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OK, I'll open the can of worms, US Presidential Election thread

Old Ironmaker

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If we can keep it civil between us, no name calling, no calling each other out I think we can make our points and give opinions before Art locks the thread.


When Trump announced his candidacy I thought it was a publicity stunt, then when he won the GOP party nomination I cringed. When he pulled even with Clinton I started to really be concerned about our future. I will only say this (yea right) I personally think he is a threat to the human civilization. I can't fathom 50% of the voters in the United States of America think he would make viable President and leader of the free world. Within the GOP major leaders think he is a menace and security risk as well. More citizens of this world and more than the entire population of the US feel the same way.


If Donald Trump had a CEO of one of his own companies that said the things he does and acted the way that he is acting he would turn to him, point his finger and say "You're fired!". Simple as that.


I don't think Hilary Clinton fits the bill either. She has baggage that weighs on her and she seems to be as trustworthy as Trump is. If Pence was running for President and he had someone other than Trump running as Vice I might cast my vote for him. He seems to be the only class act in this whole charade. His support of Trump makes me suspect of his mental stability though. Now Pence hasn't been vetted the way those two have so I really don't know him as well. But as I said he seems to be the only person there that may have the right stuff. The problem in this election "may have the right stuff" isn't the confidence I want before I go into a voting booth. Not much of a choice for our friends in the USA.


Keep it civil please. Lets take the high road.

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I vote for the party and the direction that they have headed on different subjects in the past, but the waters on that have been muddied lately with attempts to get votes. Either way they are going to be a bunch of party faithful holding their noses and voting for their candidate. If the Republicans had come up with a less controversial candidate I believe they could have won handily over Hillary, Obama was bad enough , Hillary is more of the same and even worse with more baggage.

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With the information that is twisted by US news media and the spin second hand information that you have available you realize that this thread is doomed before it is even started. I (not being Canadian) have yet to comment on a Canadian political thread because of this fact. The other reason is no matter what my opinion or fact filled thoughts are I have no say in the outcome of Canadian politics much as you have no say in the outcome of the US political system. Keep the discussion fact filled and the first rock thrown at the US political system I will lock it. The owners have discussed the political thread guidelines and we do not feel this board needs to go in this direction it always goes wrong.



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I couldn't imagine being a yank and having to decide between the two. In my opinion, it's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. In one aspect of trump's behaviour, it makes him seem at least human as opposed to the usual robotic presidents and candidates. And for the Americans who want to see the government change, unfortunately for them, the only option is the Trump. Clinton will continue to run the country in the same corrupt manner. The change Trump would bring is very questionable as to how beneficial it would be to the country and its peoples.


Now, I'm going to take a very bold step here... I think I would rather see the Trump in office than Clinton... Just to see what will happen, what portion of his plans will be enacted. And all in all, Trump is pro 2nd amendment, so therefor... if he winds up being tyrannical or just insane, they have the right to overthrow him... and perhaps reshape their hilarious joke that is their "democratic" system.

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Alot of the people Ive talked to find appeal in Trump not because they like him, but because he isnt a career politition.


Hillaries scandals come up alot as well.


And some say they'll vote for trump just to keep hilary out of office.


In minnesota there are trump signs everywhere


Im sure opinions change and or vary from state to state.


Im guessing he has alot of support just because hes pro 2nd amendment

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Im guessing he has alot of support just because hes pro 2nd amendment


I'm guessing he has a lot of support because of all the media attacks and lies, Democratic lies and cheating and the fact his own party is against him.


I find it incredible that the media is so liberally biased and they refuse to actually report news (Leaked eamils, scandals etc) and report on important things like what someone said a decade ago.


There hasn't been a single word in any news media that the military have raised their alert status to DEFCON 3 from DEFCON 5.

I guess threat of nuclear war doesn't make for interesting news.



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Your link doesnt work for me


Don't know why.





radioactive_alert.png DEFCON WARNING SYSTEM



This is the DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 8 P.M., Thursday, October 13th, 2016. Condition code is Yellow. DEFCON 3.


Tensions between Russia and the United States have reached levels beyond the cold war in the recent week.


The situation between Russia and the United States is extremely fluid at the moment. In all likelihood as dynamic as at times during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Mainstream media has taken a very serious tone concerning the change from diplomatic to military options between NATO and Russia. CNN stated, “It's not a new Cold War. It's not even a deep chill. It's an outright conflict.†On October 10th Former Soviet Premier Gorbachev is quoted as saying, “I think the world has reached a dangerous point.â€â€¨â€¨There are signs of a potential growing large scale conflict in nearly every geopolitical hotspot including Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, and the Philippines. Syria is seen as one of the trigger points to the renewed tensions between the United States and Russia. The United States has also accused Russia of a cyberattack and meddling with the US Presidential Election. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest promised on Tuesday that the U.S. would deliver a “proportional†response to Russia’s alleged hacking of American computer systems. The US and Britain are also expected to weigh into Syrian military options on Friday. This could increase tensions between the two superpowers to a greater extent.


Moreover, Houthi rebels on the South Coast of Yemen fired one anti-ship missile at the U.S.S. Mason on Sunday, and another on Wednesday. The Pentagon responded by firing 5 TLAM missiles at radar stations inside Yemen. Around this same time, Iran dispatched a fleet of ships to the area. The U.S.S. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group has also been dispatched to the area.


At this time, the DEFCON Warning System feels that an increase to DEFCON 3 would be a prudent move. The situation is currently fluid with diplomatic ties strained and military threats coming from both sides. Russian media is reportedly telling its citizens to prepare for nuclear war. Russia has recently conducted civil defense drills and completed inspections of underground areas to house government officials and some civilians in the event of nuclear war. This is a very sensitive situation which has the potential to spiral out of control. It is recommended that all citizens learn the steps to be taken in the event of nuclear war. We will continue to bring updated information as we receive it.


The DEFCON Warning System is an analytical reporting organization which focuses on nuclear threats against the United States and offers an alert code to the public based on current events. It is not affiliated with any government agency and does not represent the alert status of any military branch. The public should make their own evaluations and not rely on the DEFCON Warning System for any strategic planning. At all times, citizens are urged to learn what steps to take in the event of a nuclear attack.


If this had been an actual attack, the DEFCON Warning System will give radiation readings for areas that are reported to it. Your readings will vary. Official news sources will have radiation readings for your area.


For immediate updates, go to http://www.defconwarningsystem.com. Breaking news and important information can be found on the DEFCON Warning System message board and on the DEFCON Twitter feed DEFCONWS. You may also subscribe to the YouTube channel DefconWarningSystem and the DEFCON Warning System mailing list. Note that Twitter and YouTube updates may be subject to delays. The next scheduled update is 6 P.M. Pacific Time, October 20th, 2016. Additional updates will be made as the situation warrants, with more frequent updates at higher alert levels.


This concludes this broadcast of the DEFCON Warning System.

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if I was in the US I could not vote for either. 2 terrible candidates in my opinion. Hard to believe that there isn't someone other than an egomaniac or a pathological liar to select from.


There are more than two choices. Gary Johnson seems to have the most support among third party candidates.

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I haven't been here for a few years but if you remember me you know I love to rant and with informed opinions. I research the financial and political scene for at least 3 hours per day. I first became intrigued about Obama when he made his keynote speech at a Democrat convention while still a State senator. I was shocked to see his audience of clapping seals screaming their approval as if it was at an Elvis concert but his speech was nothing less than a long list of meaningless cliches, slogans and buzzwords. It would have made a good Saturday Night Live skit ridiculing politicians. I was so intrigued that I have since purchased over 20 books on him. Likewise, I have 6 books on the Clintons. There are only two things you need to know about Hilary. Number one, withing 2 days of Slick Willy's first election she actually stated ..."WEEEEE are the President". That must be the first time in history that the spouse of an elected national leader is automatically included as a co-winner. Not being a shrink I'm not sure if that means she's a narcissist, a sociopath or a psychopath. I have read opinions of psychiatrists who conclude that she is at least one of the first two. Don't take my word on it, just do your own homework. Also, do your homework on "Chinagate". In a nutshell, The Clintons after receiving a huge contribution to their Clinton alleged foundation, immediately loosened the foreign trade rules that allowed the Chinese communists to get secret missile technology that they needed for their ICBMs which enabled them to more accurately target American cities. When an investigation began, suddenly Americans involved took the 5th and Chinese nationals involved immediately fled home to the People's republic to avoid arrest. Call me silly but I believe that used to be called high treason.


The law pertaining to Hilary's emails is very specific ...

United States Code: Title 18. Section 2071:

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record filed…in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(B) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.

Hilary was forced to admit that she deleted tens of thousands of emails the majority of which was government correspondence and we now know included top secret information. TheDemocrat government is so corrupt that even the head of the FBI said she should not be prosecuted because they didn't know her intent. The obvious escapes him. Anybody else would be in prison by now. At a very minimum, that law says that she could never hold ANY government office let alone the Presidency. I'll spare you the long list of Clinton crimes and incompetencies. Her admission to her deleting emails is all you need to exclude her from office.

Trump is the last of the Republican candidates that I would have chosen but he is the only one who has addressed the issue that has most concerned me going back literally decades and that's the huge trade deficit that is killing the country. It's now at 700 BILLION annually. The U.S. now has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. No wonder companies have fled the country in droves and continue to do so . At least Trump understands business while Hilary is a die hard redistributionist. Her track record is one of endless failures. When the country is at stake who cares about Trump's alleged womanizing. Those accusations are now falling apart. Compared to the rapes and assaults of sex-obsessed Bill Clinton and Hilary's defence of him while bad mouthing his victims all the while claiming to be a supporter of women. The decision becomes obvious. Sometimes you just have to hold your nose and vote and not worry about the predictable accusations of the left of predicting the world will fall apart and there will be a nuclear war next week if Trump is elected. Prince Justin is another rant.

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