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Midnight - an obituary


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I never understood why people would post about the loss of a dog, until now.

The pain of driving to the vet is measurable, I was going to say immeasurable, but no this is a pain that can be defined. One would compare it to the heartache of a lost favorite toy as a child, a sharp searing pain in one's gut as you desperately search for your missing thing. However this ...toy....looks at you with soulful brown eyes and listens to you as you explain to her what your plans are, what is laying heavy on your heart, and just general unloading. She was a playmate, a warning of the always dreaded squirrel, the guard when you have a poorly placed shot that did not fold up the raccoon inhabiting your shop, and the happy to just lay at your feet companion when you are sitting in the back forty enjoying a beer.

A tireless stick or ball retriever, happiest when frollicing in the water, laying her head on your lap insisting on one more scratch behind her ears, and gently insisting that it is time to go outside and find those dreaded squirrels.

That my friends is what Midnight was, a replacement will come along, will not be named Midnight but will probably be a Lab.

I am gonna miss her.

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Very sad news Albert and you have my condolances as it's one of the toughest things a man has to do.


I had to put my little buddy down 2 1/2 months ago and it still hurts as much today as it did then.

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It always hurts. No matter how many times I've gone through the drill. Yet I am willing to subject myself to this emotional torment again in the future.

just remember Midnight was your best friend , and you were hers.

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Yep, it sucks. I fear im going to have to do the same in the next little while. Like Lew said, it is one of the hardest things a man has to do, but it is the right thing to do. This will be my fourth time, and I will subject myself to it again and again. Life just isnt the same without a dog in the house.


Sorry for your loss.



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Sorry for your loss,still missing my Stella everyday as well.It will be a long while before I can think of getting a replacement.who am I kidding,no other dog could replace her

You never replace them. There isn't a day where I don't think about Peanut or Lucky.


That said there is nothing wrong with making a new friend

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There are only 3 times in life when nobody will judge a man for crying openly. #1 when your parents die, #2 when your child is born, #3 when you have to put your best friend down.


Chin up



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My condolences Albert. It is bitter sweet for me because my daughters are both in university and came home to a much slower 11½ year old Golden Retriever. They pitched in an bought Sandie a really nice dog bed and take pictures of her every day saying how cute she is. My wife and I have started doing the same thing and plan to give our girls a hard cover photo album of the dog for Christmas hopefully while Sandie is still alive.


Sandie 1.15.04 (1).JPG




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