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Has anyone ever been spooled?


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I remember one year I was fishing off a dock at Rice Lake at night. Using an original floating rapala, gold\black, and I hooked into something huge. It just darted straight out to the lake and would not stop! After about 40 seconds I had to hold the spool and the hooked straightened out. Reeled in a giant scale! Musta been one huge carp! If I didn't see that scale it woulda been a musky tale. ;)

Caught many O salmon in the fall time off the pier that took alot of line but not quite spooled. Now just waiting to hook into a spring chinook.

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Once fishing in 220' off the tank farm in Pt. Credit.

My Penn 209 loaded with 20# mono emptied before I could get my boat turned around.

Came real close on the Kenai when I hooked up on a giant bow. Took 200 yds of 10' main line and 50 yds of backing before O got the fish stopped. Lost it after a 30 minute battle. :D


Had a guest up at Great Bear get spooled in seconds by a giant laker in 5' waves!!! :D

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Spooled by a BC King on the river, feet planted firm, body leaning against resistance...a look of sheer awe at it emptied out a larger capacity reel.

Spooled by a Tarpon with larger capacity reel...this thing went under the bridge and headed for the mangroves miles away and never looked back.

Nearly spooled by a large Jack..busted reel but the drag still worked. Also using a larger capacity reel...it was going to spool me but had 20 pound braided on the line and decided to make a stand near the end of the line. Had to hand line in 300 ft of braided without slicing myself open.

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Came close with a 20 pound Bat Ray on Charolotte Harbor FLA. 8 pound mono (pre super line) with shrimp and float fishing for Trout. The guys that had to pull their lines were not amused as it took a good 1/2 hour. I nearly handed off, begged my brother to take over, no way he'd piss on me if I was on fire.


Cliff, OK I'm in suspence, what was the 19 plus fish?


Great tip for turning a salmon in fast water.


Sorry no quote feature working again.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Oh Oh! My dad got spooled and then got it back.


Fishing on the French with less then 100 yd of line he hooks into a nice big smallmouth and has the drag set wrong, so the thing peels out line and spools him.


A few hours later he hears *rattle rattle rattle*

and few minutes later again *rattle rattle rattle*


The fish was trying to shake the hook and kept coming up to the surface. So for the next 15 minutes they are chasing around this fish and what bit of line they can find until finally my dad was able to grab a handful of it and pulled the fish in by hand.

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Spooled by a carp off the dock on Rice Lake when I was a kid...


Came close with a Lake O salmon in June, running a dipsy 240' back, fish hit and ran out to nearly 800'!!! Didn't think it was ever going to stop. Luckily nearly the whole reel was spooled with braid so I had well over 1000' on there. Long fight later, my biggest king to date at just under 30lbs.


Also on Rice, similar to Jeremy's dad - hooked into a huge smallie that broke me off, it jumped continuously near the boat for at least 15-20 minutes with my rattlin rap hanging out of the corner of his mouth! Brrrrt! Brrrrrt!

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I've been spooled enough to know you bring extra line to the pier. As a last resort I'll free-spool it hoping they'll turn. It's worked at least a couple times for me. The worst part about doing that is when it doesn't work and you wonder if they would have turned on their own in that last 50' of line!


Spooled out my downrigger cable last year 80 down in 120+....mystery suspended cable or something. Got my cable/cannonball back but Rob (speedtroll) is still pissed about losing his dipsy/flasher/fly rig.

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I'll have to try the free spool trick the next time a chinnie is going for the open water but man, I dunno if I'll actually remember :)


It is like anything else, if you "practice" it before you need to use it then it will come to you when you need to do it... In my case on the river I had just heard about it, the day before and was going through it in my mind several times just before the freight train hit my line... So, when I couldn't get it's attention the usual way, I dropped the rod almost right in the water and opened my bail.


That fish must have stopped within inches of a huge stump that was 90% blocking the mouth of the river. I honestly think it couldn't believe it wasn't free, after it turned so it wasn't a lot of trouble controlling it then. But the 2 runs it took before that were IMPRESSIVE LOL.

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so your opening the bail to let them run?


dont most reels have a freespool mode(mine do)


ive never used it and actually never even thought of using it


I wonder if one method would be better then the other???


ive lost sturgeon where now that I think about it this coulda possibly helped me land some more fish


....without losing 200 yards of line

Edited by manitoubass2
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