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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2020 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. You should name them Corona, Wuhan and Virus because just like us, now you can’t launch your boat now either. 😂 Seriously, I get it Chris. I have a tree that I had planned to take down this spring but there’s a squirrel’s nest in it. No idea if they’re using it but would hate to drop it and find what you found.
    5 points
  3. I'm CV-19 out. I want to be informed as much as one can as much as the other guy, but I've had about as much as the same info day in and day out as much as I can take. I doesn't mater if it's POTUS, Justin, Ford, Cuomo, or his kid brother Christopher Cuomo or some other talking head they are all repeating the same info one after the other. day in and day out. By the way if Trump happens to win the Presidential seat in 2020 Chris Cuomo, the talking head at 9PM on CNN will be the next US President after the 2024 election. You can say you heard it 1st here on OFC in April 2020. If he chooses to run against his older brother Andrew who has had his eyes on it for years he will win it hands down. 4 day no smoking update. So far so good, Had a dream last night that that there was a glass ash tray and I reached to grab a smoke. I said don't touch a smoke, I don't smoke. Then I said we can smoke in the AM, the AM came. The morning came and no need, it went and came and zero smokes. So far so good..
    4 points
  4. on the evolutionary scale I put flying squirrels at the top, in the middle are red squirrels, and at the bottom are the big black and grey ones found mostly in the city thanks guys, yeah Fisherman, when I saw the nest I immediately freaked and looked to see if wires and plastic stuff was chewed but it looked like fine, looks like they just wanted the shelter my wife was googling, if you have to care for them at that age you've got to feed them with a syringe every 2 hours, 24 hours a day, lol I'm leaning towards Tom's train of thought, I'll build a birdhouse basically, use an extension ladder and get it high up in a close by tree and relocate the nest and Hubei, Wuhan and huawei in there one morning and hope for the best
    3 points
  5. I’m going to say no id you water system can’t keep up to an electric a gas one will not be any better a high pressure washer should use less water then a garden hose should use on full
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. I have owned my Hobie PA14 since Aug 2014. It wasn’t cheap as far as kayaks are concerned but the maintenance cost over 5 years has totaled $12 so far. No gas, no licensing, no winterizing, no insurance, no maintenance, no anything. I have owned a fiberglass fishing boat for many years. It barely moves now (almost sold it but I just can’t seem to part with it). I enjoy the exercise and find myself more relaxed when fishing from the yak. I can very easily stand to fish and the seat is comfortable enough that 7-10 hr days are common. I also used to regularly fish from a canoe...used to. If offered the chance I wouldn’t turn down fishing from any vessel but given the choice the kayak wins more often than not. Good luck with the draw. If you win you will never look back.
    2 points
  8. I recommend Chris you call a wildlife sanctuary and get there advice. There's several locations in Ontario that specializes in squirrels. Good luck http://www.ontariowildliferescue.ca/
    2 points
  9. Driving out to slash someones tires would fall under..... " NON ESSENTIAL TRAVELING "
    2 points
  10. Anyone passing by me in a boat at closer than 6 feet while I’m fishing is getting more than coronavirus from me lol
    2 points
  11. As someone else said, ck the screens for blockage and make sure there are no leaks at the supply line. Mine did the same last year and it was as simple as the washer at the inlet connector. I saw a very small dribble at the inlet and didn't think that it mattered. It mattered.
    1 point
  12. As Terry points out your hose watering a garden uses more water than a power washer !
    1 point
  13. The supply should have been able to keep up, they really don't use that much volume of water.Check the screen at the input , it may have got clogged if the tap has not been used all winter.
    1 point
  14. I quit many years ago . I have always said there is only one thing important enough for someone to quit. A reason they fully believe in. It doesn't matter what the reason is either as long it is strong enough to influence the one quitting. Your reason can be completely different than mine but if it works for you, that is all that counts. Good luck.
    1 point
  15. A very good movie! Not really a fan of newer movies myself, old classic just my preference.
    1 point
  16. OI, I remember 'smoking dreams' after I quit, get used to them they last awhile. Keep up the fight, don't think about tomorrow just today don't give in! Its worth it to avoid an ugly painful premature death, what a dumb thing to pay for!!! I agree with you about a Cuomo in the White house, I didn't consider Chris, was thinking Andrew. He's a leader unlike the current guy...Sorry Art.
    1 point
  17. Not sure Canada dodged a bullet. Majority of US cases are in NYC/NJ area, whose total population is bigger than a lot of Countries. Compare the stats of US population to Canada. In my State of Ohio, population of 12 million, our numbers are very low and we still allow fishing and golfing, which both are much safer than going to the local crowded parks or Costco/Grocery stores. We also start opening up on May 1st, slowly, but you can not keep living like this forever, otherwise their will economic collapse. Banning fishing is ridiculous, especially Lake fishing. People just need to make sure they are practicing social distancing and if they are not, like in some rivers, then the locality should shut those down. When I fish in Ohio, it is on a bank and there is no one else around. Virus can’t spread that way. Same as golfing, my course has a lot less people than a park and you don’t touch anything except your club. No need for such extreme rules and Ohio is proof of that as are other States. If people are that paranoid, then stay in your house, but don’t let your paranoia ruin it for others that are practicing safe social distancing. Crazy - you can’t keep living in fear. I look at Sweden and some other Countries too and they have some of the least stringent rules and are surviving still without closing anything.
    1 point
  18. My question is, how did they get in there in the first place with the cowling on the motor? Just move the nest to the ground and let nature do it's course, if you don't they'll be back in there year after year.
    1 point
  19. I gave it up many years ago. About the best thing I ever did. One of the little things I did was set aside my cigarette $$ and use it to buy a treat/gift of some kind. I remember buying a little cake of some kind and celebrating some milestone with 2-3 friends. Keep up the good fight.It will certainly be worth it---guaranteed!!
    1 point
  20. A public service warning for all. I was a card carrying member of OFAH for years and I just went away for some reason. So when I saw this thread I saw the membership app and re joined with selecting to "receive" the news letters updates. Within minutes I received their email selling their OFAH hats, t-shirts and jackets, mugs and stuff I don't want, I didn't join to be sold stuff. I tried to cancel the "news letters" but the sales crap keeps on coming. Just a warning. I'm disappointed to say the least. Now I remember why I didn't stay with them.
    1 point
  21. The beans are good. Next time make em up on the smoker if you can. I do mine up on the pellet grill. They get a real nice smokey taste to boot.
    1 point
  22. CHICKEN FRIED RICE. Sure, sounds simple, but this is my favorite concoction. 4 chicken thighs, bone in skin on. 6 slices cooked bacon diced. 4 large eggs whisked. Peanut oil 2 or 3 carrots diced. 1 celery stock diced. 1 medium onion diced 4 cloves garlic fine diced. 1 cup frozen peas thawed. 1/4 cup frozen corn thawed. 4 cups rice cooked the night before. Low sodium soy sauce. Oyster sauce. Roasted sesame oil. Hoisin sauce. Green onion. In a medium high heated dry wok, add thighs and cook covered until tender. Remove from wok and set aside to cool. Heat over med high, a Tbls peanut oil in wok. Add eggs and scramble. Remove from pan and reserve with cooked bacon. Heat more oil and add carrots celery onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook a bit more (1 or 2 minutes). Dice meat from thighs as the above and below are happening and set aside. Discard bone and skin. Add cold rice and peas. Cook and stir occasionally until rice softens. Add chicken eggs and bacon back into pan. Stir in 1 or 2 Tbls SOY SAUCE. 1 Tbls Oyster Sauce 2 tsp sesame oil. 1 tsp Hoisin sauce. Garnish with green onion and serve. With this I make Beef and Broccoli, Sesame Chicken and a Lo Mein.
    1 point
  23. valid question, I know I'm not following protocol staying up here, here's my reasoning- -we have a small fridge, no chest freezer, we can't hoard food -if one of us gets sick, they drive back to the city to isolate, we have 2 vehicles up here -the govt hasn't waived my taxes on my cottage, I've paid plenty of taxes for the last 25 years, unlike the chinese that started this mess and have a safe haven in Canada although they don't pay any taxes -I'm looking out for number 1, our gov't is an incompetent mess, my wife and son are my first priority, my wife can go to the Minden grocery store early morning and there's hardly anyone there, the Freshco near me in Oakville is a gong show with empty shelves and none of the hoard of shoppers speaking English, who knows where they've been -there's way more to do up here without bumping into other people, we made maple syrup, we wander around in the bush, catch fish, we actually trained a red squirrel to scratch on our door, and come in to take a peanut from our hand and then leave, my son and I have made crazy memories because we had the time on our hands, he wasn't in school and I wasn't working, I think we're going to look back on this thing with fond memories basically, I'm looking out for my family and don't give a F about anything else
    1 point
  24. A good fishing partner is someone who knows how to get the boat ready at the launch. Ropes, bumpers , plugs . Can back up truck and trailer if needed. Funny,good conversation. Knows how to work a fish finders . Has good fishing knowledge . With all this being said, looks like I will be fishing by myself.
    1 point
  25. With our go to being taken over by smelts and small herring, it was time to explore . My buddy Walleyed says, lets try line X and take the 4 wheeler . I cant refuse a free ride . Give the short legged ole man a break from walking . Now we left from line X and fished out from line X down the lake. Trying to fool me ? His devilish grin and snarrel was a give away. LOL So with a new area, one never can tell whats up or even if there are fish there . A large flat with a steep transition was a good start. Marked nothing but those herring/smelt and some perch again on the flat. Darn things are following me, or are really on the rebound. Moved out just a bit past Rob as he said he was marking, but not hooking up. Marking is a good thing, not hooking up well, maybe the fisherman . HAHA. J/K buddy . As I start to walk away from them, I realize I was in his grace, as we only brought one auger. Limit the weight on towing my smitty, left mine behind . Walk back and get the auger, and off I go. Set up again and right off the bat, I am marking . I have the mini meegs down just dead sticking 6" off the bottom . They come in, they rise, I drop and tap a tap, and they go . Never do they just look and go at a meegs. How dare they do this .This happened 4-5 times . Even had 3 come in at one time and did the same .GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Decided it was time for a cup of java and a cinny bagel with pb&j . Sit back, chill and watch the boob tube while I listen to some Dean Martin . Isn't that a kick in the head . LOL Against my better judgment, I grab rod 2 and drop the vibrado with a new shrimp bait drop shot I tied. After about an hour of lifting slow,banging the bottom and dead sticking, a fish comes in. I lift the bait slow . As i lift, the fish bypasses the vibrado and streaks for the shrimp. I just twitch and the rod tip jerks down . FISH ON All I was thinking , I have a fish on with one of my own ties again. I was pumped. I reeled up slow and steady as I use 6lb floro as a leader . Once I could see the white bugger, I just guided him into the hole . I had his head out and trying to grab him,but the bugger was having nothing to do with it . I finally decided to do the bear grip and said, enough of this crap. Grab him by the head, squeeze and the battle was over. A quick snap,blood peeing out, I had another first on a tied fly . I had no cell to text Rob or my buddies to share my joy . It was weird . I felt guilty for a moment, but dropped my bait again not even giving it another thought, and was hoping for another fish to come in, but it was not to be. The rumble of the 4 wheel was my que to pack up and it was the end of another outing . Thinking after and talking to Rob when he came to pick me up ( love ice UBER shuttle service ), I would of bet if I had a drop shrimp above the meegs, I would of caught those ones rising up. Now I will have drops on all my set ups. I have a red and white worm I have tied to try . Might not look like much, but it worked. Even cooks nice . Off to another line X spot in the morning . Got to keep moving. Long read, but I love sharing my stories.
    1 point
  26. Hi all, Well its the close of walleye season here. Even though I won't be going today, I got out a couple weeks back with my dog a few times, just catching up on my video backlog.
    1 point
  27. Fart Football An old married couple no sooner hit the pillows when the old man passes gas and says, 'Seven Points.' His wife rolls over and says, 'What in the world was that?' The old man replied, 'its fart football.' A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says, 'Touchdown, tie score...' After about five minutes the old man lets another one go and says, 'Aha. I'm ahead 14 to 7.' Not to be outdone the wife rips out another one and says, 'Touchdown, tie score.' Five seconds go by and she lets out a little squeaker and says, 'Field goal, I lead 17 to 14.' Now the pressure is on for the old man. He refuses to get beaten by a woman, so he strains real hard. Since defeat is totally unacceptable, he gives it everything he's got, and accidentally poops in the bed. The wife says, 'What the hell was that?' The old man says, 'Half time, switch sides
    1 point
  28. Brainflash, how far apart are the holes and what is the diameter of the holes? My spanner that tightens up the big nut on my 4 1/2 inch CTC grinder has 4.5mm pins and they are 30mm apart. You could probably make one from 3/16 plate and use hardened allen screws.
    1 point
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