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It happened in a split second! Updated!

Big Cliff

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OMG Cliff, I'm so glad you are okay!! That is very scary. One time when I was younger, we were at school and at recess we took a toboggan and went down a huge hill and that is my last memory until I was in the principal's office with them calling my parents saying I was knocked out. I had a huge gash on the side of my head and they took me to the hospital. I still have a patch on my head where it hit the ice (there was a skating rink at the bottom of the hill) that hair has never grown there again. My mom had to keep me awake all night to make sure I was okay. Head smacks can be very nasty and concussions are serious things so make sure you are okay bud.

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Jesus Cliff.. I thought you were going to say you stroked out! All you did was fall down... silly old bugger you! You're not as young as you once thought you were... :ninja:


I had a 'young' guy walking on Simcoe with a small boy walking out one year. I convicted hiim to bring the boy in while we packed up and drive them in. I warned him of holes around the hut which we would fill in after close up! he was so grateful to help he put hid foot down a hole @&$))(;

All went well, He thought thta was a hoot! NOT.

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Cliff, do not screw around, head straight to Emerg and get checked out. Yu were out for a minute and were very disoriented afterwards. Head injuries arre not to be trifled with. My wife is still dealing with the effects of a concussion from 2 months ago and it is taking it's time to get better.

X 2 on heading right to the emeg. NOW

I use to instruct F/A up to the level of Advanced Emergency First Respoder.

Here's hoping it not nesecary but there have been many case of someone just dropping dead days after a un-checked head injury. Presure can build up in the skull.

Only a few years ago an actress died in New York days after a head injury skiing in Quebec days before.

Be safe.


Pro Patria brother.

Edited by Woodsman
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Hey Cliff, it's a good thing you have a hard head :P but yeah, like the others said, even though a day or two has gone by, it won't hurt to let the doc know what happened....you know you would tell others the same thing...

Glad you don't appear to be seriously hurt.


Take care


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OK, had to spend Saturday at the hospital downtown Toronto with Sue getting her tests done, we won't get those results for about another two weeks but at least then we'll have a better idea of what the next steps are going to be.


I don't like going to the Dr. very much and really resist going to the hospital emergency for anything that isn't an immediate threat to life but since all of you seemed to think it was the smart thing to do, I took your advice.


Went to the hospital here yesterday to get checked out, got there at 9:30, got out at 5:30, made for a long day of just sitting but at least we know. They decided to do a CT Scan just to be sure and their conclusion is that there is/was a concussion and whiplash but no brain bleeding so all is good.


They gave me some stuff for the pain and an anti inflamitory, told me to be VERY careful to not do it again (like I want to LOL).


I did ask if I would be able to dance and the Dr. said "sure", that's great because I never could before.


Love, Light, and Happiness to all and thanks for caring!

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You are a very lucky man, BC. Head injuries are never something to mess around with. the effects from a concussion can last for months ( think Lindros brothers and Crosby)


In the mean time, got some screw in studs for those boots! or get a dedicated pair of boots for ice fishing and stud them up!

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Ive had a rather serious concussion as a young teenager. Not fun at all. In fact there is about 2 weeks of my life I do not remember after taking a baseball bat to the head.


Glad you went and got checked out and its a tolerable injury, nothing too serious.


Those hospital waits also test your blood pressure, amiright!


Frig the way you ended your update had me laughing pretty good!

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Went to the hospital here yesterday to get checked out, got there at 9:30, got out at 5:30, made for a long day of just sitting but at least we know. They decided to do a CT Scan just to be sure and their conclusion is that there is/was a concussion and whiplash but no brain bleeding so all is good.


They gave me some stuff for the pain and an anti inflamitory, told me to be VERY careful to not do it again (like I want to LOL).


I did ask if I would be able to dance and the Dr. said "sure", that's great because I never could before.


Love, Light, and Happiness to all and thanks for caring!


If you have to again show some blood and you'll be first in line. Been there many times and that's Alwas the case. Bleeders are alway rushed in.

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Ive had a rather serious concussion as a young teenager. Not fun at all. In fact there is about 2 weeks of my life I do not remember after taking a baseball bat to the head.


Glad you went and got checked out and its a tolerable injury, nothing too serious.


Those hospital waits also test your blood pressure, amiright!


Frig the way you ended your update had me laughing pretty good!

I tried to be serious once, I didn't like the person I became! Laughing even at ones self is so much more fun!


Good to hear you're ok! If you plan to be out there get some studs or a pair of strap on cleats, I got a pair of icers at Lee Valley a week ago and they've already saved me from a few falls.

Went to Brafasco this morning and bought a box of 1000 of those little self tapping hex head screws! Just don't try to follow me if I start to run, there might not be much ice left (oh wait, I'm too old to run anyway) Oh well, hold my beer and watch this!!!!!


If you have to again show some blood and you'll be first in line. Been there many times and that's Alwas the case. Bleeders are alway rushed in.

Blood? Heck that's what crazy glue and duct tape are for? I have never been to the hospital because of bleading, guess if crazy glue or duct tape couldn't fix it I'd go though.


What I felt bad about was taking up Dr.s time and space and it turned out to be nothing to serious. There were so many others in there that needed attention much more than I did, just breaks my heart to see some little kid coughing so bad they can hardly breath or some of the other people that were in obviously more pain than I was.


At one point I almost got up and walked out, not because I was upset about the wait, I just felt that someone else needed the attention more than I did. Then I realized that they had priortized things and I was quite content to wait until they could deal with me. I do have to thank the people that responded and suggested I go get checked out though because without their concern I probably wouldn't have gone. Turned out it was nothing serious but it could have been.

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What I felt bad about was taking up Dr.s time and space and it turned out to be nothing to serious. There were so many others in there that needed attention much more than I did, just breaks my heart to see some little kid coughing so bad they can hardly breath or some of the other people that were in obviously more pain than I was.



You know that now. But without the CAT scan you wouldn't have known whether or not it was them or you who is the most serious condition.


I hope it doesn't happen again; but it does, don't wait to go to emergency.

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