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I just don't understand some people.


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Morning boys

We're up on the West Arm of Nippissing where we come a couple times a year. The camp is 2 miles down a dirt road from the hiway and most mornings I go for a 4 mile hike. This area is gorgeous and loaded with wildlife and I see plenty of it. Last year I came nose to nose with this big moose. The day before there were 2 more on the road.

2 years ago I came within 50 feet of a momma bear and 2 cubs.

Lots of tracks everywhere and this morning I came across what I think may be a wolf track just because of the size of it

Just down the road was fresh moose tracks.

This is just a normal everyday occurrence but this morning it got bad.

Not far from the moose tracks some pig  decided to dump a load of roofing shingles.

And another 1/2 mile up the road somebody decided it was easier to unload his leftover vinyl siding rather than drive 3 miles up the hiway to the local dump.

This is just a rant but it pizzes me me off everytime I see this sorta crap in a gorgeous location like this and it just proves that all the filthy slobs don't live in the big cities.











Edited by lew
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It's happening everywhere but I don't understand it. If you put a garbage can on a trail entrance then it gets filled up with all kinds of garbage out of people's cars.. they think that because they pay taxes they have some kind of right to fill the can and throw the rest on the ground around it once that's full.. the club I'm in maintains a trail and we found that removing the garbage can keeps the whole area cleaner.. and it also helps if you go and pick up every piece of garbage a couple of times a week because people will feel guilty about soiling a pristine looking area more than an area that already has garbage.. 

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Spouse hounds spouse to clean up.. Spouse borrows truck from buddy and finally cleans up the yard, heads to the dump on the weekend and finds the gate locked and then hits the nearest back road. Can't for the life of me figure out why Northern dumps are gated, when most have no "tippage" fees. Deal with it every frigg'n week here on our road and it's amazing how you can wrap a backhoe around a pickup while you wait for the cops.

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2 hours ago, dave524 said:

Weekend cottage renovators, gotta be back in the city when the dump opens Monday morning. Like Irish said they should leave the dumps open in cottage country on the weekend,

Like so many others you just assume that some slob that throws his garbage in the ditch has to be from the city and that nobody that lives in the country would ever do such a thing.

Very pathetic mentality.

As  for the dump being closed on weekends, the one I referenced being just up the road is open every day.

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13 hours ago, lew said:


As  for the dump being closed on weekends, the one I referenced being just up the road is open every day.

This one Lew???  https://www.frenchriver.ca/p/waste-disposal


..or these?? http://www.westnipissing.ca/en/municipal-services-e/column-4/environmental-services/landfillhours-of-operation

And I see they all charge tippage fees.

Edited by irishfield
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I have no idea what the name of the dump is Wayne, it's off hwy 64 south of Lavigne and I've never been into it but what does it matter. The place is open on weekends, infact the owner of this camp took a load there a couple days ago. As far as tipping fees go I have no clue about that either.

The point this post was these slobs fire their crap into any nearby ditch they come across rather than drive 5 minutes up the road and put it where it belongs.

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When I see stuff like that, I'll go to the pile and check if there are any packing, PO# or a delivery slip; anything that might show an address or name. Either way I'll call the cops and give them the location; eventually a road crew will show up and clean the mess up.

Then there's my garbage dumpster here at the shop; people think it's a free for all to use. Get here some mornings and its all but full. I've tried locking it closed; but they'll just throw the garbage on the ground beside the dumpster. I get so pissed that I'll open the bags and look for a name and address. When I find one, it is usually only a few blocks away. I'll then bag the crap back up put it my truck and go for a ride. Bang on their door, when they answer, I ask is this the residents of such and such. If they answer yes; I drop the bag at their feet and ask if they misplaced their garbage. If I get any flak, I'll wave my phone and ask if they'd like me to call the cops; that usually shuts them up.


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Lew  a few years back our  back area reached the 15 year roofs replacement and they were here like ants. We then started seeing entrances to ravines and other private drives just full of unloaded shingles, they even blocked trails the the Kortright centre for conservation up the street from me. I guess they didn’t want to pay to dispose of them. 
I made  a promise to myself when I do mine my address along with the Company name that took them down goes in the bin.  I cannot imagine what it cost Vaughan to clean them up and the private drives that had to have cement block put in after the cleaned their property! 

DandD, nice touch, keep the address in case they bring their car in and fill up the trunk when they leave with your garbage. :) 

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I agree Lew, it is disgusting to think someone would soil that piece of heaven, but then nothing surprises me anymore these days!

On a totally separate note, we wanted to dispose of an old loveseat and an old TV cabinet that we had in our basement. I loaded it all into my trailer and went to the transfer station operated by GFL here in town. I weighed in and out and was promptly charged almost $40 to dump! I was shocked! I thought maybe $12 or something? I turned to my Wife and said, "that is why we see all that crap dumped on the sideroads!!" I am not condoning it in any way, but I see it all the time. It really angers me to see construction debris because you know damn well that the customer was charged for disposal.


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Peterborough County pays around $100 per ton to get rid of garbage. That’s why they have to charge what they do for residents to dump. Garbage bags have to be clear at the dump. The dump nazi checks every bag at entrance.  They want to maximize recycling. Green bin stuff is wet and heavy and expensive to haul away if mixed with regular garbage. As residents we have to bring a card and can only dump a  certain number of bags per quarter. Or pay for extra.    But I agree  the cost to dump will encourage bums to find alternatives  




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