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My $0.02 worth

Big Cliff

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Friend, If there is an argument to be had, you will have it. Good fishing to you, wherever you choose to do it!

No one should be cornered because they actively participate in a "discussion" board.


All of us "repeat offenders" lol, arent your cup of tea, trust me, I get it.


But without active members participating in open debate or discussion, what do you have???


OFC will cease to exist.


At this point that kinda seems like the gameplan

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Here is an excerpt that I sent to a member who wants to be here but feels we have lost a good part of the board.


When all 4 of the owners decided no more non fishing political threads we are not going to go back on it. You do still have the option of getting a group together and using chat for your political debates. It is not moderated but we expect it to be used with respect towards each other.. This is not because of the recent complaints though this is a long time coming. I have tried to head it off a few times before and every one ignored my warning. I have tried to moderate them but I got no help from the boards members. People kept going past the rules. if this is the thing that crashes the board then so it will be. I spend 70% of my time on issues generated by the political issues and only 30% for everything else. We are known for having a broad range of topics that we discuss and we are proud of this but how many times can we have people pissing on each other before it makes a mockery of what we want? There are lots of political site that you can rip into each other out there they are concerned about the click rate so they let people do what they want. This site is not about how many members we have or how many times our ads pop up.This board has always been about family and community we all got busy and let it turn into something that lost its direction. If we lose people who are here only for the political debates then it is not really a loss. Think back to what this board was when it started a group of us would meet in chat for hours and shoot the bull now it is no more. We would all plan trips to each others lake and go fishing with our friends. We had so much love for each other that we had G2Gs with fishing tournaments and a crazy trophy that meant everything to win.We have lost all of this now I am constantly putting out fires and the fun of coming here is lost. I have a shimmering light though and instead of just saying uncle and shutting down the board we decided to try to get back to a place where it is a joy to visit and be a part of. Look at the content of the board and really read the posts about family and how happy we are for a birth and a high point of peoples lives. Now read a political thread it is nothing but arguments and name calling how is that a high point of the board?


​The NF place has been decided a long time ago and the simple reason is we do not want a separate place for people to argue/disrespect each other that is easily accessible to members and non members. The chat feature is for members only. and you have to log in so no more I accidently arrived in a thread that offends me.

Hopefully if you really think about it you will find that the political threads are just not fitting in here.

i will miss you if you leave but it is a choice you have to make and one that will have no penalties because your account will be waiting for you if or when you come back.


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Here is my .02 worth.


I come on this site, I click on "View new content".


I ignore the threads i have no interest in. I don't post on the political threads because i don't read the political threads. it's kind of cool concept, if you don't read the posts you have no interest in, you don't have to complain about them.


Easy peasy!


Big Cliff, I am guilty of reading your fishing thread and not replying to it. I will attempt to make replies to the posts that interest me in the future. I understand where the frustration comes in play here.


Winternet..... Aargh... it's in the air.....


Cheers, Ron...

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Hopefully if you really think about it you will find that the political threads are just not fitting in here. i will miss you if you leave but it is a choice you have to make and one that will have no penalties because your account will be waiting for you if or when you come back.


Political threads never fit in, they separated members and drove people away. Worse it wasn't even good political discussion, a good chunk of it was "all politicians are corrupt and all government was bad". In short anarchists were in charge and at one point I just had enough and decided anything related to global warming would be my line in the sand. I had to wade through schools of climate DENIERS. Something was wrong here, no where on earth could you find so many climate DENIERS congregated in one place.


I love fishing but enough was enough because some things matter, and so for the most part my posts became political.


I'm really happy this decision was made. It will draw people back. In celebration I am posting a recent catch pick and am working up a report on a decade of fishing in Cuba.


Edited by scuro2
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Good decision!! :clapping:


This forum has been used too often to spread hatred and bigotry. I have managed to get at least 1 thread locked to prevent the spread, risking being restricted or even banned in the process. I'm glad I won't feel obliged to do that again. If you want to listed to guys talk thru the hole in their head about politics, just head on over to the OFAH site. Lots of that garbage over there.

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I think that political threads and some of the urination contests that went on were like slowing down and gawking when there is a traffic accident. It is only human nature to want to see some of the carnage. Actually not much to see here.


I will miss them here as I am always in for a good intelligent conversation and since I am outside the work force now those daily political meetings on the smokers porch or around the proverbial water cooler I am no longer privy to. There is plenty of political discussion at the coffee shop in town as long as it is about Wind Turbines and First Nations people. Red necks each and every one of them, not everyone but most, it's like a time warp going back to the 60's I swear.


There have been some good, educational discussions because of the political threads from Global warning to legislation tabled I would have never known about if not for some threads here on OFC. I would have never learned about some important issues because of where I live and socialize. This site and the political threads has helped keep me in the loop. For those few or many that complained to management, I just don't get why they just didn't open the threads and move on.


If anyone wants to watch car wrecks and urinary contests go to CBC or MSN news and read the racist, biased and derogatory comments from fellow Canadians, it is embarrassing to know these people exist. It makes the worse offenders here look like Saints. Plenty of political threads out there as Art pointed out to join, but none with my friends here on OFC.


Owners of OFC, please reconsider your decision. Some of the best decisions I made in my life were those that I changed.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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C'mon Sir Cranks, spreading hatred and bigotry. Please show me where? Plenty of forums and posts to quote to back up that statement. I have not seen that here at all. You can't make a statement like that without quantifying it. I would never be a member of a site that has members that do that. That is a very serious claim. Please show me.

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I'd rather see more discussion about the bacon. It is fishing related as I chunk up walleye fillets, wrap them in bacon & put them on the grill. Awesome! Oops! Maybe this should be in the cooking thread! LOL!

You had me sold with one word, bacon...

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I've got 8 lbs going in the smoker tomorrow.

I haven't read Arts post yet, or beyond, and I don't consider myself qualified to comment on this site's history and policies. That's fine. One thing for sure is that politics can be very divisive, even among friends and family at times, let alone on an outdoor online forum. How does that line go again?


I do regularly visit OOD forums, and they have an Off Topic, and a Political sub forum. For the most part the political one works ok, but it does lean to the right for sure, as it should be IMO for hunters and fishermen. But there are posters from all over the forums so it can work.


It might be too late now, but I can add this... Make in my Big Chief smokers





It's midnight. I think now I'll catch up with this thread tomorrow. I figure common sense will prevail. Cheers

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Its truth. All the sudden people that rarely post need to chime in.


If it was. They complain about polotic threads yet post in them, yet offer nothing in fishing threads????


It makes zero sense to me.


Ill keep posting fishing reports and chatting with the same 20 or 30 people that actually post in reports

You sir have hit the nail right on the head........


Up to this point in this thread, 2 guys already said they don't read and post in political threads yet here they are reading this and posting. As a matter of fact one of them posted he gave up fishing, yet here he is on a fishing site posting away....HUH ! ! !

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