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Need Your Thoughts and Prayers

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That is scary. I hope she gets well soon. All the best to you and your family. I am saying extra prayers as I will be having my first child, a daughter, at the beginning of April.


Lord Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd of the sheep, you gather the lambs in your arms and carry them in your bosom: We commend to your loving care this child. Relieve her pain, guard her from all danger, restore to her your gifts of gladness and strength, and raise this child up to a life of service to you. Hear us, we pray, for you dear Name's sake. Amen.

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Hope Everything goes o.k with your little one, I had Rotavirus last year from eating tainted meat and it was horrible, i admitted my self to the hospital on my 5th day Doctor told me i was so dehydrated that if i would have waited another day i would have slipped into a comma, i just hope it's something minor in your case, my prayers go out to your little one.

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I just logged on and your's was the first post that I read, as a father of both a son and daughter a shiver went up and down my spine.


God bless my heart and goes out to you and your family and also with it our prayer.


I also would recomend Sick Kids in a hurry.


FLEX - John

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Just an update.........


Izzy's still in okay condition. Groggy but fighting just like her dad on a Monday morning. The doctor is trying to get an EEG done before he can proceed with anything. They tried this morning but my daughter wasn't having any of it. Even as sick as she is she fought tooth and nail and refuse to have the specialist put anything on her. Made me laugh just a little bit. They are still unsure as to what caused the seizures and they can't rule anything out until the EEG is done. As for her not peeing for 18 hours now, they were doing blood work when I left. I needed a few minutes to clear my head, get a show and get some stuff at home. My wife is still at the hospital with Izzy, but her mother and my mother are there as we speak. No one in my family has slept....well other than Izzy and my wife. I had about 20 minutes of a power nap in a rocking chair at 8 this morning....


I will keep everyone posted, and I sincerely appreciate the kind words and prayers. Sometimes, the easiest way to share your emotions is with complete strangers....who are like a family.


Stay Safe



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My deepest heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to your litlle one , and your family. I remember only too well what you are going through and feeling at this moment. There is no greater feeling of frustration than to watch and know you can do nothing more than be there and wait.


Be strong, be patient, Stay level headed. Pray the Good Lord will see you all safely through this difficult time and restore your child to good health.

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As some have said before, this sent a shiver down my spine....

I have 3 children under the age of 4, and can't stand to see them sick with a cold.

The Haunting look you speak of is terrifying...

I've seen it before in Friends, and strangers as they go out, but never in the eyes of a child, let alone my own.

Be strong, and stay positive.


The words I have to offer are just that...words

But I hope you can find some positive thoughts in the situation.


I was 20 years old in the midst of starting a career, and living with a room mate who worked opposite shifts...so I was a basically alone most of the time when I began having odd things happen to me...

I would come home from work, watch TV and eat, and then just in the blink of an eye wake up lying down on the couch very tired, and disoriented so I would just head to bed not noticing the time.

This happened several times in the span of a week when at one point I noticed (as I awoke on the floor)

The TV show I had been watching, was still in progress, yet I some how felt like I had been asleep for hours, and yet had no recollection of falling asleep, and could not account for why I had not finished my dinner, and why I was sleeping on the floor?

It happened again the next day so I Naturally became concerned and mentioned it to my Girl friend the following day while out for dinner at a restaurant....

After explaining the situation to her, in the middle of eating it happened.

I Zoned out...

My Girlfriend at the time(now my wife) said I went blank, and slumped over the table eyes glazed over, it lasted only 15-20 seconds, but When I came to she was in my face asking me if I was ok...I could hear her, but not answer, I tried to speak, and could only mumble which scared me to death I jumped up in fear, and fell over....I had no balance


I recovered my speech, and my balance but was incredibly Tired only a minute later.

We rushed to the Hospital only 3 blocks away, were I was immediately seen and Stroke was expected, but when that was ruled out

and I gave them my weeks history, Epilepsy was suspected(as I was fit as a fiddle, and not sick one bit)

I under went MANY tests, over the next month...

I was asked not to drive, and told If I had another Seizure I would loose my License until I was properly diagnosed, and determined if it was treatable.

Everything was going so well for me, and all of a sudden things were changing for the worse.

I had not suffered any Brain damage, but future events could change that, things were very uncertain.


I prayed a lot...many others prayed for me too.


As I type this almost 13 years later, I can tell you not getting a diagnosis, or not knowing the cause can be stressful

but is likewise not always needed if you can stay positive, and have faith.


I was never diagnosed with Epilepsy, I was never diagnosed with anything....

The Cause was never determined, as far as the doctors could tell it was a virus, but no one could say for sure.

The only concrete facts were that I had suffered as many as 6 seizures, I had suffered no permenant damage, and more importantly after that day I NEVER had another seizure.


Sometimes no news is good news...

Be strong, be positive, have faith.


T's & P's sent, and continuing to send.

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I am not one for prayers either but I did say one for you and your family today when I read this.

I have 2 kids, 5 and 2 and my 2-year old son is sick right now and the Dr's are not sure what is wrong with him either so I kind of feel what you are going through. Be strong as I'm sure Izzy's looking to her daddy for strength.

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Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.


Reminds me of when my daughter had an ultrasound done because of some issues she was having...she was about 3 at the time...


The ultrasound came back as showing a 'mass' on her bladder. We ended up with an appointmen at Sick Kids in Toronto. The not knowing is the hardest thing, but all turned out well in our case...by the time our appointment came, there was no sign of that 'mass' and she's been fine ever since. Hoping it turns out the same for you....

Edited by ccmt
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My thoughts are with you right now. I just had a similar scare myself. My mother was not feeling well for a few days. She called New Years day to say she was now throwing up blood. I rushed over and we decided to call an ambulance as she felt weak and thought she might faint. Before they took her on the stretcher, I helped her to the washroom and she passed out right in my arms. I'll never forget the look on her face. Her eyes were still open, but she was not there, just a limp body. I tried to hold her up but she was just crumpling to the ground. I had her under the arms with my arms and called for the paramedics in the bedroom. They came in and took her out of my arms and carried her to the stretcher calling her name the whole way, but she wasn't responding. They took her vitals and her Blood Pressure was WAY too low. They had to stabilize her before they could transport her to hospital. They told me to leave and they'd see me up there. That drive was the longest one of my life, with red lights lasting alot longer than normal it seemed.


Her diagnosis: Massive bleeding ulcer. She lost half her blood and needed 3 litre of blood and was in the hospital until yesterday. She now has to take two different meds for that.


The cause: Aspirin and blood thinners she was prescribed after her stroke.


She's only 69 and needs to figure out a whole new regime. Does she take the aspirin and blood thinners to prevent a stroke and continue irritating the ulcer? Not sure what the next step is.


I feel your pain right now and hope all turns out well. Family is the most important thing.



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