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Ok, it,s time for a conversation , PROS/CONS ,on rod/reels. PRICES

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Posted (edited)

I can not believe the prices of some of these reels/rods, these days.


Why these outrages prices?


What makes them so special ?


Do they catch bigger/better fish?



My god, the prices I have seen for new, and those selling used, has my mind twisting and turning.


I can understand those that design and manufacture, custom pin reels, and sell as one and only 1st off of 10.


But, when I see well known manufacture reels, selling for hundreds or even thousands of $$$$, I just squirm.


Whats so special about them?


I have caught many fish over my 45 years of fishing.


As a wee fella, I used a simple closed face reel, Zebco,Johnson. Oh they cast a mile it seemed ,back then.


Getting on in age, ya 12/14, I was introduced to the spinning reel. Mitchell,was the family brand to use then. Wow, look at me, Im using a spinning reel .


Then comes the , oh look, Cardinal has brought out the 3 and 4 black. I never knew there was an earlier 3/4. You know, the green/white, brown/white ones.



The newer black card, 3/4 blacks, were the reels to be had in the early 80.s. It was the river rave then. I still had a Mitchell 300 on my old ugly stick rod. I called it the salmon hunter. LOL


Seemed then, I was the guy that looked out of place.


Back then ,before this WWW, the word on the river, was the word. You need this, you need to get this. Everyone shared by word of mouth. Those were the days.


Had a guy standing beside me on the Humber river one morning. He had this new rod that came out. Called the HELL BENDER . It was a sweet rod. I drooled. He also had the new, black card 3 on it. More drool.


He had told me where to buy the rod and reel, but they no longer had them in stock, so I called many shops in the GTA to find this rod, and the reel. ( Did I say call) you know, by phone. LOL


I found the rod at a local shop. the name escapes me. I drove to the store and bought it for $60. I was like,I am in the club.


So now I have this rod . I need a new reel. See where this is going ?


So one day walking through a Kmart, I see it. The Black 3. OMG. It,s the black 3. And it,s $45.


Back then, it was like, do I get diapers and formula for the baby, or, do I buy the reel. I was brought up right, so I knew best then.


I had mentioned to the mrs,s that I had seen the reel at the local Kmart, and when the time was right, I would buy it. Well time went by and I just couldn't buy it.. So here I fished with a nice new rod with a mitchell reel. Oh, I still caught some nice fish .


Come Christmas, there was a box with my name on it. From Santa. I knew better , but played along with the kids. The size of the box told me, it was what I thought it would be, but no, it couldn't be.


So I unwrap ,and I see ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,OMG,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


I rip the rest of the wrapping paper off as quick as I could.





The next morning, I slide the reel in to the slip rings, secure the rings in place with my hockey tape. It was a great feeling.


So a , a talk about must have rod, and a new must have reel, was joined.


Did it catch more fish, or more quality fish ?


Oh I caught fish back then. I caught just as many fish as I did with my Mitchell/rod combo, before I went and got my new must have combo.


And even to this day, I cringe, at the prices.


Anyone catch my PB LM , or my laker videos? Using 15 +, year old rods and reels.



The Hell bender and Card 3, are still mated. The reel is still healthy, but the rod well, has shown it,s age.






I did get a custom float rod, ( hype ? ) Ya maybe, but it did feel good. Work of art.I have caught just as many fish using a lower priced rod,pin combo,


My point in this post is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Do not get caught up in thinking, the more you spend, the more you will catch .


Knowing how to catch, is the answer here.


Tom Sawyer caught fish on a twig and a bobbin thread,hook and worm. :Gonefishing:


Was just in the mood to type and share .


Keeping my mind off udder things. :canadian:



Edited by Misfish

Brian, it is clearly obvious that the more you spend on tackle, the more and bigger fish you catch.


That is why I always out-fish you :D


I could not agree more.


I see this happening especially with some of the fly fishing equipment I see. Companies such as Hardy change a premium for their equipment, which while it is great equipment the markup is just plain ridiculous at times. It becomes all about the name and having the latest and greatest bit of kit. Especially when you sit down and start figuring out what it would actually cost to manufacture things such as reels. Rods I can understand a bit more as the blank making process requires specialized equipment and lots of R&D developing tapers, but I still think the markup is crazy with certain manufacturers.


In fact, I believe that the hype and marketing gimmicks have actually done the fly fishing market a great disservice. The trend for years has been towards faster and faster graphite rods. Fast rods are fine and can really fire a line a distance when loaded properly, but a slower rod is more forgiving if you don't have a perfect casting stroke as it loads up easier. Rods have gotten to the point where they have become so fast that you need a perfect casting stroke to load the rod properly. That becomes discouraging to the weekend warrior executives buying these high-end rods, so the manufacturers have started to fiddle with line and rod ratings to compensate. Lines are now made either right at the top (or even heavier) than their weight limits, and rods are marked up a line size. This causes the rod to load like a slower rod and become more forgiving for the average caster. What we end up with is rods being marketed as super fast distance rods, but they actually get down-rated to make them cast-able.


I can see the high prices on things such as customized centerpin reels as they are handmade in small batches. But for a lot of the mass produced reels I see them as overpriced.


I'm with you Brian. I have what I consider fairly good equipment...Stradic Ci4, Exo's, St. Croix, Loomis, etc. but there is NO way I'm shelling out for $500+ reels and $400+ rods! The stuff I use gets USED. If i'm fishing a tournament and buddy hooks a fish, my rod gets tossed and I go for the net. No time to wrap it in it's silk bag and lay it in a custom hard cover case!! LOL We've had to dive to grab one than one rod that's gone overboard in the scramble! But that's ok, it's expected. It's been proven time and time again that the equipment does not make the fisherman.


its the quality of materials used, and the quality of the build thats the difference. i do have one rod that i completely blew the budget on, i love it, its a fantastic rod, the feel of it, the balance, the quality of the cork and the fit and finish are top notch, i know that, properly taken care of, this rod will last a lifetime.


on the flip side, my dad still has the rod he bought when he was 15, mind you, its no longer blue, the cork has been replaced a few times, and the tip is far from the original, but its still ticking 47 years later. he has the abu garcia cardinal 4 reels, still has the box his first one came in, with the price tag of $15 on it. those reels are bomb proof. brass gearing, metal body. again, hes had that one over 45 years, has replaced the bail spring a few times, and the gone through a few spools, but the main body of the reel is awesome. he only uses cardinal reels, even now, cardinal size 2 through to size 7, the only new reels he has are on his trolling rods


I don't notice much difference in my $30 reels and my $150 reels. I fish with them all just same. With rods some of the $30 ones suit my style of fishing and I have one that has caught so many fish that I will always have a rod with that action. I spend money when I need a heavier drag or a rod that's harder to break.


I own everything from $30 rods/reels to $400 rods/reels


To me it's like work boots. Middle ground is what works best for ME.


Actually, my fav. Spinning reel is lower end, okuma avengers. Retail around $50


Favorite rods are my Shimano clarus


But I probably fish most with Berkley lightening rods more than anything


I'm at that point in my life where I prefer good quality rods and reels.


The collection of Dobyns rods, Abu Garcia baitcasters and Shimano spinning reels that I have put together the last several years will be the rods I fish into the sunset with. The one "rat in the woodpile" I have is a Tackle Warehouse exclusive Jared Lintner designed Powell 805 Punch rod.


At the end of the day it doesn't matter what I use verses what you use. All that matters is if you are happy with your gear.


My take on the subject. As long as your living within your means...spend what you want to make yourself happy. We only get to do this dance once. If your not living within your means and all your spare $$$ is wasted on your hobby to the point where you can't afford to look after the more important things in life....then I think you have a problem.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/19/2017 at 1:29 AM, MJL said:

Brian, it is clearly obvious that the more you spend on tackle, the more and bigger fish you catch.


That is why I always out-fish you :D



Thanks for reminding me Mikey. :P:lol:



  On 8/19/2017 at 2:38 PM, crappieperchhunter said:

My take on the subject. As long as your living within your means...spend what you want to make yourself happy. We only get to do this dance once. If your not living within your means and all your spare $$$ is wasted on your hobby to the point where you can't afford to look after the more important things in life....then I think you have a problem.



I agree Steve.


Majority of my fishing gear is bought used these days. I will buy new ,if it,s on sale and like said, in my budget.


Lots of stuff bought these days is hype, but I will admit, there is a quality presents. Like waders. All the rave about Simms. Ya they are nice, but I cant afford 5-7 hundred for them, so I have a pair that were 150. Treat them well, and they will last. If I get 5 years out of them, they have paid for themself.


I remember this one guy on the river talking up his Hardy custom float rod. How it was the best on the market. When I headed back to the truck, he was there trying to separate the sections. Even asked me to help. We could not get it apart. Yup, theres your $,s spent well.

Edited by Misfish

I use middle of the road quality gear. I don't like to cheap out, because I fish a lot, and quality gear does last longer,and works better. Its not that you catch more fish with expensive gear, it just lasts longer, works better, and takes more abuse.


That said, I don't have crazy top of the line gear like I see others using, and I know for sure I catch just as many (if not more) fish.


For some, having the BLING makes them feel better, for others, not so much.


I don't get caught up in fancy stuff, but I can appreciate quality.


My hobbies are fishing, hunting, and playing guitars. I have quality gear for my hobbies, because they make me happy. Using a crap reel sucks, shooting a gun that doesn't work right sucks, and playing a cheap guitar, well, not gonna happen. I dont' go without food on my plate for these things, but I use them a lot, and they make my life more enjoyable, so its worth it.


Everything else I own is cheap LOL. They say happiness isn't having the best of everything, but making the best of everything, and that's how I roll.




Most of my stuff is under the $100 mark now. I have a few more money combo's still but I don't find one better than the other for how I fish now. Rod with a cork grip, light and good action and balance and I'm good. Reel with a smooth drag and feels good to hold and use, yup. That's all I need. My stradic hasn't even been used this year but I may dust if off this weekend, still not to sure...

Posted (edited)

I will admit it has become rediculous.


It is my opinion that $150-$200 for a rod and $150-$200 for a reel will give pretty much any bass angler what they would ever want or need. After that, law of diminishing return. Better yet, if you are used to using old beater type equipment, upgrade to a fenwick eagle GT for like $70 and a pfluegar supreme similar price; it will feel like a million bucks!

I have seen the gutts of hundreds of reels , and there is a point where you are just spending more , but it is also apparent why some cost less than others also.


The only reels worth $1000+ imo are heavy duty deep sea type reels, and float reels. However, quality can still be had for much much less in a float reel (not sure about the deep sea type reel)

Edited by buick14

Times have changed


What it is worth


What you are willing to pay


That goes for almost everything, sporting goods, boats, electronics, cars etc

Making something durable without changing the design with more useless gimmicky features is called bad business these days.

Posted (edited)

I like shiny things too. I have a few rods that are customs and close to the 1k mark, few bucks into some float reels. I also have a bunch of tekotas, saltists, some stradic ci4's a core etc. Every one of them aside from the custom rods has been bought either used or on clearance for peanuts compared to new. If you watch classifieds or Kijiji closely and have patience you can get some stunning deals on items that would otherwise be pretty expensive. I can't afford that stuff at full price with family commitments etc. The kids are more important than my hobbies. But I've amassed some pretty quality gear just by being patient and jumping on deals when they show up. I like the quality stuff because as mentioned it will outlast for the most part and I'll still be fishing with it in 20 years. There's a breaking point though, I can't see how guys spend 1k on a production run spinning reel, but it's their money and I don't fault them for spending it if they can afford it! The only item that I consider spending retail price (sale price:) on is electronics. Good electronics on the boat has changed the way I fish over the years, from GPS and the ability to mark fish and return to the exact location to being able to target specific marks, GPS and quality sonar are a must for me. Same with a GPS enabled trolling motor, if mine died today I'd be out tomorrow to buy another one. Those 2 items are almost worth paying full retail.

Edited by porkpie

Fishing habits dictate what equiptment you are comfortable fishing with. A quality rod and reel when you are casting all day makes sense. I have a collection of Spiel rods that were made differently than most rods. I wanted a 14 inch butt with a 1.25 inch cork that was ultra light and balanced with a 100 series reels. The guides had to be braid proof and the spine needed to be 100 % correct. For the time Spiel put in to each rod the price was a bargain and I treasure each one of them. I could not see putting a reel on that was less in performance and destroy the balance of this work of art. When I fish I have 4-6 rods rigged up with different baits and rarely have to cut off and retie during the day.Is the cost worth it for me the answer is yes since I did not take money from any other part of my life to buy them. If you haven't found a rod and reel combo that is effortless to use and feels like an extension of your hand then you will think that 800-1000 for a combo is to much. To date everyone who has used my equiptment have loved the feel of them and if it is in their budget have upgraded. Quality equiptment is something that until you know what your missing you will not miss it.



Posted (edited)

i dont buy top of the line gear.....i have a couple stradics that are over 20 years old that both still work great. I have them on berkley lightning rods that are the same vintage. I recently have bought 2 stradics fjs 2500 and a saros 3000 and have them on a clarus,compre and hmx fenwick. All 3 reels I bought on clearance for 50 percent off and all the rods were also on sale at about the 40 percent off range. Not top of the line gear but rather good quality midpack gear i got for the price of much cheaper gear. I know this should serve well for the next 20 years and I did not break the bank. There is lots of great deals out there you just have to spend some time searching.

Edited by bowslayer

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