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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2020 in all areas

  1. Now is not the time to become complacent! Many people are nearing the end of their 14 day quarantine and most are getting antsy about getting out and doing normal things, DON'T! Cases of covid 19 are on the rise which means if you have been lucky enough to avoid it thus far the odds of getting it are actually increasing. Now more than ever you should be even more cautious. You might not think it matters, perhaps you are young and strong, even if you get it no big deal you might not even show symptoms but what about those you have contact with? This virus is killing people, tens of thousands of people, nine more just died yesterday in a nursing home in Bobcaygeon. The reason so many people are being infected is because too many people haven't taken it seriously enough, they are being selfish, they are thinking of what they WANT instead of what they NEED. My 14 day quarantine is up as of tomorrow and my initial thought was "great, I can go shopping"! Then I realized "I don't NEED to go shopping, I still have plenty of food, I still have two weeks of medications left, (I'll call the drug store today and see if they can deliver). Sure it would be nice to get some fresh veggies or fruit but I don't NEED them right now, I've made soups or stews with any perishable vegetables I had and frozen them so I'm good for a while. So before you head out the door at the end of your 14 days think about the risk not only to you but to your loved ones, DO I NEED IT or DO I WANT IT!
    5 points
  2. Contact Lloyd Daume. U and Me Guide Service out of Newcastle. I think he is, or was a member here too. He is on Facebook. Great guy, always on fish, and nice an close for you. S.
    3 points
  3. Pretty quiet in here now, eh? LOL S.
    3 points
  4. I have rented the same cottage for many years. I sent my deposit again last month. I called and told them that if restrictions were still in place and I could not be there to keep my deposit. They are great people who are more like family now.
    3 points
  5. Day one of the lay off, rain all day yesterday, so knew that put the kibosh on the river outing for the morning . Up at 4 am anyways so, fire up the smoker , salmon in at 4:30 . Completed . Some nice snacking for the week right there . Already had supper decided on, so whipped that up . In the fridge til time for the oven . Completed Always red peppers, never green .Green is to bitter . Have a few cups of java while listening to the depressing news while scrolling through the WWW . Turn the boob tube, put on some long documentary to listen too off you tube .Pull out the fly vise and get busy . I always wondered how guys displayed their flys at the end of their ties . Now I know. They use their hackle pier .Makes a great stand . Completed. Eyes can only work on them for so long . My best tie so far IMO ( All that really matters . LOL) . I really like this one . Trial run on multi biots . The Misfish stoner stone fly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, One day at a time,,,,,,,,,, Guess I,ll play some online poker and see how the rest of my world player friends are doing in their countries . . . . . .. .. Be well and safe ya,ll
    2 points
  6. That old boat of yours is a real head turner Bill. I love it.
    2 points
  7. No turkey hunting this season on the property.
    2 points
  8. Thanks guys, I appreciate the suggestion. I am planning on something a little later in the summer once things settle down. I will give him a call tomorrow though and start the process
    1 point
  9. Now im hungry and want to start flyfishing....
    1 point
  10. I’lI warm up the oven, one for Brian too.
    1 point
  11. Cable is snapped and frayed
    1 point
  12. Was hoping to be able to post my new boat for this year but in light of the state of the world today and the Canadian dollar, I'm not really sure what I'll run this summer! Here is my Skeeter ZX250 from last summer, beautiful boat and a great ride!
    1 point
  13. Finding ribbing and even tubing around here is next to none and driving down to Sails just for that is not worth it right now. Found this kids craft tube stuff . Figured I would see if it would work . It is a bit on the stiff side, but I found by pulling it through your fingers, creating heat friction, it softened up and stretched nice and worked great for soft tube or ribbing . Now if I could find it in different colors . Still working on my stone fly tie . Getting there . Need to be more patient .😠
    1 point
  14. Damn. Good food , good flies. Good way to pass the time
    1 point
  15. If you hear a knock, knock, it's my wife.🤣 She likes those red things, fortunately they were banished from my kitchen. Couldn't get them past my nose even with a bulldog clip.
    1 point
  16. Thank you so much, I do appreciate that offer and I would be more than happy to help anyone out that NEEDS anything too while this situation unfolds. Glad to hear you'll be even closer, you might even want to consider moving right here into our park 🙂
    1 point
  17. Hey Cliff. If there is ever a day you need something but it's not urgent check with me via text or PM as I might be needing to go out and I would happily drop it off at your door. PS: The Mrs and I move over to Riverview Rd in May so I'll be even closer.
    1 point
  18. Today's version of'all dressed up but nowhere to go'
    1 point
  19. Good for you Cliff, I wish a lot more people would think this way,I haven't been out of the house in 10 days.
    1 point
  20. AAAH so that's your secret in attracting in those Whities, you have multiple talents my friend.👍😉
    1 point
  21. I told you Dollar stores off limit to fly tiers. Will just drive us to poverty.
    1 point
  22. I also upgraded the steering from the clothesline to a cable system. I replaced the Lowrance X91 fishfinder with a Raymarine Dragonfly 7 Pro. Since it is a slightly older boat I installed dual bilge pumps thinking it might have leaking rivets. Found out it does not have any leaks. AceCraft boats were made for Ace Hardware. It looks like a Starcraft hull. It handles Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, Charleston Lake and the St. Clair River perfectly.
    1 point
  23. I have one but don't use it a lot. I trust my Raymarine to show me fish and structure. I use it when the fish are off bite and I am bored.
    1 point
  24. Happy Birthday to your son Big Cliff
    1 point
  25. 1961 Acecraft, 18 foot Replaced the 48 horse with a 60, new carpet, new lounge seats and repainted it
    1 point
  26. 3K. That's a lot of money for a tool. And it is a fishing tool. If it saves me only 1 time laying flat on my back in bed for 2 days unable to crawl to the toilet it's worth it. I have 2 crushed Lumbar and 2 crushed Cervical vertebrae. That's on top of this type of arthritis I have where chips of calcium slough off ligaments and get jammed in my hips, back and knees. A few months ago my Rheumatologist drained 80 mg of synovial fluid from my right knee. That was fun. I can't pull an anchor 5 feet let alone 80. I can only buy 12 packs of Beer, I can't carry a 24 without my back telling me not to. So $3000.00 so I can fish is worth every penny to me. Look how much money I have saved not fishing in the last 2 years and I didn't do much 3 years ago either. About 3 grand just for a slip. I'm not looking for any sympathy because there is always someone that is far worse off. But I just want to show how I justify such an expense. I told Tich they are a grand!
    1 point
  27. Great story Dave, remember it well. I caught a lot of Lakers that day
    1 point
  28. I am old school and still use a long rope and anchor . It,s called anchor lock by the pilot . It has auto retrieve. I just pull it up and go when I auto move . Sometimes I just look at the gps,power the motor and move .When I get to said location, I just let the anchor flow til I stop . It,s hit and miss sometimes,but I am mostly on my spot .
    1 point
  29. Manufacturers did not go offshore to make the same margins. The cost of goods sold and retail prices really have nothing to do with each other. The cost of goods sold is measured as contribution margin and like any company the higher the CM the better. Retail pricing is what the market will bear based on the value proposition of the product..ie quality, service or reliability. Companies are finally seeing that the costs associated with offshore manufacturing are far greater than initially calculated. The cost of shipping has increased, scrap rates, warranty work, training, logistics management, supply management, and the one we all hate...cost of quality. Hence many companies are in fact retreating to N. America and using technology to lower the cost of goods sold instead of cheaper labour. The really smart manufacturers are increasing the number of key performance indicators (KPI) and starting to measure things like machine and labour efficiencies, and setup variances. Productivity is key. Good news for Canada is the exchange rate...yes i know it kills us for buying US products, but US companies see Canadian businesses as a great place for sourcing product. This good news for Canadian manufacturers and their employees. US companies get roughly a 15% discount on exchange alone when they buy Canadian. Sorry for the long winded explanation...I spent a lot of time working to fix manufacturing companies that were too fat and inefficient to make money.
    1 point
  30. My thinking exactly Fisherman, postpone for now. Even if the risk of a large gathering has diminished by the time her day has arrived the couple will need to make a decision ASAP. Not something one can postpone a week before the event without huge ramifications and associated costs for both the couple, the Family and guests. Her Father told me today that she is devastated. In the scheme of all things it's easy for someone to tell her that her nuptials are not as important as the Health and Safety of her loved ones that are to attend. But try telling that to a 24 year old bride to be. We will be visiting them this Sunday.
    1 point
  31. My boat is happy to be out of the driveway and now lives on a lake! Just a 14' Tinny, with custom floors and a 25HP on the back....perfect for my small lake :)
    1 point
  32. My dream boat - 2018 Hobie Mirage Outback I can't wait to get back on it this spring 😁
    1 point
  33. I have no want for the extra piss off of knowing they are actually down there and not biting!!
    1 point
  34. This is my deep water boat, it is a 28ft Marinette with twin 318's. I have a 19ft Ranger from 1989 that I restored and a 2000 Xpress with an outboard jet for shallow river running. Art
    1 point
  35. A bit different, but this is the flats boat. Don't have any pics of the old tin boats at the cottage.
    1 point
  36. This is my kinda thread, i could literally sit and look at boats all day. Keep em coming guys! This thread is really giving me the feels. This year on the ice has really had an impact on my psyche. Fishing really is my therapy, it dominates most of my thought patterns, i work during the week thinking about what kinda adventure on what lake will I get up to each weekend and this winter has not allowed that at all. I've managed to somewhat scrape some time together, but its never been good, I was only able to access one of my more preferred fishing spots for the first time this past weekend only to have the weather completely throw a stick in my spokes. I sit and think...man what I would give to be able to go out to my honey hole in my boat...Only 3 more months.... I realize i havent snapped a photo in a while need to get some new ones this year! Especially after I put new seats and a centre storage/step in! 98 Skeeter 140SS with a 130 Yamaha 2 stroke I recently have really been longing for one of those sunny quiet weekdays out on the lake. She can be a little temperamental in her old age lol. The Musky Rig and old faithful "Tinner Magic" 14 Foot Starcraft with a 1988 Suzuki 15
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Loved my SKEETER and had it for 10 years without an issue on boat or motor. It was a great musky fishing boat and we saw plenty of action together. But when I decided to retire from fishing I sold all my gear including the boat and this was the last day I had her and the new owner picked her up just after this picture was taken. Kind of a sad day really.
    1 point
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