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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2020 in all areas

  1. Very informative read. Shows the trends and how being vigilant by social distancing and other measures are key to our survival. I know that our way of life is being threatened but we'll all end up with nothing if we don't hunker down and take one for the team. Be safe, be smart, be vigilant! This is no joke and this virus does not prejudice! using-data-modelling-inform-eng.pdf
    5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Watch out for people speaking moistly
    5 points
  4. Now they've gone too far! There is just no solid proof Covid-19 can be transmitted by drunken fisherman fist-fighting over who drifted over who's line.
    4 points
  5. Nothing to do with valued insight, I just have no use for folks who think they're more important than others.
    4 points
  6. Injector, trany, differential,rad and definitely not an anal flush; just before they stick it up your arse!!! Dan.
    3 points
  7. People are not getting it. I went to ctc for curb pickup a man and child were standing by their vehicle ,woman from ctc walks up with bicycle and stuff , child runs over to her and grabs the bike from her the man grabs the helmet and other stuff from her signs the paper within inches of her and I believe touching her No distancing ,no ppe . this is how it spreads. My turn, I rolled down my window an inch and said please set it down there and walk away I will sign it and get back in my vehicle you can get the paperwork and leave. She was happy to do it. With gloves on I signed got back in the truck she took her paper work and left .I grabbed the stuff. Later disinfect everything and wash hands This is how not to spread the virus please do it right people
    3 points
  8. It is quite obvious that this petition is going nowhere and for that I am thankful!
    3 points
  9. According to the signature count, in over one week there has been less than 300 people think it's a good idea; there is a message here. This thread alone has had 7500 views. You do realize it would take a WELL into 6 figures, probably 7, before anyone would even read it?? More and more ramps are being shut down every week and you're going to start another petition? lol I've seen petitions on this petition.org before and unfortunately, 99% of the time it's nothing more than a vehicle for people that want to push their own agendas. Last month there was a woman who wanted her son's 8 year old's hockey team to be able to continue playing because "they really worked hard and were probably going to win". God help us combat Covid-19 and stupidity.
    3 points
  10. I see from your petition at the bottom of your page that you still think because your a fisherman your more important than pleasure boaters....so sad.
    3 points
  11. You guys have GOT to try this! Beer can Burgers. Found it on the net. make 6oz meat balls. take unopened can and push down into middle of meatball. Raise hamburger up and around can to about the width of 2pcs of bacon. Wrap with bacon, this will help hole the shape of the burger and well, who doesn't like bacon. Pack firmly around can, you know you got it right if it creates a vacuum around can. (hint, grab can with paper towel for better grip and rotate in one direction as you lift. Fill with your favorite ingredients, today I sauteed onions and red peppers. plus added steamed asparagus. Topped with a couple cubes of Havarti and Swiss. To that I added garlic powder, onion powder salt and pepper. Drizzled BBQ sauce and put on pellet grill for 1 hour at 300. While they were cooking, I made creamy garlic mashed potatoes. Once the "burgers" were done, I set it on top of the potato. What a meal!
    3 points
  12. A very familiar story about the times we are living in. This Easter will be tough for so many families that have been making this holiday a reason to get together. I hope your brother is doing well...I hate to hear about anyone battling cancer. He does have the familiar Musky Smile that a certain member of the OFC family has apparently made very popular! As bad as we want to see them, we want to see them healthy.
    2 points
  13. Common sense should be a course in grade school Terry
    2 points
  14. Good. Close it down until June every year.
    2 points
  15. HAHAHA We were all cute kids Lew, til we grew up. Well, I am still cute, according to me mudder . LOL I get to see my Lilly on this cell phone thingy like the rest of you,s . She misses her sleep overs as do I, but even at 8 years old, she totally understands what is going on . We need to just let this virus run it,s course, and we will all enjoy that missed hug . More then we ever have before . Imagine the story they will have to tell their grand kids of this . Lets hope if this ever happens again, they will be better prepared then we . They are cute kiddies Dan .
    2 points
  16. That’s a Mr Lube!
    2 points
  17. Shocker...an American right wing journalism agency writes an article aligning with Trump’s point of view that the lock downs need to be removed in order to keep the economy going. if you are going to bring articles into this discussion please ensure that they are bipartisan and written by actual medical professionals that are not lobbied by American corporations. Thanks. in other words, get that garbage out of here
    2 points
  18. Have a good life! Short sighted---yeah, that's a good one!!
    2 points
  19. Wow you guys are all pretty short sighted eh. The last 10 posts were completely irrelevant to the post I made. Fun group we have here, enjoyed the intellectual conversation, guys.
    2 points
  20. Thanks Dan. My guy: the only thing he upsell is, did you bring me a small coffee, black with no sugar?
    2 points
  21. The short answer is as long as you have too. Going over by 3 or 4 thousand every once and a while won't hurt anything. Check the oil level, making sure it's full and you'll be fine. Worst case, if the oil starts to look really dirty; head to a lube shop and get the oil changed. Just tell them you only want an oil & filter change and to screw off with all the up selling. Dan.
    2 points
  22. I sold a 95 with 300+ oil changes are important.
    2 points
  23. Woke up way to early this morning, so toast,java and jumped on the vise . My new shrimp Eyes are made from Trilene 20lb red line .
    2 points
  24. Nobody is stopping you from going out of your house, they're just telling you to be sensible about it.
    2 points
  25. Going to have to try that Ron . Thanks and good to hear from you .
    2 points
  26. I don't know who this Ron guy is.. but those burgers look good, at least the bacon part!! LOL
    2 points
  27. Remember there are dozens of battery brands but only about 6 actual manufacturers.
    2 points
  28. I hear you Dan I have daughter in Newmarket with 3 kids another in Brooklin with 2 and another in Kleingburg with 2. All healthy but they used to come over very Sunday. last Sunday two of them did a drive by! And the video thing every day. Hopefully this will end in the near future.
    1 point
  29. Very nice work on all counts Misfish! You got some talent there!
    1 point
  30. Yeah they were stuffed with a cheddar jalapeño cream cheese mixture. I think there were some diced green onions in there too. Can't quite remember the recipe.....
    1 point
  31. Ron I tried something similar back in 2017. Haven't done it since (my bad) but it was an incredible experience. So good. Didn't use the bacon to wrap the burgers, that's truly inspired. Here are a couple of photos I could find from my archives.
    1 point
  32. I’ve quite enjoyed thinking and listening about both sides of this. It’s a nice thought but I think the best thing to do is shut them down, not even people would follow the rules.
    1 point
  33. That much eh. WOW, you got one of the good ones . Made on a Wednesday probly .🤣
    1 point
  34. Only has 56,000 km after 4 years
    1 point
  35. The battery charger is individual chargers so don't care what the other chargers is doing.
    1 point
    1 point
    1 point
  38. Optima used to be good, 15 years ago. Now? Not even close. Go to Total Battery, get some Group 31 AGMs and be done with it.
    1 point
  39. Terry...It's not wrong for 24 volts. I do a bit of boat wiring and can't believe some of the things i see on boats, critical wires wrapped together then held together with 1/2 a roll of vinyl tape.
    1 point
  40. The chances of this petition succeeding is so close to zero that you'd need a microscope to tell the diff!!
    1 point
  41. I tend to fall more on Cliffs side of the debate as my previous posts would attest. But I do appreciate that you have thought this through using the lens of your personal experience and have come to a different decision than I did. There are degrees of safe conduct and you're not wrong to say people at the park in Toronto are a whole different thing than you alone on a lake in Hali. However there are still good reasons why the police don't want you to travel. They've been posted before So I won't repeat them again. A lot of people are saying they will stop when the law forces them to. That actually does make the job of the government harder. It's not easy for a federal government to declare martial law, it changes the dynamic of the federal provincial relationship. It actually takes a lot of power away from Premiers who are local and probably have the best idea of what's needed in their province. It forces the federal government to manage over the premiers on many different battle fronts. And the Premiers have been asking Trudeau not to do it for this reason. But as far as I know the Premiers cannot legally force us to stay inside, that has to be federal. That is why they are literally begging people to comply rather than be forced. Being forced complicates the fight. I am also begging everyone on this board to reconsider. I won't browbeat you all about it (anymore!) but please think about why the PM, Premiers and Mayors are begging you everyday to stay inside. Good luck and stay safe everyone.
    1 point
  42. Meanwhile 'up North" with more than 10 days without going out. Animals are worried and come see what's going on.
    1 point
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