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Lindners Angling Edge - questions Evolution


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On todays Angling Edge, at the end when he gives his sermon, Al Lindner questioned the veracity of evolution.


Personally, I have always hated this part of his "fishing" show and think it is out of place for a fishing show. Usually, it is a somewhat benign recitation of verse or parable.


He was making a glib comment about peoples family trees and whether some more branches should include apes, chipmunks, mosquito, goo, etc. (Well reasoned Al ) :sarcasm:


I found it particularly off-putting.


It will be aired again at 8:00 tonight.







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I always change the channel when the parting sermon comes on.



LOL Randy


When I was done my morning fish,I dropped down on one knee and gave thanks.Thanks for letting me get out today and catch a few fish . Then I asked,please allow me to get my hub down and not blow away from me,and please make the walk back easy.


Well,,,,,,,,,2 out of 3 aint bad. :angel:

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There are evergrowing holes developing in Evolutionary Theory.


Far from a slam dunk.



Making claims that evolutionary theory is flawed and believing in creationism are two different things. One is asking questions based on the scientific method, the other is denying scientific theory for a leap of faith.


Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with faith, only with people who use faith as a reason to deny logical reasoning.

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Good for him, so are many scientists questioning the standard evolutionary theory, Stephen Gould talks about sporadic bursts of evolution rather than the standard model and to go further for that matter, even Richard Dawkins in his book call the blind watchmaker on the first page says that there is the appearance of design in the cells. Science was built on questioning but for so many to question one of the legs so many unquestioningly stand on obviously has a very emotional response, to question their faith in it is not allowed and Linder is right there is no tolerance of a Biblical world view and on and on those intolerant of it will rant unquestioningly without actually being willing to investigate what is true.


Sadly most of them probably still think the Haekle embryo images (admitted fraud before 1900, in science text for decades and listed in Science mag. as one of the top 10 frauds along with Nebraska man etc.) were real and haven't learned more than they knew in grade 9, but for those interested in looking I like the book "Dawkins' GOD: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life" but the science is probably above most who "trust" in science, it is written by Alister McGrath (Phd Molecluar Biophysics), in the review of the book by Francis Collins, Director of the Human Genome Project he said:

"Wielding evolutionary arguments and carefully chosen metaphors like sharp swords, Richard Dawkins has emerged over three decades as this generation's most aggressive promoter of atheism. In his view, science, and science alone, provides the only rock worth standing on. In this remarkable book, Alister McGrath challenges Dawkins on the very ground he holds most sacred - rational argument - and McGrath disarms the master. It becomes readily apparent that Dawkins has aimed his attack at a naive version of faith that most serious believers would not recognize. After reading this carefully constructed and eloquently written book, Dawkins' choice of atheism emerges as the most irrational of the available choices about God's existence."

Universe popping into existence, cell membranes with DNA and protein synthesis all by chance..... all in the realities of entropic principals, instability of complex molecules etc......seems to be more of a moral choice to reject God and takes alot more faith it seems to be an atheist.


"The principle of [divine] purpose ... stares the biologist in the face wherever he looks ... . The probability for such an event as the origin of DNA molecules to have occurred by sheer chance is just too small to be seriously considered ... ."Ernst Boris Chain - Nobel Prize in medicine

Edited by mosquito
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2 forms of evolution


Microevolution- proven. variation within a species - colour, type of beak, length of neck, size.....much change over the eons is obvious and true

Look at dogs and wolves. Not natural selection but by man. Wolves, Yorkshire Terriers to Great Danes. Same species.


Macroevolution -the type of evolution we were all taught in school - species changing into new species and ultimately man- very much in doubt

by more and more of the openminded scientific community


Nevermind the origin of life. For which Darwin and Dawkins have no answer

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Lindner has as much right to express his opinion as you or I. We also have the choice of listening to his opinion or not.

Whether you like it or not, he is merely trying to live by the tenets of his faith. Evangelism/ spreading the "Good News", is a fundamental pillar of Christianity. Good for him in professing his faith and practicing what he preaches. A lot more sincere than the millions who are "Christians" only at Christmas, baptisms and weddings.

Edited by bigugli
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Lindner has as much right to express his opinion as you or I. We also have the choice of listening to his opinion or not.

Whether you like it or not, he is merely trying to live by the tenets of his faith. Evangelism/ spreading the "Good News", is a fundamental pillar of Christianity. Good for him in professing his faith and practicing what he preaches. A lot more sincere than the millions who are "Christians" only at Christmas, baptisms and weddings.


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Its his show, if you don't want to listen to what he says then just turn it off. Thankfully the fishing and information he provides is probably the best there is and the religious stuff is right at the end, perfect time to change the channel!

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Lindner has as much right to express his opinion as you or I. We also have the choice of listening to his opinion or not.Whether you like it or not, he is merely trying to live by the tenets of his faith. Evangelism/ spreading the "Good News", is a fundamental pillar of Christianity. Good for him in professing his faith and practicing what he preaches. A lot more sincere than the millions who are "Christians" only at Christmas, baptisms and weddings.

Agreed......out of all the things I see aired on a daily basis on the boobtube, Al Lindners wrap up is among the VERY LEAST of my objections

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