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Fishing forums that appreciate a fishing report?


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I read just about all of the fishing reports for a week in one evening, and stay away from a lot of the crap. Just have been sooo busy with farm, grand kids, deaths, etc.. I love all your fishing reports, and appreciate the time you put into them even if I get just a touch jealous these days.

As far as my own fishing, I'm lucky to get a couple of hours out with the kids and grandkids, but that all changes in a few more weeks.

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As some have voiced the desire to split the forum we have hashed over this a few times and if we continue putting NF on the non fishing reports then it does the same thing. The issue that this will not solve is people commenting on a great report,The forum layout is not the issue. I have seen lots of boards that have so many subcategories that nothing moves you will see stuff days and sometimes a week old. The fewer categories that we have the fresher the reading material is. The political threads are going to be less of an issue they will be fewer and farther between them. I just don't like what they do to the friendly atmosphere of the board. If people would after taking the time to read a report just take the 10 seconds to say a few nice words it would make the fishing reports worth taking the time to write. We have done what few other boards do and that is not fill it with ads and popups to make it nice to read. We do not make you refresh the main page after just a few headers. This forum is modeled after being enjoyable the decisions have not been about making this profitable we pay our bills can make a few donations and sometimes my internet bill gets paid for a month or two a year.



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I am NOT a "nice fish"poster and the guys who used reply to every post to run up their post count seem to have faded away, but I do read most posts but I don't reply because after a few nice fish replies it seems redundant. The music and political posts I never read but the engine repair posts I always read and only reply if I know something about the problem. In my minds eye the views of a post far out weight the reply.



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As some have voiced the desire to split the forum we have hashed over this a few times and if we continue putting NF on the non fishing reports then it does the same thing. The issue that this will not solve is people commenting on a great report,The forum layout is not the issue. I have seen lots of boards that have so many subcategories that nothing moves you will see stuff days and sometimes a week old. The fewer categories that we have the fresher the reading material is. The political threads are going to be less of an issue they will be fewer and farther between them. I just don't like what they do to the friendly atmosphere of the board. If people would after taking the time to read a report just take the 10 seconds to say a few nice words it would make the fishing reports worth taking the time to write. We have done what few other boards do and that is not fill it with ads and popups to make it nice to read. We do not make you refresh the main page after just a few headers. This forum is modeled after being enjoyable the decisions have not been about making this profitable we pay our bills can make a few donations and sometimes my internet bill gets paid for a month or two a year.



Greatly appreciated......

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I am NOT a "nice fish"poster and the guys who used reply to every post to run up their post count seem to have faded away, but I do read most posts but I don't reply because after a few nice fish replies it seems redundant. The music and political posts I never read but the engine repair posts I always read and only reply if I know something about the problem. In my minds eye the views of a post far out weight the reply.



Add to the discussion and ask questions. Thats what I like personally.


Howd ya get em? Water temps? Time of year?


The pictures are the best but the learning is what we should take advantage of



Art, thats sad. I ran a forum and easily generated 4k a month for a few banners posted.


My internet bill was $125


Alot of that money went to fishing gear for kids, seniors etc.


Im not saying tour fibbing but this is a well respected site with tonnes of members and if ya arent generating revenue maybe look at some other possibilities

Edited by manitoubass2
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Hey Rick, obviously a great number of members appreciate your efforts - so keep your post/pix coming!! I am a big fan of reading everyone's reports & viewing their pix when time permits. I enjoy all the posts about technical problems as well. Guys need advice on new truck tires, repair an outboard problem, how to install new brakes, installing a new roof ... the list is endless. I have learned a lot from these type of reports. I have never posted pix cuz I don't know the procedure. But that's my own fault. Also, in order to post pix of fish - I'd have to catch one first! LOL!

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I check the board almost every day and read anything that catches my attention. I don't always comment; how many times can you say "wow, nice fish, looks like a fun time, congratulations........." It doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading them I just don't have anything constructive to add.


I don't care what the water temperature was or how deep the fish were, as in your case I'll probably never be fishing where you were and if I did I'd probably want to be fishing with you anyway.


I don't post much in the way of fishing reports or fishing related pictures, I got slammed way too many times for trying to be helpful and giving away too much information: "people know where you live, hey, that's where we fish now everyone is going to fish there, stop telling everyone what to use........". It is easier just to say nothing!


I like to try to help others whenever I can so I do post things that I think might be helpful to others. Over the years given away (or sold for next to nothing) a lot of stuff; ice huts, fishing gear, furniture...... anything I have that I think might help someone else and that I don't need anymore. Even then I seem to get criticized.


I enjoy reading your (and many others) posts on here but if I don't comment don't take it personally!

Edited by Big Cliff
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I echo most posters reading this thread.

I'm a newbie to the board, but read many posts as time will allow. (I am on board on a daily basis)

If I have something that I think the members will enjoy reading or looking at pic's - for sure it will be posted. Alas, I have had nothing worthy of a post (yet)........lol

From the Admin to the members, Thank you for making this forum possible.


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Having been around this place for a bit, I'll add my 2 cents.

If you are expecting folks to chime in on your report, regardless of what it contains, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. No one here owes you anything. No one has forced anyone to submit a post and no one should expect anything back, that's the way of message boards.

If you need social reassurance for your social networking presence, go to face book. That's what it's for.

I am not saying don't post here or don't do a report, but complaining about not getting warm and fuzzies back from the community for your efforts in posting seems a little juvenile. You put it up on your own free will and people will either read it and comment or they won't. Expect nothing and at worst, that's what you will get.



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I do enjoy reading other peoples reports and replies to my own reports but personally , I don't mind if people don't mind if someone doesn't comment, I look at the view count.



I spend all day on a computer programming and can't bring myself to sit at one reading & reply to posts in the evening. Although that may change when the MS Surface Pro 5 comes out...causes it's a tablet and full laptop..oops sorry geek'd out there for a minute LOL!

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post politics and then we'll reply


these forums are for guys who allegedly fish but want to spout off on other crap


Also...aside from the few guys around here that are physically incapable of fishing anymore...90% of the folks on here talk a big game but really...they aint fishing at all, they are watching TV at home and complaining about the election.


also Manitou...i love the pics...but come on bro give us some more narrative! i like a good fish story along with the pic.

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I usually do akr, but I was pretty lazy on the nyquil lol.


Next report will be much more detailed! I already got another on the way! But itll take more time as we shot with the dslr and I dont even have a pc hooked up at the moment lol


Im gonna take alot of pics on wednesday too when we start that bathyrmetric testing. Im excited about learning that!


HH, yep im just a crybabie???


The point isnt so much whoa is me as it is fruatrastion with the lack of fishing posts.


Its the best time of the year for fishing IMO and id be shocked that ofcers arent out en masse taking advantage

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Also...aside from the few guys around here that are physically incapable of fishing anymore...90% of the folks on here talk a big game but really...they aint fishing at all, they are watching TV at home and complaining about the election.



Not exactly how you know who fishes and who doesn't. Posting pictures and reports is optional, just like commenting on them. I'll agree that there is a lot of talking big though, just look at the classified section.

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I'll agree that there is a lot of talking big though, just look at the classified section.


not sure if taking shots at me or not...lol


regardless...i stand behind the statement that too many people are talking and not talking while fishing. Once again, if you are an old timer you have a 100% pass, i dont expect you guys to be out like me and pete were in 4 foot chop throwing bulldawgz

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