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Said goodbye to my little buddy last night


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Marvin was such a great dog Lew... so sorry for the loss of your bestest friend!


Been there three times in my life Lew. Having to put our black lab "Rikki II" to sleep a few years back had me so down I'll never bring myself to have another dog, but partly due to the fact I backed over him with the truck while plowing before the inevitable had to happen.


Hopefully in your situation you know that Marvin lived a GOOD long life with a great best friend in you... and you can move forward from here out.

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Sorry for your loss.


My vet once told us that he was amazed how long some dogs live past their prime, and he always felt that a long life was at least a little reflective of the care and love the dog receives from his master, sounds like Marvin lived a great life.

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I'm truly sorry for your loss Lew . The family dog does become part of you and when that day comes when you have to say goodbye is for sure one of the toughest things to do .

I have been there before as well and time does heal , but it sure was a long time !

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Thanks once more for all the kind words folks, it really means alot and it would appear as if we have many dog lovers on this board.


John....we saved a few of Marvin's favorite toys for keepsakes and one of them was the boomerang you guys bought him a few years back to play with in the water, it was one he really enjoyed.


Wayne....I remember when you had the accident with your dog, that was really tagic.


Oh wow, I'm so sorry Lew. Losing our pets is the worst thing, so sad. Ralphie is going to miss him at Lakair I can tell you that!


This may sound weird, but I had a dream about them playing up there last night. Maybe that was Marvin letting us now he's in doggy Lakair heaven? I hope so bud.


Give Diane a hug for me please and again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Joey, that dream you had is unreal but hopefully there's some truth to what you said.


Marvin has been a bit old to play with Ralphie the last couple years but he sure enjoyed hanging out with him anyways.



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Ya Lew, I woke up and remembered a bit of the dream and my thoughts just wandered on to looking forward to going to Lakair this year, then when I saw your thread, I was pretty stunned to say the least.


Ralphie is kind of picky about which dogs he likes, and he loved Marvin. Maybe since Marvin couldn't play so much due to his age, Ralphie just thought he was playing hard to get :)

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Damn Lew...I got a lump in my throat just reading the title of this thread...sorry to hear about Marvin...


He was a lucky puppy to have you guys...

Edited by Beans
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I've done a lot of hard things in my life, but putting down my dogs has to be the hardest. I feel for ya, Lew.


It really is the only downfall of dogs. Its too bad they didn't live longer. I couldn't live without one though, just part of life for me.


Sorry for your loss.



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Sorry to hear the bad news. Looks like a cool dog.

I see some similarities between you two. ( see last pic )

Must be the mustache LOL


Yeah, alot of folks got us confused LOL

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Hey Lew again sorry for your loss.I have always had big dogs and lucky if they would last 9 years.It never gets easy.I have a wall of fame for my dogs over the last 30 years.Every time I walk up the stairs it is a reminder how special they were.Always had two or three at at time .The pictures on the wall on the way up.I could tell you a story about everyone.Sure miss them,but not forgoten!!!

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Sorry for your loss.


My vet once told us that he was amazed how long some dogs live past their prime, and he always felt that a long life was at least a little reflective of the care and love the dog receives from his master, sounds like Marvin lived a great life.


Well Said... To be honest Lew Im sure this was the case for you and Marvin, and there are a hell of alot of great pooches out there that can use that affection maybe one day you will find it in your heart to give another one a try? Sounds like were you call home may be a great backdrop for another 4 legged friend once the heart heals a touch....

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Well Said... To be honest Lew Im sure this was the case for you and Marvin, and there are a hell of alot of great pooches out there that can use that affection maybe one day you will find it in your heart to give another one a try? Sounds like were you call home may be a great backdrop for another 4 legged friend once the heart heals a touch....

Have to agree!after a time when you think your ready.

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Oh Lew, the tears are streaming down my face as I read your post and I feal the pain. He was a wonderful friend and companion and he couldn't have had a better home. I know from experience the hole that they can leave in our lives, and they will never be forgotten! May he forever live on in your heart and the hearts of all of those he touched in the years gone by. R.I.P Marvin the wonder dog!

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Our last dog was a little poodle name Scamper that we loved just as much as Marvin and we had her for 13 years before we had to put her down. We said then that we'd never have another dog and we didn't for 8 years but then we decided that we'd do it again. Here we are all these years later and again we say no more dogs, but this time we'll stick to it.


Dogs are one of the best things God ever came up with and they've sure enriched my life over the last 60 odd years, but Marvin will be the last pet we'll own.

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