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How would you call this one? (impaired charge)


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How did the guy drown in a floater suit???


I've heard they lose buoyancy over time, maybe it was past its service life?


Either the cops think he was driving before the accident, or they just decided to lay the charge and let the Crown decide whether to proceed.

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How did the guy drown in a floater suit???


I've heard they lose buoyancy over time, maybe it was past its service life?




Floater suits will keep you afloat but don't keep your face out of the water especially once you go unconscious from hypothermia. They definitely buy you some time but don't keep you alive in cold water forever.


The charge is over the top and the police should have used some comment sense and discretion. Not all situations are black and white and sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that require different actions by people and different reactions by law enforcement. This is in no way similar to someone who chooses to drink and drive simply because they can't be bothered to make other arrangements. Furthermore, his actions did not cause nor did it worsen the situation, in fact it would appear things would have turned out worse had he not done it. You cannot compare this to the Muzzo situation, it is not the same.

Edited by G.mech
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Guy is a hero regardless of the charge.....


The police who charged him are sending the message just let people die so you won't risk getting into trouble which is pretty disturbing. (Given the number of cops I have personally seen drink or get high then drive, just because they knew they could get away with it). Guy proves doing right isn't always going turn out right.


Once they started the process of charging him though only the crown and if that fails then lastly the courts can settle it. I hope he gets a judge with some common decency as there has not been any common sense in our justice system in years.

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I just read the article in my newspaper this morning and was very disturbed the man was charged. Any of us would have done the same thing and I think he is a hero for saving his friends. Unfortunately, one of them died, but the article did mention a floater suit can fill up with a water. That can't be good!!


I say drop the charges and give this man a medal for his bravery!!!!!!!

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Don't forget - Police get lied to all the time. For all they know - they were all drunk and that's what lead to the accident. Police are responsible for upholding the law not determining guilt or wishing in on extenuating circumstances.

I am hoping they are going to let the facts be shared pre-trial and that the prosecutor will then make the correct decision - to dismiss the charges.

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This is disturbing...


The article doesnt state how impaired he was?


Anyhow, I no doubt would have did the same.


And Id be bringing a dr to talk with my lawyer. If he wasnt very intoxicated, its very plausable that epinephrine rush would override any alcohol impairment in the moment.


Any judge with decency would drop the charge imo.


Also, whats impaired these days? Isnt it basically 2 drinks(est depending on other factors of course)

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Don't forget - Police get lied to all the time. For all they know - they were all drunk and that's what lead to the accident. Police are responsible for upholding the law not determining guilt or wishing in on extenuating circumstances.

I am hoping they are going to let the facts be shared pre-trial and that the prosecutor will then make the correct decision - to dismiss the charges.

I think you're right about the police not really making the call here. If he did blow over, they can't really just let him walk even if they wanted to. If the story is true as told I'm sure the Crown will take it into consideration.

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I think you're right about the police not really making the call here. If he did blow over, they can't really just let him walk even if they wanted to. If the story is true as told I'm sure the Crown will take it into consideration.


Agree the police should have smelled the other way at first but after that....


I am not 100% sure but believe once they took him in and he blew over the police can't drop the charge.... It is then up to the crown, and if they decide to proceed to court it then it is up to a judge.


After getting over being outraged by the charge.... On reflection it could just be that the cops knowing they couldn't do anything to Guy the next day without real PROOF he was intoxicated, they might have decided to see if he was legally impaired in case the story didn't happen EXACTLY the way it is written... Lots of liability issues could come up so it might have been just a CTA situation.


In any event he is a hero and obviously had enough wits about him to save 2 out of 3 people... I doubt many others drunk or stone cold sober would have had the courage, calm and know how to do what he did.

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A very tragic story. No Crown with any sense or compassion will proceed with the charges. It's like the guy driving 130KPH in an 80 to take his wife to the hospital when she goes into labour and the head of the baby is coming out. A Cop stopping them isn't going to write him a ticket.


It would be interesting to know what he did blow. The Brain is such an amazing thing. When something like this happens chemicals are pumped into the body and brain and an individual can sober up immediately. I've seen it happen a few times myself.


My deepest condolences to the family and friends of a fellow fisherman. It could have been anyone of us.

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A very tragic story. No Crown with any sense or compassion will proceed with the charges. It's like the guy driving 130KPH in an 80 to take his wife to the hospital when she goes into labour and the head of the baby is coming out. A Cop stopping them isn't going to write him a ticket.


It would be interesting to know what he did blow. The Brain is such an amazing thing. When something like this happens chemicals are pumped into the body and brain and an individual can sober up immediately. I've seen it happen a few times myself.


My deepest condolences to the family and friends of a fellow fisherman. It could have been anyone of us.

Thats why I mentioned epinephrine or norepinephrine/adrenaline it can sober you in an instant(from a performance perspective)


After thinking about this abit, I believe the crown will proceed with the charges.


Although I dont necessarily agree with it, was was indeed impaired while operating a vehicle.


I sincerely hope there is some wiggle room for this guy(if we have all the facts)


Funny OI you mention the wife/birth situation.


When our daughter was born a little over 5 years ago my wife went into labour while sleeping lol.


I packed up bags quick, woke her up and realizing how quick baby was coming I called 911 and told them where we were abd the make of our vehicle. It was a 37km trip to the hospital so we left fast and within a minute or two we had a police escort straight to the hospital.


Made it their in about 12 minutes lol.


Baby was born about 20 minutes later.


The police officer was very kind and said we did the right thing as an ambulance woulda taken twice as long.

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This story is in the Toronto Sun so I'm going to hold off excoriating the cops. Even though they're almost always siding with the police in difficult situations, they love a good story more and this has it in spades. I think there's more to the story than what we're reading.


A man is dead so I'm not going to comment on his what ifs etc..

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Thats why I mentioned epinephrine or norepinephrine/adrenaline it can sober you in an instant(from a performance perspective)


After thinking about this abit, I believe the crown will proceed with the charges.


Although I dont necessarily agree with it, was was indeed impaired while operating a vehicle.


I sincerely hope there is some wiggle room for this guy(if we have all the facts)


Funny OI you mention the wife/birth situation.


When our daughter was born a little over 5 years ago my wife went into labour while sleeping lol.


I packed up bags quick, woke her up and realizing how quick baby was coming I called 911 and told them where we were abd the make of our vehicle. It was a 37km trip to the hospital so we left fast and within a minute or two we had a police escort straight to the hospital.


Made it their in about 12 minutes lol.


Baby was born about 20 minutes later.


The police officer was very kind and said we did the right thing as an ambulance woulda taken twice as long.

I knew the names of the chemicals but can't spell them. That's your job kiddo. That's a situation driving your wife to the hospital you will never forget. I might have named the kid "Waytt".


As far as proceeding with the charges, we will have to wait and see. It's a tough call after thinking about it. You must NEVER drive while under the influence, unless?


That's why I always say we have a county of 45,000 citizens and the phone book has an entire page of Lawyers in the yellow pages. The lawyers are the only winners in this case.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Police just write the ticket it is the court system that is responsible for justice. I am happy with that what if the police could dispense justice and decided to target one race/creed/color of people ? The lack of facts will make this easily debated both ways so civilian driven justice is no good either.




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Police enforce the law as written. They are not there to interpret or pass judgement. That is the jurisdiction of the Crown and the courts. There have been similar occurences in the past. Man bleeding to death with his leg ripped wide open after a freak accident at a party. Drunken friend rushed him to the hospital. Got charged with impaired at the Emerg. Charges were quickly dismissed by the Crown.


Last thing we need is for police to become judge, prosecutor, and jury.

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Police enforce the law as written. They are not there to interpret or pass judgement. That is the jurisdiction of the Crown and the courts. There have been similar occurences in the past. Man bleeding to death with his leg ripped wide open after a freak accident at a party. Drunken friend rushed him to the hospital. Got charged with impaired at the Emerg. Charges were quickly dismissed by the Crown.


Last thing we need is for police to become judge, prosecutor, and jury.



yes that is their job, however, they are allowed to distribute tickets and charges at their own discretion, otherwise people would never get away with a warning for a speeding ticket.

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