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20 hours ago, limeyangler said:

LOL, people of colour think about racism daily, I'm 52, i've had a long time to think and now i'm shooting....lol.

Robbie Robertson of music royalty and born out here on The 6 Nations  Reserve said in an interview, for the documentary film Indians That Rocked the World "I was always told to stay quiet, now you can't shut me up." I hear you Simon and support you. I'm not black but being of 100% Southern Italian DNA I ain't exactly white either, especially when I was a kid before Il Padrone came out. 

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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OK you bunch! Calm down!!

The sensitive and easily offended may address the following with hysteria but I'll still give it a go.....

I strongly suggest you all try and think about this gruesome issue from a slightly different perspective. A simple perspective... one that may make the more sensitive here upset in it's logic...


A legal expert gave it to me....

Here goes.... start grinding your axes.......start thinking of a way to twist the following.....

IMHO nobody can twist this.....OK......?

There's the challenge....

The gauntlet has been thrown so to speak.....

"To say Cherry is aiming at just immigrants for not wearing poppies means..... he is fine .... just PEACHY.....with all the 'others' NOT wearing poppies. The 'others' get a free pass and don't need to wear poppies"

Get it? Understand what I'm saying??? Anyone in their heart of hearts knows the above statement isn't true......

Undeniable TRUTH is that Don Cherry is pissed at ANYONE not wearing a poppy.

Think about this perspective.

The above logic is irrefutable...... Cherry is happy for anyone wearing it and unhappy with anyone not wearing it. This is a known fact.  A logical perspective but missed perspective by many. I missed it til it was explained to me by a lawyer. 

Again, to complain about him 'picking' on one bunch of people logically means you are saying he is fine with others not wearing poppies. Get it? If not then please reread this post until you do or get someone else to translate for you. Or offer evidence he is complimentary of someone for not wearing a poppy. Maybe he is on his show someplace saying how Ron's jacket doesn't match the red poppy so Ron should toss the poppy to look more fashionable. Something like that.  

OK you people. All I got........ a lawyer gave it to me and I'm passing it along. Says he can't wait for any logical disagreement with his 'legal' perspective. 


Edited by cisco
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On 11/20/2019 at 6:26 AM, limeyangler said:

WOW! Thank you guys, i feel a whole lot more part of this community again after that. 

And Chris I appreciate  your input, I was going to reply to your comments about "political correctness" but I cannot spend my whole day on here, lol. But now i'm here......You talked about how 'society' these days is too easily offended, i'd have to ask which portions of society you are referring to as I know many members of society that have always been and always will be offended by what Don said. My feelings about political correctness is that it has become weaponized with the end to discredit arguments against change, not just change that needs to happen, but the changes that have already happened in so much as the voices that were not heard before are being heard, and while in the '70s it was more acceptable to be overtly racist it no longer is and the weaponization of 'being politically correct' is another attempt to silence. I hear it all the time, "you are too easily offended", "you snowflake" etc...etc....I am far from a snowflake, in so much as I don't melt away when the heat is on, I think this thread shows I don't do that, and its not that i'm easily offended, I just am offended when someone is being offensive. 

All portions of society, age, sex, sexual orientation, heritage (I won't use the R word), it's all been over accommodated.

If my house goes on fire tonight when my family is asleep, I want an army of 6'6'' muscle head male, 25 year old guys to haul our asses out, I don't want females or LGBQ people, call me sexist or or whatever, if it offends somebody, so be it, I want the best for me and my family and it's common sense, not discrimination

we all have to remember the definition of the R word, that's one R is SUPERIOR to another, I don't, and I'm pretty sure nobody on here thinks like that, yes, people from different countries have different cultures but nobody is superior to someone else based on R

like Grim said, I don't walk in your shoes, but you don't walk in mine either, it's where each of us live that makes a significant difference




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On 11/20/2019 at 10:13 PM, cisco said:

OK you bunch! Calm down!!

The sensitive and easily offended may address the following with hysteria but I'll still give it a go.....

I strongly suggest you all try and think about this gruesome issue from a slightly different perspective. A simple perspective... one that may make the more sensitive here upset in it's logic...


A legal expert gave it to me....

Here goes.... start grinding your axes.......start thinking of a way to twist the following.....

IMHO nobody can twist this.....OK......?

There's the challenge....

The gauntlet has been thrown so to speak.....

"To say Cherry is aiming at just immigrants for not wearing poppies means..... he is fine .... just PEACHY.....with all the 'others' NOT wearing poppies. The 'others' get a free pass and don't need to wear poppies"

Get it? Understand what I'm saying??? Anyone in their heart of hearts knows the above statement isn't true......

Undeniable TRUTH is that Don Cherry is pissed at ANYONE not wearing a poppy.

Think about this perspective.

The above logic is irrefutable...... Cherry is happy for anyone wearing it and unhappy with anyone not wearing it. This is a known fact.  A logical perspective but missed perspective by many. I missed it til it was explained to me by a lawyer. 

Again, to complain about him 'picking' on one bunch of people logically means you are saying he is fine with others not wearing poppies. Get it? If not then please reread this post until you do or get someone else to translate for you. Or offer evidence he is complimentary of someone for not wearing a poppy. Maybe he is on his show someplace saying how Ron's jacket doesn't match the red poppy so Ron should toss the poppy to look more fashionable. Something like that.  

OK you people. All I got........ a lawyer gave it to me and I'm passing it along. Says he can't wait for any logical disagreement with his 'legal' perspective. 


Cherry aimed his comments at immigrants. Fact.

What Cherry thinks about other people? who knows except Don, ridiculous logic, I’d be very worried to have this lawyer friend of yours representing me for even a parking ticket.

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My apologies if somehow my last post undermined the work of civil rights greats that was not my intentions. I was poking at the political correct Twitter mob who I picture as white millennial hipster types on a keyboard that are more offended by these topics then minorities themselves. In this case and others they have used the "R" word as a first punch in the debate, it may be perverse but I think Cherry was making a observation of the lack of poppies being worn by "those people". Is making an observation "r" if it's true? We don't know because the debate is whether Cherry is "r" even though he never singled out any particular demographic. Is it "r" that we automatically painted a picture in our minds of the people he was referring to without knowing exactly whom he was referring too? Did are minds go there because we have also made the same observation? Two candidates in the last election were called out as being"r" for wanting immigration reform, once again that label was used before it was even debated or hearing the pros and cons on their immigration policies yet the leftist champion can get a free pass on blackface. I was only speaking to the hypocrisy of the pc crowd, I'm not alone even Barack Obama has been calling for a more toned down debate.

Edited by Jmeyer
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What we can't even type the word "racist" now? Come on man!

Cisco you typed something like " Get it? Understand what I'm saying?" Actually Cisco no I don't, you lost me somewhere in that post. And I agree with Simon it might be time to look for a new Lawyer there Cisco. There are plenty out there. 

What do you call the medical student that came in dead last in their graduating class? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Doctor. Same goes for Lawyers. 

How bout' dem Bills? 

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Just donate a toonie or what ever you can afford, and wear a frigg,n poppy and be thankful for what "OUR" countries men and women did, to allow you and us, to live this free life we have here. Some feel they have been wronged here by the statement Don made, BUT, do you not wake up feeling free everyday ???????????????????


Is it so much to ask ?

Remember this when you wake up each day here in CANADA. .







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On 11/20/2019 at 11:13 PM, cisco said:

OK you bunch! Calm down!!

The sensitive and easily offended may address the following with hysteria but I'll still give it a go.....

I strongly suggest you all try and think about this gruesome issue from a slightly different perspective. A simple perspective... one that may make the more sensitive here upset in it's logic...


A legal expert gave it to me....

Here goes.... start grinding your axes.......start thinking of a way to twist the following.....

IMHO nobody can twist this.....OK......?

There's the challenge....

The gauntlet has been thrown so to speak.....

"To say Cherry is aiming at just immigrants for not wearing poppies means..... he is fine .... just PEACHY.....with all the 'others' NOT wearing poppies. The 'others' get a free pass and don't need to wear poppies"

Get it? Understand what I'm saying??? Anyone in their heart of hearts knows the above statement isn't true......

Undeniable TRUTH is that Don Cherry is pissed at ANYONE not wearing a poppy.

Think about this perspective.

The above logic is irrefutable...... Cherry is happy for anyone wearing it and unhappy with anyone not wearing it. This is a known fact.  A logical perspective but missed perspective by many. I missed it til it was explained to me by a lawyer. 

Again, to complain about him 'picking' on one bunch of people logically means you are saying he is fine with others not wearing poppies. Get it? If not then please reread this post until you do or get someone else to translate for you. Or offer evidence he is complimentary of someone for not wearing a poppy. Maybe he is on his show someplace saying how Ron's jacket doesn't match the red poppy so Ron should toss the poppy to look more fashionable. Something like that.  

OK you people. All I got........ a lawyer gave it to me and I'm passing it along. Says he can't wait for any logical disagreement with his 'legal' perspective. 


I bet this came straight off facebook? It's trash either way.

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Sorry but insulting the lawyer and calling names and saying the lawyer needs clock cleaning is childish. You offer no logical address but become insulting. Seems all you have to offer.

The term 'haters' comes to mind.

Here is another thing to consider. I know many immigrants and have found that when first arriving they enjoy viewing their traditional sports. India folks I know love cricket, Palestinians say soccer is their fav and 'Kabaddi' is another India sport that I was asked to but was unable to attend at Rogers Stadium. Red necks and more traditional Canadians are more the hockey fans and the viewers of his show. To say he is focusing insults on just the wee percentage of 'immigrant' viewers and that he is not addressing the vast % of viewers who are not.... letting them off the hook re poppies is quite ridiculous. I meet new immigrants every day and many can't understand English so I doubt they even listen to the show.

Oh and its been said here he can't identify immigrants since they are of all diff colors. Again, points to his obvious discrimination against any and all who don't wear one. 

You all need to forgive an old gentleman who apologized for using the wrong phrase who said he should have used the word 'everyone' instead. We all forgive this kind of stuff every day. I speak with someone in a hallway and someone else strolls up and begins speaking to the person in their native tongue. I say sorry folks Human Rights Code says speak in a language all here understand. But I don't run off trying to get anyone fired. But if they continue (never had this happen) I walk away and later when asked "Why did you go?" I give heck and blame the person I was speaking with for allowing a rude interruption. Still friends though.

But LA may be on to something. Perhaps a ticket should be issued for people not wearing a poppy. $5. maybe. $10. if their kid isn't wearing it. 

JK but we should all expect the education system is properly teaching the young about what the poppy means. If there is a trend of less poppy wearing happening the issue is what can be done about it. Nobody focuses on this important consideration. Media hasn't from what I've seen. Instead media has sensationalized things to get folks upset and watching their shows/ads.   All about money. Sad.


 Oh and LA,  closest thing to a 'fact' is that Cherry wants everyone to wear a poppy and he is pissed that many people don't. Lots of proof over the years about this. His wording was admittedly wrong and he agrees he should have used the word 'everyone'. 

I agree with this sentiment, accept his apology and I encourage you do as well. Also I hope you wore a poppy and explained its meaning to your young son. Some here lost folks during a war and this whole poppy twist that media is pushing taints things somewhat. In my view the media is disrespectful of the dead and the ones who lost them.  




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I did not insult the lawyer, I said their logic was ridiculous and gave crystal clear reasons as to how I came to that conclusion,  I did not call them any names, but you then call me names by saying I’m a hater, hater of what? Hater of a lawyer I would not want to represent me because I find their logic flawed? As consumers we all make similar choices, has nothing to do with ‘hating’ anything. You are also making up the story of what happened. You have invented and then introduced the idea, with only your say so to validate any of the statistics you provide, that Don's remarks were not targeted at immigrants because immigrants don't watch the show or if they do they cant understand English, that is so ridiculous I literaly laughed out loud in disbelief, even though I do not find it amusing at. Don was stating an opinion about immigrants ( “you people, that come here”) and who was watching at the time has no bearing on what he said. He could have been talking to a tree and his statement would still be racist. As for the Human Rights Code statement, please show me where it says your Human Right is that nobody in your presence should speak in a language you don’t understand, I suggest to you the HRC would protect the other person’s right to speak in whatever language they like! And as for telling me what the facts are , once again “ you people , that come here” does not equal “ everyone”.

Edited by limeyangler
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14 hours ago, chris.brock said:

All portions of society, age, sex, sexual orientation, heritage (I won't use the R word), it's all been over accommodated.

If my house goes on fire tonight when my family is asleep, I want an army of 6'6'' muscle head male, 25 year old guys to haul our asses out, I don't want females or LGBQ people, call me sexist or or whatever, if it offends somebody, so be it, I want the best for me and my family and it's common sense, not discrimination

we all have to remember the definition of the R word, that's one R is SUPERIOR to another, I don't, and I'm pretty sure nobody on here thinks like that, yes, people from different countries have different cultures but nobody is superior to someone else based on R

like Grim said, I don't walk in your shoes, but you don't walk in mine either, it's where each of us live that makes a significant difference




Well I will say it again, some portions of society have always been and will always rightly be offended by RACISM.  Talking about RACISM and calling it the 'R' word, seems pointless when everyone knows what we are talking about. The word RACISM or RACIST is not offensive in and of itself, but it is very interesting when I think about why somebody would find it offensive, so offensive it starts getting the "C" word treatment. Why are people so sensitive when the word arises? Why do they become defensive? I think sometimes it is because people don't think of themselves as racist because racism is now seen as something 'BAD' which is consciously enacted by individuals, and therefore if a person does not see themselves as  RACIST (good) you are attacking a person's identity and moral character. But racism is not just about  good and bad individuals and agency, it is also about a system of RACISM, that acts below the surface of the 'common sense' you mentioned, a system that necessarily embodies, reproduces and protects RACISM and the resultant the inequality, but because it is hidden a lot of the time with coded language (Substituting terms describing racial identity with seemingly race-neutral terms that disguise explicit and/or implicit racial animus), think 'real Canadians' , New Canadians', think Dog Whistle politics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog-whistle_politics. Sociologists and Psychologists talk about 'Aversive' RACISM https://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/prejudice/aversive-racism/    or to quote "A critical aspect of the aversive racism framework is the conflict between positive aspects of people’s conscious attitudes, involving the denial of personal prejudice, and underlying unconscious negative feelings toward, and beliefs about, particular minority groups." Another reason why talking about RACISM for some people is so touchy is because they actually are RACISTS, and any discussion or critical analysis about it threatens the status quo from which they benefit.

When I went to University for my History/Sociology degree I remember at first feeling like it was all a bunch of bull, and while it sounded good, it had no practical use for me other than occupying my time and helping me to not relapse into drug/alcohol abuse ( I was pretty much fresh out of rehab at that point back in 1998). I remember going to my Sociology lecturer's office and having a tantrum, I was struggling with all these new concepts, and as it was new, it was frightening, confusing and I just wanted it to go away...lol. I put it to him that while he got a good salary out of it, what was in it for me? I'll never forget his answer as long as I live, he said that if it did nothing else for me, it would at least help me to 'challenge common sense assumptions about the world we live in". I was still pissed at him and unconvinced when I left the office but his words stuck to me like glue. Fast forward 20 years and I can say that despite a shaky start the lecturer and me are friends to this day and his words proved very true and useful.

Why do I question common sense assumptions, including my own? Because they are anything but 'common' or 'universal' truths. A couple of examples. We arrived in Canada in the winter, so I had never experienced forest fire's before. My first trip fishing to Lac Seul that summer in a boat and i'm smelling woodsmoke, I turn to my buddy and say that there must be a lot of people on shore having BBQs that day, I was so embarrassed and felt so dumb, but from my experience my common sense informed me it was that and not forest fires. Another happened when I was responding to one of the replies in this post last night, I found myself about to refer to a lawyer that someone mentioned as 'He' when I did not know the gender of that person, my common sense telling me one thing, the reality possibly different. Those were personal experiences and now a hypothetical one, imagine how common sense would manifest differently for a person of colour and a white person if they were walking down the road by themselves turned a corner and were confronted by a group of white nationalists on the march, if it was me I would be inclined to run, for a white person far less a threat, common sense telling one to get the hell out of there and another common sense reaction being 'i'm probably safe'. 

Chris you said that if your house was on fire you would want an army of 6'6" young musclemen to come to your family's rescue and that they not be gay or female and that your preference is based on and informed by 'common sense'. This seems reasonable, on the surface. In fact discrimination often hides itself by claims of reasonableness, I mean who wouldn't want their family to be rescued by 'the best', that's reasonable right? But there is a gulf between that reasonable common sense and reality. Last time I looked at our local firefighting team not one measured in at 6'6", and there is one woman in that group and she aint the shortest. So the idea that you are getting to get what is a cross between a homoerotic fantasy and a Bridgette jones daydream climbing the ladder to rescue just isn't the case. To say that even if you could get what you wanted but somehow if one of those strapping  6 footers preferred sex with men would mean they were less intelligent or physically able is also just not based in fact, and if as you claim RACE would not mean someone was inferior to someone else how do you come to the conclusion that sexual preference does make you inferior to others? I'm also disappointed that someone who considers me a friend would be so flippant about offending someone else, you obviously know what you said was sexist and offensive as you draw our attention to the fact, I was brought up to respect people's differences and avoid making judgements about them based on those differences precisely because it is offensive.

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La a 'hater' is someone who will not accept anything to counter their hate for someone. Their 'hate' is ingrained.

Urban Dictionary has it this way....

 A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.

Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesnt really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock somelse down a notch.

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3 hours ago, limeyangler said:

I was brought up to respect people's differences and avoid making judgements about them based on those differences precisely because it is offensive.

Can't believe how you don't see the hypocrisy in these words. LA you are doing just that to an 86 year old man who is patriotic.

He is different than you. 

Now you can twist my wording to infer I am saying you are not patriotic. AND if I say sorry I should have said "He is different than you and the rest of us.... or He is different than you or me" seems we would enter into an argument over semantics... with me being a meanee and you the poor victim. 

You certainly did insult the lawyer with your 'parking ticket' quip. No problem. But your crystal clear ....etc.. is missing completely. Prove he wan't aiming at his general audience to encourage everyone to wear a poppy. Prove he is letting people other than immigrants off the hook for not wearing poppies. Prove he has the belief that his audience was full of precise targets for his 'attack'. 

His targets were anyone not choosing to wear a poppy. His wording was poor but I want you to admit this or pose logical evidence or argument that his tirade excluded all others.  Prove that everyone else is fine for not wearing a poppy in Cherry's book. 

If you or anyone else cannot accept his apology and move on then I am truly sorry for you.  

Edited by cisco
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On 11/21/2019 at 10:32 PM, chris.brock said:

All portions of society, age, sex, sexual orientation, heritage (I won't use the R word), it's all been over accommodated.

If my house goes on fire tonight when my family is asleep, I want an army of 6'6'' muscle head male, 25 year old guys to haul our asses out, I don't want females or LGBQ people, call me sexist or or whatever, if it offends somebody, so be it, 




I always thought the same thing, exactly. We had a few women working in the Blast Furnace operations years ago. Oh my Lord! Then it hit me. I was doing a Confined Space pre job meeting and one of our guys that tipped the scales at a buck 50 was the "rescue man." One of the Millwrights in the confined space went around 300 lbs. How is this man going to carry Bob the Millwright up a ladder if he goes down. He isn't carrying anyone up that ladder. No one is, man or woman. I watched. very closely how our Ladies were doing working on the cast house floor doing the job along side our tough Ironmakers. Back in the 80's we were still doing the job the way it was done in the 60's. I noticed how these women starting to work smart and not hard. Fast forward 10 years. All salary jobs had to be posted across the company, no matter what job. More than 1 woman applied for a few front line supervisors positions as a Furnace Blower, stop, it's the tradition name for the guy that runs a furnace. Like a Meltor or head Roller. HR called me to a meeting and asked if I thought women were suited to do the job. To their amazement I said of course they can. I wouldn't expect them to lift one end of a 300 lb blowpipe up 3 feet onto the bosh level of a furnace, of course not. But they are smart enough to use the tow motor that is sitting there doing nothing to do it. Does it take longer, of course but it's the safest and smartest way to do that 1 job for example. In the same way a woman may not be the right Firefighter to run into a burning building to carry out a 300 pound man, just like a 150lb Firefighter isn't able to, or not many 6'6" hulks can Fireman carry a 300 lb victim either. By the way Chris I've worked out way back when with a few members of the LGBGTATSN community and more than a few could bench 400lbs. And a few were pro athletes, including our sacred national sport. Who cares, I didn't and that's when you could get AIDS from the shower floor.  q

Cisco I love reading your stuff, keep it coming. I'm starting to get it. I didn't know there was such a thing as The Human Rights Code that says we are to only speak one language in Canada, would that be English or French? Yes I'm being facetious. 

Simon I shook my head when I read the dreaded "R" for racism too. 

To keep to the subject for once, why do we only wear Poppy's for a few days every November?

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3 hours ago, cisco said:

Can't believe how you don't see the hypocrisy in these words. LA you are doing just that to an 86 year old man who is patriotic.

He is different than you. 

Now you can twist my wording to infer I am saying you are not patriotic. AND if I say sorry I should have said "He is different than you and the rest of us.... or He is different than you or me" seems we would enter into an argument over semantics... with me being a meanee and you the poor victim. 

You certainly did insult the lawyer with your 'parking ticket' quip. No problem. But your crystal clear ....etc.. is missing completely. Prove he wan't aiming at his general audience to encourage everyone to wear a poppy. Prove he is letting people other than immigrants off the hook for not wearing poppies. Prove he has the belief that his audience was full of precise targets for his 'attack'. 

His targets were anyone not choosing to wear a poppy. His wording was poor but I want you to admit this or pose logical evidence or argument that his tirade excluded all others.  Prove that everyone else is fine for not wearing a poppy in Cherry's book. 

If you or anyone else cannot accept his apology and move on then I am truly sorry for you.  

What are you on about?

Have you not heard what he said? Ill quote for it so since maybe your only heard some of it.

"“You people... that come here and love our way of life, love our milk and honey. At least you could pay a couple of bucks for poppies or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada.”

His target is people who come to Canada, plain and simple. Theres no other meaning. He's talking about immigrants only. 


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4 hours ago, cisco said:

I was brought up to respect people's differences and avoid making judgements about them based on those differences precisely because it is offensive.

It was LA that said that not Cisco, error in the quote thing. I was brought up by my late American Mother the exact opposite even though she said she was never a racist. I have stories. It took me most of my adolescent youth and young adult lifeto de-educate myself. But that racism I was taught as a child lingers just below my psyche. I must admit that to myself, not many will. I'm gonna push the submit button. 

edit: For some reason I am drawn to this thread. I have no idea why, so are others. Does anyone know why? 

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29 minutes ago, Tjames09 said:

What are you on about?

Have you not heard what he said? Ill quote for it so since maybe your only heard some of it.

"“You people... that come here and love our way of life, love our milk and honey. At least you could pay a couple of bucks for poppies or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada.”

His target is people who come to Canada, plain and simple. Theres no other meaning. He's talking about immigrants only. 


I took it to also include me as I 'did 'come here by birth to immigrants. But having some experience with the way old people speak I simply feel his remark was that of an old gentleman who was getting worked up as he spoke about his seeing less poppies out there. As LA even said we don't know what is in his mind. My opinion is he was chastising everyone but his focus fogged a bit as he strayed to justify his stance by including many recent arrivals from places such as Syria or Iraq where media is drubbing into all of us that it's lucky they got here away from refugee camps and tyrant killers who took over their homeland. IMHO he was using the best example in his aged grasp to get all of us to realize what we have here that the fallen sacrificed their lives for. I vaguely recall the first thing I thought about after hearing his exact words on TV was a colleague who came here as a Syrian refuge who explained how she and her family were lucky to be here alive. So his remark hit home by reminding me how good we all have it here. 

He strayed in a direction where his evidence served as bad but true example of why we all should wear poppies.

So he had a rant where he chose a true but bad piece of evidence of why we all should wear a poppy and donate to the Legion. He instead could have singled out a crippled soldier he met someplace to drive the point home but instead his old mind chose an example that was derisive.  

Nobody can tell me he was aiming only at immigrants. Anyone who knows what Cherry stands for knows he was giving everyone heck. Why he strayed into that example? Who knows. But I have witnessed seniors I know countless times when they are on a heated subject and spew examples that are a bit 'off'. When I try and correct them I get "You know what I mean!" It's all part of the aging process IMHO and to be forgiven even if not understood. Others around often whisper this kind of thing to me "She/he's ........92." 

Forgive and forget. Don't search for a rope and the nearest tree and don't attack as a 'hater'.

We all experience discrimination in our lives. Some certainly worse than others. However this is Canada folks where we are not supposed to bludgeon the aged every time they make a poor choice of words.  

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