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Physical Distancing

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1 hour ago, ch312 said:


Someone walking by you poses practically zero risk unless they're coughing, sneezing, talking or touching you. By causing a confrontation rather than letting her walk by you significantly increased your risk of potential exposure as her unmasked mouth could have been spraying you with infected saliva as she spoke. 

By "saving yourself" you actually put yourself in a worse position than if you had said nothing. Just sayin...





You are 100% wrong 

you have zero idea whether this person had covid  or when or if they were going to cough. 
if I followed your thinking there would be no reason to wear a mask because the person would be coughing all the time so you would know to stay away. 
And as I said they touched people walking by if they were coughing into their elbow and then rubbed someone they can transfer ever easy

and more to the point if they feel comfortable not distancing without a mask if there is a problem they are into the routine of not thinking about follow proper procedures 

as that is the proper procedures

yeah thanks for your insights but I think they are way off base and do nothing to protect me I will look after myself thanks 

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3 hours ago, Terry said:

you have zero idea whether this person had covid  or when or if they were going to cough. 
if I followed your thinking there would be no reason to wear a mask because the person would be coughing all the time so you would know to stay away. 
And as I said they touched people walking by if they were coughing into their elbow and then rubbed someone they can transfer ever easy

Some people are making it difficult to maintain the 2m distance even when trying to. Pay-at-the-pump wasn't working for me the other day at a gas bar, so I had to risk venturing into the small payment building with the clerk and cash register.

I checked that nobody else was in there and went in to pay. Well wouldn’t you know it, some other guy wandered in during the transaction and decided to squeeze in between me and a candy shelf behind me, even though there was a clear route around the other way. He didn’t maintain any distance at all and in fact made direct contact!

I think there must be virus-deniers around, otherwise why do such a risky and foolish thing?  This isn’t the good old days of 2019 anymore. I will be relieved when 14 days safely elapses.




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35 minutes ago, MJIG said:

Some people are making it difficult to maintain the 2m distance even when trying to. Pay-at-the-pump wasn't working for me the other day at a gas bar, so I had to risk venturing into the small payment building with the clerk and cash register.

I checked that nobody else was in there and went in to pay. Well wouldn’t you know it, some other guy wandered in during the transaction and decided to squeeze in between me and a candy shelf behind me, even though there was a clear route around the other way. He didn’t maintain any distance at all and in fact made direct contact!

I think there must be virus-deniers around, otherwise why do such a risky and foolish thing?  This isn’t the good old days of 2019 anymore. I will be relieved when 14 days safely elapses.




We’ll just call them Covidiots. 😁😷

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6 minutes ago, Terry said:


I wish they would make wearing a mask in public where distancing is hard to do and in all stores and businesses  the law 

more hand sanitizer would be nice too 

Become Mayor or PM ,and you can change the world. LOL

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Some of you guys sure are going down the rabbit hole.   Wash your god damned hands and don't touch your face.   Stop wearing gloves and touching everything thinking you're immune.  If you're going to wear a mask please learn how to wear one properly.  You pulling it off every time you get in the car is defeating the entire purpose of it.    Common sense will help everyone. 

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I don’t wear gloves but when I get back into the truck I take my washable mask off and put it into a bag and then sanitize my hands 

I wipe down my steering wheel and anything else I touched too my wife is a nurse and says I’m doing it right. 

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I follow a similar procedure. What I found comes in handy is to have a small cloth in a ziplock soaked with lysol.

If I have been touching surfaces such as shopping cart handle I can wipe the car door handle, wheel, gearshift etc and my hands. We are a bit short on sanitizer and I actually find the cloth easier to use.

BTW---Ch312 did have a point. If someone is passing very briefly thru your space all you need to do is hold your breath for a few seconds.


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11 hours ago, BillM said:

Some of you guys sure are going down the rabbit hole.   Wash your god damned hands and don't touch your face.   Stop wearing gloves and touching everything thinking you're immune.  If you're going to wear a mask please learn how to wear one properly.  You pulling it off every time you get in the car is defeating the entire purpose of it.    Common sense will help everyone. 

Yep.  That ought to about do it. There is absolutely no way anyone can entirely avoid disease wether it be flu, colds, or coronavirus.  But just doing the above mentioned should vastly improve your odds of staying healthier.

Edited by porkpie
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On 5/15/2020 at 7:49 AM, Garnet said:


I typed a mess of words, read them and reqalized I went way off the rails so deleted that. 

To stay on point I am amazed how many people still don't get it. 1/2 those or more today did not have face coverings on of any type when I was in the grocery store for 30 minutes this afternoon. They were of all ages not wearing them. Some young, some old, some middle age. It pisses me off. Don't wear them for me or you, wear them for those little tykes with Moms in tow, wear them for those old folks who's health isn't good, those little tykes grand parents. Don't be selfish, please. 

I know for a fact that 1/2 of the members here do not wear face coverings when in public. OK maybe not 50%, lets say 30%. I am asking you why not? If you won't admit you don't you know it should be done but won't do it, why????  You can't breath well? It makes you feel constricted? You might even feel claustrophobic. It makes me feel all the aforementioned, especially claustrophobic, I admit it. I do not like wearing a mask. We had to wear respirators and dust masks at the plant but not 24/7. Sometimes 12 hrs could go by and never had to put anything on my face. My wife has to wear one at work for 8 hours straight so I dare not complain wearing one for 20 minutes grocery shopping. 

Be tough wear a mask.


Edited by Old Ironmaker
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19 minutes ago, Terry said:

Mod queued

mod as in moderator 

queued.   Paused  ,on hold  ,Waiting  to be posted  after the moderator reviews it then allows the post to be seen

You forgot evil laughing and touching myself as we bath  in the power we hold. 



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Whats everyone's feelings on fishing trips right now? Here's my situation:

I live in Ottawa, my Father in Niagara, and the other two older gentlemen are also from the Niagara area. We go on a fishing trip almost every year. My dad and his friends are older... over 60, and I in my 30's with 2 little kids. I have tentatively booked a cottage for the 4 of us in September up my way. 

Do we still go? What is the general consensus?

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13 hours ago, BassMan11 said:

Whats everyone's feelings on fishing trips right now? Here's my situation:

I live in Ottawa, my Father in Niagara, and the other two older gentlemen are also from the Niagara area. We go on a fishing trip almost every year. My dad and his friends are older... over 60, and I in my 30's with 2 little kids. I have tentatively booked a cottage for the 4 of us in September up my way. 

Do we still go? What is the general consensus?

The only sure safe way (from your perspective) to do that would be for the out-of-towners to arrive 14 days ahead of you, and you join them if they are symptom-free at the end of that time. That’s likely not feasible. 

Other options will introduce varying amounts of risk, and only you can decide your level of risk tolerance really.

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17 minutes ago, SirCranksalot said:

At the cottage open all windows to get lots of air flow---stay outside as much as possible. Take disinfectant an a cloth to wipe things down, esp at the cottage when you enter.



Just now, misfish said:

How is the distancing going at the bend Harold ? Little birdie tells me things are happening .


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On 7/23/2020 at 7:39 AM, Garnet said:

Lets see we move the positive covid test from 100's/day in Durham Region to between 1 and 10 per day with no face covering bylaw.

Suddenly we need face covering.




As someone who works at various locations daily and have been working through this while others were hiding at home, I totally see what you're saying. When the daily new cases were much higher there were fewer restrictions and now that the new daily cases have significantly decreased they've made masks mandatory in indoor public spaces. Talk about doing things backwards. 

At the beginning I was listening to the media too much and was all for being paranoid, but now it just seems like the government is seeing how far they can push the sheep before they start pushing back. More and more people are realizing our government is costing us all huge $$$ (wait until we get to start paying this money back) and have ruined tons of businesses simply because of "what if". It's really unfortunate how poorly this was handled. 

Despite being touched by dozens of strangers, handling paperwork, tools, groceries, gas pumps, food, doors and debit machine's, I have miraculously avoided covid19. Same goes for the 200+ employees who work for the same company, family, friends and friends of all those people. That's a very large group of people from London to Toronto who don't even know of anyone who has caught covid.

Just sayin.... 




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