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Fishing forums that appreciate a fishing report?


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lol for real bunk...i think thats more of a situation where everyone knows that you are good and you just managed to run into someone who is very disrespectful.


Heres a quick story about Karma


3 years ago were in our honey hole during the fall pickerel extravaganza in PAB...sure enough we start hauling fish in, one after another while the boats around us are getting skunked. After an hour of us hauling in some 20+ fish a couple of dinks in a tinner pull their boat within 20 feet of ours inside against the shore. so we are 25 feet off of the shore and they are now inside of us. Im not one to get rattled about this kinda crap, it is what it is especially during the pickerel run...but the karma that happened next left a big grin on my face.


The dinks continue the skunk and decide to re-adjust their position. While trying to re-adjust their anchor so that they wouldnt swing into our boat (because they nearly did) buddy knocks his entire combo to the bottom of the lake. I jokingly offer to snag it for him and he replies "whatever it wasnt an expensive set up anyways" just as he gets his new rod tied up, i hook in and land a PB eye, I pose for a photo and the dinks look at me and have nothing to say but "nice fish" I reply "back she goes to spawn"

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Your experience is not what others have found. You are painting everyone with the same brush. I guess you are going to need to experience it first hand, before you will change you opinion.



Edit - and this by no means the first or last time we have had this conversation over the years. Perhaps a search of past threads would shed some light on the subject.

You can't tell some of these guys anything. I've found it best to just state it once and move on. As they say, experience is the best teacher. I'll be darned if I'm editing pictures and scrubbing GPS co-ords off my cell pictures just so I can show how long my wiener is, or isn't. I'm happy to let them all think it's tiny, besides I was never very photogenic! Edited by porkpie
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You can't tell some of these guys anything. I've found it best to just state it once and move on. As they say, experience is the best teacher. I'll be darned if I'm editing pictures and scrubbing GPS co-ords off my cell pictures just so I can show how long my wiener is, or isn't. I'm happy to let them all think it's tiny, besides I was never very photogenic!


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grimsbylander, on 27 Oct 2016 - 10:52 AM, said:

WOW...I didn't see that coming! Last trip for the green parka?

Heck NO!... But the following years the reports left out the word "Kesagami" in the reports. Didn't matter though, we saw them again.

lew, on 27 Oct 2016 - 10:55 AM, said:

They just knew how good you were Drew LOL

Hahaha! Thanks Lew. And if only I kept my own mouth shut about it. ;) lol.

AKRISONER, on 27 Oct 2016 - 11:35 AM, said:

lol for real bunk...i think thats more of a situation where everyone knows that you are good and you just managed to run into someone who is very disrespectful.

I kinda thought they were dinks, yep!

Headhunter, on 27 Oct 2016 - 11:16 AM, said:

I remember that report Drew and I can't blame you one bit for being put off.

Gotta hand it to them, they wanted to know and they found out. Just could have waited ti'll we left or fished a little further away.
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You can't tell some of these guys anything. I've found it best to just state it once and move on. As they say, experience is the best teacher. I'll be darned if I'm editing pictures and scrubbing GPS co-ords off my cell pictures just so I can show how long my wiener is, or isn't. I'm happy to let them all think it's tiny, besides I was never very photogenic!

Agreed. My thought was that if a relative newbie to the site read through this thread, they might not get the idea that posting pics can be detrimental to your fishing experience. I am not saying to not post pics, I am suggesting that one be prudent in doing so.


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I can remember one post very clearly that I did a few years ago. Fishing a hole thats known by those that are willing to walk to it, I caught a real nice fresh hen salmon. A video was taken and pics posted here. No sooner I posted it, I was told that the lot will be full the next day. There was about 7-9 cars there the next morning. Most like I, were getting suited up. A couple of guys walk by and start talking about the fish I had got. Ya the one I had posted the day before. Never knew them . Like I said, the spot was known, but it just goes to show that the WWW does bring out the lurkers and gives to many updates.


I post fish outings. I never give exact locations. Back ground gave this spot away. I will still post pics and reports when I want, BUT, they will be cropped. Those that dont like, thats fine with me. No one is forcing you to look or reply.


The one thing I love about ice fishing. The only back ground is the ice or the black back of the hub. When it comes to ice fishing ( for sure on Simcoe) and you dont want guests, you keep the back grounds out. I,ll bet there are 100,s of guys that will totally agree with this. If you dont think so, go out perch fishing. Start hauling out in the open. See how many new friends you have real quick.


Dont think I dont like to share spots, cuz I do. I get pm,s from members here that know areas I fish or areas I can help them out with. I do this like I said,pm. I only do, with those that I trust. That was not meant to be a rude comment. Just the way it is. I have gotten back the same from them on thier spots. Never, have I had to ream anyone of them out, for sharing the info.


No disrespect to others views on the thread, just saying,lesson was learned,and this is the way I deal with it.


So, how about that snow today? It,s got steelhead fishing,written all over it.


Go fish all, get up off yer butts. Well, those that can get up and go.LOL

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I'm sure this topic has been discussed here before, but IMO post a pic with the background showing is a completely different matter from describing in detail where you caught the fish. If someone recognizes the background they already know that spot. It's probably already one of their faves.It's not going to be any more crowded the next day or the next week from folks lurking on a forum.


IMO, we overestimate the influence of forums such as these. Case in point---I live right next to a popular spot for salmon and bows. Rarely, if ever, will somebody identify this spot as where they caught fish. The number of people fishing there varies a lot, depending on how good the fishing is(or has been?). These days with texting, e-mail etc the 'grapevine' is hyperactive. People can text there buddies an soon the word spreads.

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In responding to the original post

I browse a lot on my tablet and phone (like now) and i am useless at typing with it drives me crazy


I will go through the pain of responding if I can add value but dont to say nice report


I try to report when I can the 3 times I've fished this year I did reports but for those i usually borrow a laptop


I do appreciate all of the active posters. Many of the trip reports for resorts and fly jns have helped us immensely


But i am guilty of reading and in most cases not saying anything and I am probably showing as a guest 60% of the time



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If someone recognizes the background they already know that spot. It's probably already one of their faves.It's not going to be any more crowded the next day or the next week from folks lurking on a forum.


Agree and disagree. Yes they may know the area, but why give them a heads up. Guess that was what I meant to say before.

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If I posted online as an example "we caught 30 steelhead today on X river", it would be packed the next day and there goes your killer day fishing. How many times have the river fisherman seen that happen back when posts were plentiful (remember the beginning of the internet? LOL). Same goes for Southern ON lakes to a lesser extend. More boats at the launch the next day, less fish to catch. Especially weekends.

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