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Toronto Maple Leafs

mr blizzard

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All they need to do is execute one player and the rest will fall in line lol. I honestly don't know why people bother watching. There is no incentive for the team to do well as the fan base will watch no matter how bad they do. They could all take the ice in jerseys that read "just in it for the money" and people would boo, but still line up for tickets.

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Funny how people state "leafs aren't getting McDavid", with no intelligent regard for statistics or probability.


It is highly unlikely the leafs get McDavid (fixed). But then it's unlikely for any bottom 5 team to get him, even the bottom team (whose odds max out at 20%). Nobody is betting their life savings on 1/5 odds, unless they are crazy

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Anyone other than me actually see the Leaf's win their last Stanley Cup ??


I feel soooo old !!!! :D


Top row, center ice Grays. Didn't have to move my head to watch the games. Being able to see Foster Hewitt in the booth down below. I was a big fan of Bower and Baun.

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me and Jeremy84 were talking today and neither of us can remember what song they play when the leafs score (at home),


As for why I'm watching as bad as it sounds it is like people that rubber neck they want to see how bad it is. and it seems like the leafs are to busy looking back to see what is coming up right in front of them.


as for the potential 1st overall, say the leaf to get it, what is saying they keep it away. and if they keep it, what is to say he is NHL ready next year? Look at Edmonton with all of their high draft picks, have Edmonton improved with all of these top 5 overall picks? How much better could they be if they spent time in the minors (AHL)?


So my big question is as a Leaf fan is, What if Toronto doesn't get the 1st overall pick or trades a potential top 5 pick away again?

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Anyone other than me actually see the Leaf's win their last Stanley Cup ??


I feel soooo old !!!! :D

Yes I was only 5 yrs old , good thing my Mom woke me up with 5 minutes to go in the game. May never see another, maybe not even a playoff run. :(

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Not to take away from the hockey thread BUT what do u feel it is going to take to turn the team around :wallbash:

Keep doin this :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: . Won't turn that thing they call a team around but this :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: might help the bulb come on bright enough to realize "It" ain't worth following?

Edited by moxie
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Too many overpaid underperformers. Easy for me to say but go through the lineup and look at individual contributions. To me there are only 3 maybe 4 "keepers" the rest should be blown up. Again easy to say but tough to do. McDavid is not the savour, but would be nice to have. BTW whoever it was that said playing D is easy has probably never played D.

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Leafs need to get rid of the foreign players who are just here for the money and bring in good local Canadian players who want to play with heart and pride.



That is a great plan...... Except for one thing, there is no legacy of winning that any NHLer can remember or relate too in Toronto. I remember hearing every Leaf fan say when Harold goes we will win Lord Stanley's Cup every year. WELL still waiting and he has been dead and gone for how long? The truth is every minute spent, watching, talking about or buying their crap supports the idea that it OK with the fans that the ownership puts a losing team on the ice.


Also the new reality is that the players of today are corporations unto themselves. If you could make double the overall money via endorsements in the US of A why would you subject yourself to the media circus in T.O. with no winning tradition to back up? Heart and soul from a player is asking too much these days when a half effort after getting that BIG contract signed is so financially lucrative.

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What I think they really need is time. They have way too many players with a lot of tallent that just don't know how to work as a team. That only comes with experience. Stop trying to FIX things by changing people (they have been doing that for way too long already) and start getting people learning how to work together then they will have a TEAM.


All for one, one for all!

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What I think they really need is time. They have way too many players with a lot of tallent that just don't know how to work as a team. That only comes with experience. Stop trying to FIX things by changing people (they have been doing that for way too long already) and start getting people learning how to work together then they will have a TEAM.


All for one, one for all!

Yeah, but by the time they do that they're all in their fifties.


I don't recall anybody saying playing defense was easy. All ya gotta do is work your butt off. Any other talent is a bonus.

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