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Military Shooting in Ottawa


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Actually you are sharing links for border patrol to keep out drugs and Cuba's not for terrorist issues. Don't get me wrong if you came to my house within 15 miles I could show you civilians who have arsenals that make the police force look like they use sling shots and spit wads for protection. I have friends that work for the government as well as civilians that use machineguns as part of their protection policy. Weapons are every where but you will not see armed personal on the streets no matter where you are in the USA unless it is a designated sensitive area.



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Weapons are every where but you will not see armed personal on the streets no matter where you are in the USA unless it is a designated sensitive area.




What designates an area as "sensitive"? You know where I'm going with this, and you know the use of the 1033 program.


I hope Canada doesn't employ the same tactics under the disguise of "anti terrorism".


That is my biggest fear as a result from yesterday's nightmare.

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these last few days are bizzare. sadly folks died. no cheers either way. people lost lives and families lost loved one. has anyone addressed the mental health issues in Canada. the closing and cutbacks has put many vulnerable canadiens within grasp of these violent groups.. sure we can all wave the canadien flag and say hurrah.,wackem deport them whatever. my thoughts go out to the families...


the slocan manhunt in BC for peter de groot was a sad affair, history of mental illness and the situation escaladed quickly and ended sadly


but I don't believe religious extremism is indicative of mental illness

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The only time I've seen security/police/whatever with automatic weapons was outside the NYSE a few months after 9/11.


barefootwader, I agree with you as well... These guys aren't mentally ill, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

Edited by BillM
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What designates an area as "sensitive"? You know where I'm going with this, and you know the use of the 1033 program.


I hope Canada doesn't employ the same tactics under the disguise of "anti terrorism".


That is my biggest fear as a result from yesterday's nightmare.

Steve I will never be able to convince you that "might makes right" I am not even trying to convert your views. The statements of arms in view is bull and for every example you find on the vastness of the internet I can match with a conflicting view. It simply is not there and would spark panic everywhere open carry is in view. I can tell you in the same breath that 1 in 10 people have the knowledge/training and the weapons on themselves all of the time to kill you. It is why I caution people to not make ideal threats on this forum. Personally I like that you do not know who the 1 in 10 are it keeps people honest in my opinion. Kind of like putting a sign in a watermelon patch that one of the watermelons has been poisoned to keep theft down. I do not want to detract/derail this post of this horrific act that happened in Canada. Feel free to P.M. me if you want to continue but just realize your view and my view are based on completely different cultural exposure to weapons and I am sure both of use are 100% right due to this.




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Nathan was with his best buddy doing a ceremonial guarding of the war memorial. It's a great honour to get to do this.. the shooter was a coward who shot him from an angle that he wouldn't have seen him from..even if he had a loaded rifle there was no chance to defend himself. The people who stepped in to help not even thinking of their own safety need to be commended as well. There were a lot of real Canadian heros that I saw in action yesterday and I'm glad to live in a country where people aren't afraid to step up to help.. there is a huge outpouring of support for the families involved in both tragedies.. Nathans son hangs around the gym where my daughter has gymnastics due to the fact that his mom is a coach there. Every time I see him it will remind me to be vigilant in protecting Canadian values.. Nathan' s buddy who was with him when he died learned about serving others from his father who worked at stelco... the community and the country will stand beside anyone who makes the ultimate sacrifice.... a group from the mosque in Hamilton came to lay flowers at the armory and to condemn the attack along with hundreds of others. Mt Albion falls will be lit up with red lights Friday night in his honor starting at 7.. The Canadian heros website and Facebook page has info on how to donate to the soldiers who lost their lives this week...

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Listen, my fear is that we will see a lot more heavily armed police around. Security is going to be more in our face now than it was in the past and that along with the lives of the two soldiers who died in quebec and in ottawa are the greatest travesties.

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sorry Aplumma, I respectfully say that your last reply doesn't really have relevance up here, I guess you just have to live here, things are a little different, to each his own


basically, I think this thread is just us Canadians venting, asking questions, and honoring the heroes and fallen soldiers

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sorry Aplumma, I respectfully say that your last reply doesn't really have relevance up here, I guess you just have to live here, things are a little different, to each his own


basically, I think this thread is just us Canadians venting, asking questions, and honoring the heroes and fallen soldiers

Agreed.... But not at Art directly.... In high school we are taught Canada is a melting pot.... Different cultures, different religions and different political views all melt into one.... The Canadian economy needs immigrants in order to survive and to keep all the "benefits" flowing....


The US is much, much different then us... They have what 350 million+ people to keep their economy going?


We apparently need these folks to immigrate here...


That said as a melting pot we are supposed accept them a fellow Canadians.... To all "blend" The problem begins when immigrants choose not too "blend" although they came here for a better life. We are expected to accept them... When they do not accept us. Or our customs.


Remember I am a first generation Canadian... My family chose to come to canada chose to become citizens. Much like Cliffs parents did. They did the best they could and learned English reading the phone book ... Why because it was free!


This would not happen in America. America is not a so called "melting pot" as was taught to us In Highschool politics class.


Comparing Canada to America is like comparing apple to oranges. Most Canadians are taught this from an early age from so called professionals



Edited by Gerritt
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Definitely Canada is somewhat different then the US but also much a like in many ways. However, now that 2 attacks occurred in a very short time things have changed, not only in Canada but everywhere else in the world because of these cowards/terrorist that roam the earth. After 9/11 the US has been on constant alert to protect it's citizens and if Canada doesn't do the same it would be disservice to it's citizens.


But that doesn't mean we should act/do anything different other then keeping a watchful eye out for each other.

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Sorry to Chris and any others if it looked like I was giving tips or trying to change the way you all deal with this tragedy it was the last thing I was trying to do. The misconceptions of the internet has lead Canadians to believe that we have armed people open carry in public is just not true. I was attempting to alleviate the fear that some have displayed that your country becoming a militant state with people on the street corner is miles behind the US on that road which has not even been close to starting here. While I have a great deal of contact with Canada I do not follow the politics of your country I have my hands full trying to watch mine. lol I will state here that what is considered good or right or fair in the US might be poison for my friends up North that I know. The path that your county chooses will be chosen by the government and the people of Canada after weighing the repercussions of their actions. For as in all things acting or not acting both have a price to pay.



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Agreed.... But not at Art directly.... In high school we are taught Canada is a melting pot.... Different cultures, different religions and different political views all melt into one....


That said as a melting pot we are supposed accept them a fellow Canadians.... To all "blend" The problem begins when immigrants choose not too "blend" although they came here for a better life. We are expected to accept them... When they do not accept us. Or our customs.


This would not happen in America. America is not a so called "melting pot" as was taught to us In Highschool politics class.


Comparing Canada to America is like comparing apple to oranges. Most Canadians are taught this from an early age from so called professionals




Sorry to disagree but America is the 'melting pot' where folks who immigrate are supposed to assimilate.


Canada is considered a 'cultural mosaic' or 'multicultural' where folks are encouraged to retain and share their culture.


Canada 'cultural mosaic' vs. American 'melting pot' was what i was taught in high school.


But anyways, these apparent 'terrorist' attacks were done by life long Canadian citizens (Quebecois) who used Islam as a cover to commit their atrocities.

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Hey Art, much appreciation for your efforts in this thread. Not to be argumentative, but my wife and daughter were in New York this summer and told me of armed men (soldiers or police) in Times Square. I assume that the Square is one of those areas you mentioned in an earlier post.

I heard a quote from a Canadian Soldier that has really stood out for me... If you think we have fought hard in foreign lands, you have no idea how hard we will fight to protect our home land.

I deliberately stayed away from this thread until now as I didn't want my emotions to get the better part of me. The events of the last two days have changed the fabric of Canadian Society, and not for the better.


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Sorry to disagree but America is the 'melting pot' where folks who immigrate are supposed to assimilate.


Canada is considered a 'cultural mosaic' or 'multicultural' where folks are encouraged to retain and share their culture.


Canada 'cultural mosaic' vs. American 'melting pot' was what i was taught in high school.


But anyways, these apparent 'terrorist' attacks were done by life long Canadian citizens (Quebecois) who used Islam as a cover to commit their atrocities.


Yes, that is what I was taught in school as well.

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