not convinced that it has caused the cost to be less. Hopefully it works up North as well as it does down here.




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Big Cliff, please refer to the thread on health care. The monthly premium we pay for OHIP would cover didly squat. Just look at the costs for Jens care so far, that's just one of many. When my relatives come up from the US and can't believe the prices we pay, they say " Oops forgot, free health care!" It's a running gag we have. Without "sin taxes" I don't know where we would be. The government drools when they think of the revenue they could get on weed. I know I partake a lot less because of the cost of booze. One of the "sins" is driving a 4 wheel truck as well. I don't think a Fiat will tow my boat, so I pay and so does everyone else who chooses to be a sinner. My cousin in Western NY pays over $1000.00 a month for his family of 5 to be covered by Blue Cross. I still choose to live right here.

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While I am all for it, you can bet that if Whinnie the Poo is involved you might as well just bend over right now! I wonder who is making a huge contribution to someone in her family or party?

Cliff you can bend but won't get nothing from uncle Winnie.:) You are right I'm sure Ontario wineries and major importers will fill lots pockets. Personally I don't buy wine so I don't care, a case of beer may last 3 months, so the beer store is where I go.

What this means they will get more tax money out of the people that use it.

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try being a single malt scotch drinker.


18 year Macallan is (or was) 299 in Ontario.


$135 in Alberta.


Alberta is private. Ontario is government controlled. As usual, the government controlled means much much much much more money.


Forget LCBO controlling ANYTHING!


Let free market prevail.

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I have to wonder who it was that voted Winnie into power? No one here I believe. Gas plant scandal, Orng fiasco, and, and, and. I woke up the morning after the election and not only she and her crew were voted back in, it was with a majority. Someone in the Keep it Beautiful province is happy.

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At least things are better around here now compared to the days when we went into the LCBO, filled out a form for what we wanted, handed it to a guy behind a steel fence and waited for him to bring it out to us.


At least now we can wander around the store browsing for different products that we may like to try.

Lew memories, My family immigrated in 1960, my da did not drink the stuff or could afford it, but at Christa,s he would buy 'gifts' mostly ro people woul hired him. Wirh no knowledge of the Enflish language he would take me to fill out the form!

I have 64 Crown Royal sitting on a shelf and ther it will stay :)

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The beer store is not owned by Ontario or Canadian company.


Thats just what I heard .


That's exactly what I said on page 1 Brian. It was a government granted monopoly given to the then "big 3" of Molsons, Labatts, Carling. It allowed them to self regulate and control the market. Control now rests in the hands of their foreign parent companies.

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Not really a drinker so I couldn't care less about accessibility but they fell short as Lieberals usually do. The convenience store owners could use the revenue and instead they slip into bed with Billionaire owners and their Millionaire shareholders. Shows where their priorities lie.


I hope Christine Elliott wins the PC leadership, public servants realize were all in this together instead of watching out for their own self interests and the Lieberals are relegated to third party status in the next provincial election. Will be almost impossible to climb out of the hole these my mom hates me have dug for us but at least it won't get any deeper. Heres hoping.



As far as Uncle Kattie. As well as being a corrupt political hack with little to no common sense s/he has to be about the ugliest wo/man I have ever seen. EVER!

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It's an absolute embarrassment how many discussions turn this way. Ideas? Ideals? No, shots at someone's looks.


I'm all for ripping on politicians policies and actions but if you're not intelligent enough to articulate your opinions maybe you should be "seen and not heard".


No wonder why many feel we're not responsible enough to have increased access to booze.

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I would like to say that's great, but, I haven't bought a case of beer or a bottle of liquor in Ontario for a long time. I am in the US often enough to buy what we need. Unfortunately until we elect a Provincial government that is way more transparent as to where our obscene tax dollars are spent, nothing changes. The crazy taxes on tobacco, alcohol, gasoline are absorbed into that black hole of government coffers and disappears!

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Not to mention the amount of money that the casinos dump into the government coffers. I wonder how many homes and lives have been ruined because of them. We currently work 7 out of the 12 months in a year now just to pay taxes. When will they be happy, when we just give them everything?

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It's an absolute embarrassment how many discussions turn this way. Ideas? Ideals? No, shots at someone's looks.


I'm all for ripping on politicians policies and actions but if you're not intelligent enough to articulate your opinions maybe you should be "seen and not heard".


No wonder why many feel we're not responsible enough to have increased access to booze.

Man "you" embarrass easy. I think pointing out how insanely grotesque she looks has validity. Her politics mirror her looks. Just plain "Ugly" all the way around.


Pour yourself a stiff drink and heed the "advice" in your signature.

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It's an absolute embarrassment how many discussions turn this way. Ideas? Ideals? No, shots at someone's looks.


I'm all for ripping on politicians policies and actions but if you're not intelligent enough to articulate your opinions maybe you should be "seen and not heard".


No wonder why many feel we're not responsible enough to have increased access to booze.


Seriously, have you ever looked at the political editorial cartoons and how they grotesquely portray prominent facial features of their subjects. The predominantly liberal media of this country shows no restraint in how they portray conservative politicians.

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Lets stop with the personal attacks on each other, enough already! If you disagree with someones point of view fine, debate it if you will or agree to disagree but let it go at that.


Over the years we have had some very heated topics discussed on here and some real eye opening debates but I don't ever remember this level of attacks on anyones charactor being tolerated before.

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You wonder why alcohol costs so much in Ontario? It's because over 40% of what you pay is taxes. Ontario has the highest tax on alcohol, doesn't matter who sells it, those taxes still remain high. If you think this will cause the prices of alcohol to drop you're going to be very disappointed.

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